Friday, December 17, 2010

Book Review: Red Ink by Kathi Macias

A story of utmost persecution and the power of prayer, RED INK is a novel filled with impact and a book that I believe will touch many lives.
On a story standpoint, this novel breaks many rules fiction wise. There is very little dialogue, the story is mainly told through character introspection and some of the inner thoughts can sound clichéd, but there is something about the voice of this novel that makes all those things unnoticeable. The strength of the writing and the characters while facing their circumstances makes this a unique story. I was drawn into the midst of the book and couldn’t put it down. I think what gives this book such a strong standing are the many characters. Each one has their own story, but they are intersecting to mesh into a story that moved me.
I don’t think we as Christians think or pray enough for the people around the world being persecuted. And this book spoke to my heart about that. I would not call this agenda fiction. It took great characters and told a great story. I do believe with the power of faith that is displayed in this book it should be read by every Christian. A great novel with an even greater message.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Pump Up Your Book Promotion for my copy to review.

If you would like to know more or purchase a copy of yourself of Red Ink, click HERE


  1. Hi, Casey! Thanks for the review. I've heard others say they reacted strongly to this book also. Have you ever read Daughter of China or Safely Home? Those two books helped open my eyes to what Christians in other parts of the world suffer for the sake of the Name. Sounds like this would have a similar affect . . . Blessings!

  2. Thank you for the wonderful review of Kathi's latest. I'm glad you found it so moving. Red Ink was recently selected as the ACFW book club selection for April 2011.

    Renee Ann, I hope you have a chance to read this book, as it is very powerful.

    Thanks again for taking the time to read Kathi's book.

    Wishing you and your readers a blessed Christmas.


  3. Thank you so much for the gracious review of Red Ink. May you and your readers/followers have a very blessed Christmas!

  4. @Renee Ann, I hadn't heard of those books, thanks for pointing them out to me!

    @Cheryl, thank you for putting this book before me.:) I did see that result! Woo-hoo Kathi! :)

    @Kathi, thanks for stopping by! I have enjoyed the two books I have read in this series. Happy for you and the bookclub decision!

    Thanks everyone, have a great Friday. :)

  5. I Loved this book. It was so eye opening and so filled with God's presence! Highly recommend it.


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