Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In My Mailbox and On My Wishlist...

I don't have these posts that often, but I am SO excited about this book I had to share that it has finally "landed" in my mailbox! Only been waiting for months... ;-))

YAY! Know what I'm doing this weekend...or hopefully sooner. Darn review books... ;-)

And on my wishlist...

I fell in love this book from the moment I saw the video trailer. It's a complete change from the book soon to be hitting my nightstand (wink), but I do love these gritty, true-to-life stories. I've heard Mary Demuth is really good and I hope to someday give her a try.

Do tell..what is your mailbox and on the wishlist today?


  1. Well I didn't get anything in my mailbox this week but I did download Wolfsbane to my Kindle and let me tell you girl it is CRAZY good! I know I've said this of other books but it quite possibly could be my favorite book of the year LOL! I stayed up till 2am and read way more than I was planning to. I'm supposed to be getting A Great Catch so hopefully it comes soon. I love the cover, it's so adorable!

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. I just got A Great Catch yesterday, too!!! :D I also got When All My Dreams Come True, which I won no Kav's blog.

    And when I came home from college on Friday, there were several packages waiting for me (one from dear sweet Renee who left a comment before me, LOL!), and these were the books in those packages:

    --My Foolish Heart
    --Mine is the Night
    --The Deepest Waters
    --A Heart Divided (Oh my goodness!! Loved this book!! And yes, I already finished it. ;))

    And sometime this week I'm supposed to be getting Undercurrent by Michelle Griep...and I cannot wait!!

    I love summer reading time. ;)

    Happy reading!


  3. RENEE, Oooh, can't wait to have the chance to read it! Sounds like Ronie just keeps getting better and better. :) Oh yes, this cover is even more fun in person!

    AMBER, long time no see! LOL! Oh my goodness, LOVED My Foolish Heart! I think it is the best by Susan YET and I've read some awesome books by her. Love, love, loved it!!! I know, love the summer reading, now can't wait for Laura's book to get here. :)

  4. Casey,

    I know, and I'm so sorry I haven't been leaving more comments! I've just been sneaking around in the background, I guess. ;) I was just thinking about how I've been getting less comments lately, but honestly, how can I complain when I'm not even around much anymore? LOL

    Anyway, so glad to hear you loved My Foolish Heart!! Sounds awesome! And I can't wait for Laura's book either! :D


  5. Lorna's new book sounds great! And I didn't know that Mary had a new book coming out, so I added that one to my list. I have two of her other books on my shelf (A Slow Burn and Daisy Chain).

    Hope you ladies have a great day! I need to get off of this computer and go do some reading (stop collecting books and start reading more of them, lol!!!)

  6. Nothing in my mailbox yet, but I'm expecting some anyday now! Really excited. Hope they don't all come at once, or all be frantically trying to read 3-4 books at once!
    You're right that trailer is good. It really does it's job, now I want to read it too!

  7. AMBER, hey you have a really good excuse being in school. :) I've been going through one of those "slumps" too. I think it's probably just a spurt thing.

    MICHELLE,I'm glad to know you've liked Mary's books. I really want to read this one! I guess it is available for pre-order

    FAYE,I know how that goes! I'm off to check the mailbox now. :)

  8. I have A Great Catch on my wish list..been there a while. I love the cover.

    Now after having watched the book trailer for The Muir House that is also now on my ever growing wish list. :)

  9. I just received Deep Trouble today in my mailbox! It's really for my daughter as a late birthday gift but I know she'll share with me. We both really enjoyed Cowboy Christmas and the Sophie's Daughter's series. I've become a big fan of Mary Connealy's books. I love her humor.

  10. Well, it hasn't arrived yet {one more week :(} but I'll be getting Praying for Your Future Husband to review and I've a ton of stuff on my wishlist! Always do. ;) Let's see, my wishlist includes:

    When the Heavens Fall by Gilbert Morris

    Journey to Riverbend by Henry McLaughlin

    Look to the East by Maureen Lang

    and Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs.

  11. I have both of those books on order as well as the Kathleen Morgan and Lynette Eason ones. I got book money for Mother's Day :).

    Yes, Mary is completely different from Lorna, but I have a feeling you'll enjoy her :) I've been listening to her Writer's Book Camp from 2009 Mount Hermon and wow, its some good stuff.

    Yay, summer's almost here, more writing and reading time. I find the more I read really good books the more I want to write.

  12. ANGIE, the cover is fantastic and so the story- I started it last night. :) I know, I really want to read Mary's latest book

    PAM K. Mary C's humor is great, love it! I've heard her latest is just as good as the others.

    ELAINE, ooo LOVED Praying for Your Future Husband! So good, you will be blessed! I know, isn't the wishlist ever growing?? :)

    JULIA, fun for you!! :) You will have to let me know how Mary's book is. I think she would be a great on to learn from as far as mimicing the genre. She writes Women's fiction, doesn't she?

    Have a great Wednesday all!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)