Friday, March 4, 2011

Welcome to Friday!!

The Next Cold Call Author is....

Ruth Logan Herne!!!

Ruth won the vote this week, so be sure and leave a comment with your question for her! Remember, anything goes (within reason) and keep it pretty short since this is a "cold call". The interview will be posted on the last Friday of the month, the 25th.

Oh My Stars!!

*in honor of Ruthy *grin*

I have been everywhere this week! (well not everywhere, but you know what I mean)

Not too busy to wish for Spring though!!
I was given the chance to have my review of The Meeting Place by T. Davis Bunn and Janette Oke on Davis's blog. You can check it out here. Pretty exciting that!

Dear writing friend and fellow Alley Cat, Pepper Basham posted my "Love at First Thought" writing moments this week and you can find that on her blog here

AND I posted on the Alley this week too. You can find out about my experiences in the Frasier here.

Have You Pushed 'Send' Yet??

Rachelle Gardner had a great post on this the other day on her blog. I've been busy getting my Frasier entry ready for the end of the month, but decided to forgo the Genesis contest this year. But about all of you? Mary had a great post on the Alley this week about facing your fears and just SENDING it!

Maybe it's not a contest, maybe it's an agent proposal or full to your editor. Share! Let's encourage and support while slathering a good bit of praise.

Book Swap!!

Amber over at Seasons of Humility is hosting a book swap over at her blog today! (3/4/11). This is in conjuction with her Contentment Reading Challenge...which speaking of which I have read 5 books towards my goal of 20. So fun!! Be sure and join in, I have a stack of books I'm willing to send out!

Free Download!!

One of my ultimate favorite books by powerhouse author, Siri Mitchell, and made my best of 2010 fiction list is FREE for Kindle download! She Walks in Beauty is an AMAZING story and you don't need a Kindle to get it, download it to your computer. I have the app and really love it. Don't wait, this book won't be free for long!! (You Nook users should be able to get it too. :-)


And the winner of Love Finds You in Tombstone, Arizona by Miralee Ferrell is...



Congratulations!! You've got an email waiting from me in your inbox!

Busy Month...

I'm taking an online class right now from Margie Lawson, Empowering Character Emotions and LOVING it! I've learned so much already and have only read one lecture. If you are a writer and want to grow in your craft, you need to seriously check out Margie. You will be amazed!

But this also means, I don't have the blogging time (and my writing time has been skinnied), so my post is a bit shorter than normal, so thanks for understanding!

Have a Great Friday Everyone!!!

Don't Forget Your "Cold Call" Questions for Ruthy!!


  1. YAY :D So happy Ruth got the Cold Call! I just read Winter's End and LOVED it!! From the romance to the comedy to the depth and heart of the plot I was just blown away! I can't wait to get my hands on her other books, too!

    Hmmm... a question for her...

    "Out of all your heroines who would you say most reflects you?"

    Oh, I have another if thats okay? I just have to ask since the hero from Winter's End was one of my favorites! :)

    "If Winter's End was a movie who would you like to see play Marc and Kayla?"

    Since I just found Ruth I don't know that much about her so I'm really excited about this one! And thank you so much for the heads-up on She Walks in Beauty! :)


  2. GREAT questions Amanda! I'm looking forward to Ruth's answers and YES be sure and get Siri's book, I think you will really like it. :)

  3. Love, love, love Margie Lawson! I took the ECE class last year. It's lots of work but what a great resource she is!

    Question for Ruthie...

    Hot, medium or mild? And that would be chicken wings, not romance. :P

  4. ECE is the class I am taking Joy! :) And what a good question for Ruthy, though I think you should ask about the romance. ;)

  5. Ruthie,

    OK, we always complain about the weather...but what are your favorite parts of living in NY? Aside from those mystery men of Allegheny County, of course, ROFL.

  6. There seems to be something interesting about these mysterious men of Allegheny County. Makes me curious. Hopefully Ruth's interview will clear it up. :)

  7. Casey,

    I downloaded She Walks in Beauty and read it over the weekend, and I have to agree - it was GREAT!! I enjoyed every minute in that book! :-)

    ~ Katy


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)