Thursday, December 30, 2010

My 2010 Top Ten Best Reads

My goodness this is going to be hard. I have decided to confine my list to titles released in 2010. If I didn't do this I would have a top TWENTY list and I want to keep it to ten if at all possible. :-) Though I might have to resort to 11 like Joy did.

If I included fiction from before 2010 my list would be sure to include such great works as: The Familiar Stranger, A Passion Most Pure, A Passion Redeemed, A Passion Denied, Fools Rush In, The Frontiersman's Daughter, A Bartered Bride, A Tailor Made Bride and so many more!! The list would be near endless.

But here is 2010 list only! :-)

2010 Best Books (according to Casey)
(these are in order of how I much I loved them, though the difference between 10 and 1 is a mere breath)

#10: Head in the Clouds by Karen Witemeyer

#9: Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania by Cerella Sechrist

#8: Disaster Status by Candace Calvert

#7: Dining with Joy by Rachel Hauck

#6: She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell

#5: Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz

#4: Making Waves by Lorna Seilstad

#3: A Hope Undaunted by Julie Lessman

#2: Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander

#1: Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes

This was so much harder than I would have determined and I went over the list countless times. But here it is!! Did you get the chance to read any of these fabulous books this year? Do tell!


  1. Great list! Looking forward to the books 2011 will bring! :) Courting Morrow Little and She Walks in Beauty made my 2010 retrospective as well.

  2. Great list, Casey! I had to see what you would pick and of course you had great choices as I knew you would. I'm going to try to put mine in order, but arghhh...I don't know if I can. :)

    I love the cover of Crossing Oceans, too. For some reason I never looked closely to see the little girl in yellow.

  3. I've read all of these except Crossing Oceans and agree that they are all most excellent! I loved Cerella's book and hope she comes out with another one really soon!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. I've only read two of these. Shame on me, huh? I just don't have your fast reading capabilities, or the time! :) I hope to read more this next year.

  5. @Ruth, weren't those good?? LOVE Siri and Julie!

    @Julia, this was so hard. I couldn't believe it. I thought I had my list and then would like and see more. It wasn't easy, which means I was doubly blessed, I guess. :)

    @Renee, I know! I want another Cerella book too. :)

    @Sherrinda, GOOD FOR YOU! They are great books and next year I am definately slowing down on my reading. 222 book is just too many for one year. :)

  6. CASE!!! Thank you SOOO much for putting AHU on the list, sweetie -- that blesses my socks off, not only because it's WAY cool, but because when it comes to bloggers, you are on my top-ten list too and most definitely on my list of favorite friends on the Net!!

    I read most of your selections and am in total agreement and am definitely putting "Crossing Oceans" on my list TBR!!

    Here's to blessings galore in 2011 for one and all!!


  7. It is beyond my pleasure Julie, because it was simply a great book! And I just realized recently, that I met you this year AND read all your books this year. I have been so blessed, how many readers can say that?? Thank you for your kind words, I think so very highly of you! And YES Crossing Oceans definately needs to be on your TBR list, make sure you have a hanky handy!!

  8. Casey, What can I say!? The Lord is so good to have brought us together through our love of good books! I'm so blessed to have you for a reader...immensely so. Wish I could clone you:) Don't laugh but I thought I had left a comment earlier. In my excitement I probably forgot to push the right button so you might have 2 comments from me by and by...

  9. Yes, I completely agree Laura! I realized the other day that I met both you and Julie this year AND read all of your books in one year. What a gift I have been given to know you both!!

  10. Casey,

    I'm so honored that Love Finds You in Hershey made this list! (And thanks Renee for seconding it! *G*) You both are such wonderful, supportive readers. Lots of Hershey's kisses to you! :) Happy New Year!


  11. This is a fabulous list! I also think you did a great job adding the covers. I might steal that idea for my overall top 10 list. :o) I posted my historical fiction list already. I cheated by having two lists. lol There is some overlap though.

    I read most of these books and agree they are worthy of making anyone's top 10. This was a really great year for fiction, wasn't it?

  12. @Cerella, I knew I couldn't make a list and NOT include it! Thanks for coming by! I can't wait for the next release with your name on it. :)

    @Lee, LOL, that is the way to do it! And YES it was a FABULOUS year for fiction and 2011 is looking even better! :)

  13. I put my list on my blog
    and for the total for the year can you add 8 more books for me.

    i made 103 for the year this was 37 about my goal.
    Do you know anyone doing a challange next year besides the one you mentioned about re reading books.

  14. We just picked Crossing Oceans for January's Christian Fiction Book Club, so I can't wait to read it.

    We definitely have some overlap on our best of 2010 lists. Great picks. :)

  15. @AusJenny, thanks! It has been a great year for good books. I have added your total, congrats on making your goal!! I am not sure about reading challenges. I'm not doing any except for the contentment one this year. But you might want to check out I Am a Reader, Not a Writer blog. She might have something... or know of something. (the link is in my profile)

    @Joy, ooooh, I might have to jump in on that discussion and yes there was a lot of overlapping on the lists I saw! :)

  16. Several of these I haven't heard of, so I added them to my to-read list. I bought Tamera Alexander's series for my mom and am just waiting for her to read them before I borrow them and Head in the Clouds by Karen Witemeyer is on request from the library, although I was tempted to just buy it since I love her prior novel.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)