Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year In Review: 2010

2010 was really on the whole a great year for me and I hope you have had one as well. So many things have been running through my mind about what happened this year, I had to share with you.

I just wasn't content was I? I had to go and start two other blogs. :-) But seriously Operation Encourage an Author and The Writer's Alley have been tremendous blessings to me.

Since the start of OEA in February, I have seen where God's hand has been guiding me. To be able to be His hands and feet in this issue has been one of the greatest experiences. And after reading a very convicting book (grin), Start Here, I realized where I had strayed on OEA and worrying about comment numbers and the like, when I should be concerned about the heart of the issue. But that is another post for another time...

I have been blessed to know 10 very wonderful and very talented ladies at The Writer's Alley. Why they put up with me I will never know, but they do and for that I am eternally grateful. :-)

I took over a beading business. Crazy, yes, fun, yes, an outlet for creativity, yes! And I am loving it. Only God knows what He is doing when I think I am just going crazy. Think I need to TRUST here? Yeah. I do.

Met several names of the Christian fiction industry. One a Christy Award winning author and another that has 500,000 books in print!

Celebrated a YEAR of blogging in November!! Wow, that went by fast! I can hardly believe it, but the party was fantastic and I loved sharing it with you. This blogging experience has been absolutely fantastic and I can't thank you all enough!

I went crazy and said I was going to read 100 books in 2010. I read 222. Yeah. So much for that goal. Of which I don't ever plan to make again. I definitely plan to be more picky in my book choices next year. Like actually putting the book down if I don't like the book and focus more on my chosen genre of Women's fiction. I don't regret reading 222 books, I just don't think I will do that again in a year. :-)

As a whole we read over 1800 Christian fiction books in 2010! Just a bit shy of our goal, but hey, that is a lot of books!!

I joined Facebook. Insane I know. But well, I'm still glad I did and I have enjoyed this new adventure. :-)

I received one of my first worsts scores in the history of writing (okay, maybe not that dramatic) with a zero out of a possible ten and learned that wow, there actually is a community of wonderful people who have all been there and know right what I am going through. I don't regret that score, God taught me through it and I think a great deal of that was- sigh- due to my pride. Not an easy thing to swallow. But the spoonful of sugar was the outpouring of love you all blessed me with. I better quit not...

I met my critique partner of which I prayed for months to find, in lovely and wonderful Julia Reffner. You mean so much to me Julia! I have loved working with you and look forward to many more manuscript critiqueings.

Along with the fantastic blogging community I was introduced to, I also met two of the dearest ladies I think that walk this planet. I took a deep breath and dived in and bought A Passion Most Pure. I have never been the same since. I have met Julie Lessman, grown to love her dearly and have been blessed because of the outpouring of love and the godly example she sets everywhere she goes.

Through Julie I was also introduced to lovely Laura Frantz, a great inspiration to me and Laura you will NEVER know what your prayers did (and do!) for me in my writing. It has kept me going more than once with "Laura is praying, I better keep on writing!". Bless you, dear friend.

To my blog followers, the authors I have hosted here and the people whose lives that have touched mine, I am forever indebted. You all have played a part in God's kingdom and I am thrilled to be working shoulder to shoulder with you in this marathon called life.

I leave you today on this last day of 2010 with great wishes for the new year, that God's light and love will shine ever more brightly upon you and the dreams you are pursuing will never dim, but grow brighter under the strength of God's guidance.

Five sites I discovered in 2010- I haven't been the same since:


  1. WOW, Case, what a year!!!! And I cannot tell you HOW happy I am to have been a part of it because, honey, YOU are definitely one of the highlights of mine!! You have been a blessing from the get-go, and I am SO grateful to God for introducing us.

    Here's to a new year overflowing with God's blessings for you and all of your readers!!


  2. Casey,

    You have had a wonderful year!! So thrilled to have been a part of it and glad that God brought us together! You are an awesome critique partner, a good writer and a godly lady! Can't wait to give you that hug in person, my friend!

    I pray many blessings for you in 2011, as you have given all of us here!

  3. I stand in awe of you, Casey! You are so incredibly gifted and so on top of things...I am blown away by all that you do! I love seeing how God uses you! You bring a smile to His face!

  4. @Julie, what you just said? Right back at you. Because you, as you know, in fiction and life have been a blessing from the get go. Have a wonderful time on your cruise!!

    @Julia, the same to you! I couldn't have asked for a more tailered critique partner in you. God knew what He was doing and you always manage to keep me on track. Appreciate you, dear friend! Until that real hug- many hugs through the net. :)

    @Sherrinda, don't stand in awe. I'm just a young woman enjoying life where God directs me. I so love knowing you and having you in my life! You make each day on the Alley a joy! Though I've missed your evil laugh... :)


  5. AWESOME!! God is so good to have brought us all together!! I thank Him every day for that. I'd prayed for writing contacts a couple of years ago, never dreaming how he'd answer them through specific people like you and Julie and others. Too many to mention, actually. Your blog(s) are such a blessing. To overuse a certain sentiment, I really do light up like a Christmas tree when I see you on the web:)!! God has wonderful things in store for you and your writing. Prayers with you all the way!!

  6. Oh Laura, you gave me chills! Thank you doesn't seem good enough for your kind words. They mean so much me, more than I can ever say. And SOMEDAY I WILL give you the squeeze of your life. :) Hugs for you all the way- oh and that lighting up- I do it too when I see you out and about. The web isn't the same without you. :)

  7. All of you are awesome and and I love reading your posts. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  8. Happy New Year Casey! I hope 2011 is just as awesome. :)

  9. @Rbooth, thank you! Have a wonderful new year as well. :D

    @Joy, and the same to you!! :)

  10. Happy New Year, Casey! I am so honored that you would include my name/blog on that last list! Thank you, dear friend! It was a blessing finding your blog (and your friendship!), as well. :)



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)