Friday, April 8, 2011

Purity of Heart Series Conclusion...But by No Means the End

We have taken a stand for purity. Some of us have been on the path longer, some of us have taken this step after years of walking out of tandem with Christ.
But somewhere along the line, we have decided we are going to remain pure before marriage. And not just a bodily purity, but a purity that encompasses the heart, the mind, the soul, driving deep into our marrow and taking deep and lasting roots.
Many of us are still waiting. See a show of hands? Yeah, I don’t think we need to. And the truth is, we’re going to be waiting until Christ comes back. Because true love, true passion while we can have a glimpse of it on earth in a godly marriage, we will not know the full meaning and power of it until we are taken as Christ’s bride in Heaven.
As humans we are starved for love. Love from parents, an intimate love with a spouse and a love from God. And so often God’s love falls last on our priority list. We need to make it first. Because let’s face it, we can NOT take this journey of purity without Christ. We will not be truly convicted and stand strong on His principles when the winds of the world blow our way, unless we are firmly anchored in HIS love.
I recently ran into a circumstance where I was confronted (again) with the fact that I have no prospects around me and I must simply wait (yeah, editor strike the “simple” part) until God brings that man into my life. But it is so HARD to wait. One more day without knowing when the future will arrive on my doorstep.
I struggled. Plain and simple. Not in giving up my morals, but will it EVER happen to me?!?!? I couldn’t keep shoving forward on my own and I gave it over to Christ.
Girls (and guys), you HAVE to give it to God. Every time I think of every “romantic” (and I use that term very loosely) disappointment, I give it to Christ. Every time I get in a “hopeless romantic” stage that just pulls at me to only dream- I give it to Jesus. HE knows what I need. HE knows the right time. HE knows how much more I have to grow. And when I give it back to HIM, I in turn am given such peace. The peace to wait (and wait) for as long as it takes.
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
TAKE HEART in that promise. TAKE HEART in knowing that if you stand firm on your purity, body, heart, mind and soul, you will look back on this with NO REGRETS.
You are setting an example by your stand and your life for Christ.
I would like to publically thank my guests this week: Joel and Debbie Penfold, Cara Putman and Julie Lessman. We have been moved and motivated, so THANK YOU!
And multiple thanks to Julie for offering FOUR copies of her books this week. PLEASE take a moment and if you won (or even if you didn’t) email Julie (gsus AT charter DOT net) and thank her for her extreme generosity.  
Those four winners are:

Renee (SteelerGirl83)
Ann Lee Miller
Andrea Strong
Julia M. Reffner

And the fifth winner (this book will not come from Julie)

Faye Rhys

Friday's Note
The winner of Kelly Long's Lilly's Wedding Quilt is...
She has been emailed, thanks everyone for entering!!


  1. CASE ... beautifully said, and incredible week, my friend!! Thank yo for allowing me to be a part of it and SUPER CONGRATS to all the winners!!


  2. Casey,

    It is clear you have a gift for writing! That passage was beautiful and I know, with absolute certainty, the right man will come along for you. Someone special deserves someone equally as special!

    In the meantime, live in joy. Have fun, follow your passion. All good things will come to you.


  3. Wonderful post, Casey! You have uplifted and encouraged me this week. Thank you!

    To all the ladies you interview - thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!

    ~ Katy

  4. Lovely conclusion to the week! Thanks for all the great posts and interviews. Congrats to the winner

  5. JULIE, no thank you!! It has been a wonderful week and I couldn't be more thrilled with what God did with it all. :)

    SUSAN, awe thanks! That means a lot to me. I certainly will! God just keeps on providing, I have no doubt He will in THIS too. :)

    KATY, I am so glad to hear that! That's what I was hoping and praying for this week. :)

    SARA, I'm glad you could come by!! Have a wonderful Friday!

  6. Casey~ Thanks for a great week! And the opportunity to win! Yay!

    Julie~ What a generous lady you are! Thanks so much for providing prizes.

  7. Thanks Casey, for this beautiful series on purity. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the love stories by your featured guests. Purity is so important, especially in today's world. So many of my friends have disregarded their parent's advice and have experienced the pain of not waiting. Your blog shared a beautiful message, that so many people need to hear. Purity does matter. It does. Thank you so much for boldly speaking on this topic.

  8. ANDREA, I'm so glad you won!! I think you are really going to love APMP. :)

    FAYE, I am thrilled you came by and were encouraged this week! It is a topic I am very passionate about and I love telling others about it. Keep fighting the good fight, you are on the right path. :)

  9. Great series this week Casey. I'll be praying that God continues to give you peace and contentment as you wait for His perfect timing.

  10. Casey,

    Today's post is beautiful. Your heart is lovely. I so want to put you in a book! Wishing you and all your like-minded brothers and sisters God's best gift.

    Ann Lee Miller

  11. JOY, thank you, I sure appreciate the prayers and support. :)

    ANN LEE, oh, thank you! I appreciate you stopping by to read it today. :)

  12. What a great "end" to this series, Casey! Thank you so much for posting! I really enjoyed it and it has encouraged me more than you know.

    Congrats to all the winners and thanks to all the guest bloggers and especially Mrs. Lessman for providing the prizes!

    God bless you all!


  13. As the others have already said, this is a beautiful post, Casey. The man that God has waiting for you is a blessed man, indeed. <3

    Thank you for the wonderful series!

    Sweet Blessings,

  14. TAHIRI, I am so glad! I think I just might know, because I am in the exact same position and it isn't a stand that is all roses and no struggles. It's hard and I hope it has inspired you to keep pressing on the right way!

    MICHELLE,oh thank you! I sure appreciate that! I've loved doing this series too and am so glad with what God did with it. ♥


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)