Friday, December 17, 2010

What I Read This Week And General Winter Break Merriment!!!

My winter break officially starts TOMORROW!! It could start today, but cleaning the house, maybe working on a bit of writing (probably not though, after thinking through my day) and possibly preparing for a herculean snowstorm said to dump 8" on us, I can't wait to hit the two weeks of bliss. I.e.: books, scrapbooking, possibly beading, books, plotting my next WIP and more BOOKS! So I hope the ones I have been waiting on will make it through that snowstorm and to my fireside.

What are your winter plans?

What I read this week:

And they are:

Beside Still Waters by Tricia Goyer
Love Finds You in Bethlehem, New Hampshire by Lauralee Bliss
The Bridge of Peace by Cindy Woodsmall

Definately the later was the best of the three, but Lauralee's book was a pleasant, warm read. A favorite in the LFY collection for sure for me.

And don't forget to tally your Christian fiction reads for the year. Let's try and read 2,010 books in 2010! We need just a couple hundred more, so every little bit helps!

Amber over at Seasons of Humilty is holding a very unique reading contest and I hope you will join in with me on this challenge. You know all those books on your shelves that thrilled you at one point, but you haven't gotten back to since? For me, my excuse is not having the time. Not next year! Amber encourages you to join in on the challenge to read those books on your shelf. With 4 different levels to jump in at, I hope you will go over and check it out. I have decided to read 20 books from my shelf in 2011 and it has gotten me so excited to revisit the worlds of some of my favorites books like, A Passion Most Pure, Making Waves, Nothing But Trouble, When the Heart Cries, The Covenant and The Frontiersman's Daughter to name just a few.

Author Sandra Robbins is visiting Operation Encourage an Author this week

I have spent the last two days scheduling book giveaways for 2011 and I am excited to bring it all to you in the new year. There are going to be some great ones!

I'm getting my best of 2010 list ready, and will probably reveal it in the next couple of weeks. What's on your list?

Have a GREAT Friday and I'll be back tomorrow with a winner for Margaret Daley's Christmas Bodyguard.  :-)


  1. Casey,

    Thank you so much for posting about my reading challenge! :D I'm so glad you're joining me--I think it will be a lot of fun. :)

    So excited for winter break!!! Right now I'm stuck in the San Francisco Airport...but hopefully we'll be leaving soon! I cannot wait to get home!!!

    Talk to you soon! :)


  2. I read 4 books this week.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. @Amber, hope you make it home safe and sound! Though I think I just saw a blog post go up on your blog, so I think you probably did. :) And you are welcome, I am very excited to join in on this challenge!

    @Beth, thanks so much!! Love adding to that total. I appreciate you being so faithful to stop by every week. :)

  4. Yay! Happy Christmas Break! My kids are out of school for three weeks, so that means no subbing for me! Plus, lots of time to spend with the kiddos and my hubby! I'll be reading, baking, and maybe even start crocheting another doily. I haven't done that since the beginning of the year.

    I pray that you all will have a very Merry Christmas, and the happiest of New Years! God bless you!


  5. Casey,

    Yes, I eventually made it home safe and sound. ;) The blog post was actually a scheduled one, though! :)

    Here's what I wrote about my trip home in response to Kav's comment on her blog:

    "I'm home now!!! :D

    I got home around 3:30 Saturday morning...

    Long story short--

    Plane from Portland to San Francisco: delayed.

    Plane from San Francisco to Eureka (my destination): delayed continuously, then finally canceled.

    All flights to Eureka Friday night: canceled.

    Told that all flights on Saturday for me would be stand-by.


    I carpooled with some other people renting a car, and made it home at 3:30 in the morning.

    Sorry that wasn't really the short story! ;) I might have to make this into a blog post, I don't know, because God orchestrated so much and kept me safe all the way home, and I am so, so thankful!"

    Anyway, it truly was amazing, and as horrible as it was standing in a huge customer service line, being in such a crowded airport for hours, not getting my checked-in bag until tonight(which showed up pretty soaked from the rain), it could have been so much worse. I could have had to stay in San Francisco overnight (and I just know I would cry if I had to stay there any longer...I held the tears in check until I fell into my daddy's arms at home!).

    In any case, God protected me, and I met some really nice people. :) And I am home!!!


  6. @Michelle, thanks! I just love my two weeks off. :D And a happy new year to you as well!

    @Amber, on my goodness! What a story. I'm glad you are home for sure now safe and sound. I've only flown once by myself, so I can't imagine that kind of confusion and worry about what to do. Sounds like you handled it very well though. :) Did the package make it there? Thanks for letting me know!! :D


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)