Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Editing the Story of Our Lives

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Courtesy of Flickr
When I started writing I never would have thought I would have taken this journey so far. I began writing in junior high school for a homework assignment and then wrote my first novel (a historical) in high school.
Having written close to 300,000 words I realize the more I write, the more I realize I DON’T KNOW. True I don’t feel like I’m sliding three steps forward to race two steps back so much anymore, but it reminds me just how much writing parallels the Christian life.
No matter how many edits we put our fiction through, no matter how many times we read and re-read the work before it goes to an editor, then the copy editor and finally the printer there is going to be something somewhere we will not like.
Many authors don’t even like to read their work after it’s published because they will find a mistake.
How often do we avoid looking inward because we don’t want to know what is wrong? It’s true we will never reach perfection, we live in a sin cursed world and there will always be something tempting us, hurting, affecting our Christian walk.
What would happen if we spent more time avoiding what was wrong and decided to really dig into the problem? When I know something is wrong with my fiction I take a class or read a writing book to know how I can fix it.
Maybe when we have a problem within us we should start consulting the ultimate How-To book on life, the Bible.
It’s hard work to edit the problems out of our lives, but we aren’t asked to do it alone. We have God right there with us, guiding and directing us every step of the way. We just have to be WILLING to let Him instruct us, no matter how difficult it may seem.


  1. Love this analogy! Blessings, Casey!

  2. Oh, I love this post, Casey. I haven't spent as much time as I should in the word lately...and you're so right it is the ultimate God-spoken guidebook.

  3. RENEE ANN, thanks! And the same to you on this Wednesday. :)

    JULIA, I'm so glad you got to stop by today. I wrote this post several weeks ago, so to go over it again was good for me too. :) Hope the writing is going well today!!

  4. Great post! It's so good to go into things with your eyes wide open, even if it hurts a little.

  5. Casey,

    This was an absolutely beautiful and poignant post! Well said! :)


  6. Hello Cerella! Thank you! It's a pleasure to see you here and I'm so glad you liked the post!


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