Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Praying for Your Future Husband by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer- Review and Discussion

I’m not married. And I pray for my future husband. Thus my reasoning behind reviewing “Praying for Your Future Husband.”

I knew from the title, what I THOUGHT I was going to get, but I was completely taken by surprise once I started reading and by the time I was done, I was thoroughly blessed.

There are 13 chapters, each one detailing qualities we as young women should keep in mind as we pray for our future husbands. Robin and Tricia each made the chapters personal by adding their experiences. The book just doesn’t lay out how we should pray for our young men, but how we should pray for ourselves. This was huge for me as I know I need to grow so much more.

I often grow impatient in my waiting. thinking the moment will never come. But I have recently been giving so much back to God and letting HIM decide the right time. I reside in peace in that decision and this book helped solidify that decision.

Filled with scripture, stories to encourage us to “stick with it”, prayers and discussion guides that would work great for small or large groups, I believe every young woman needs to read this book. You won’t know until you get there, what your prayers did. Don’t wait until tomorrow, start today.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

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I wanted to post this review today because it is normally my devotional day, but this topic is so vital for our future marriages. Whether you are a guy or a gal, married or in the wings waiting, prayer should be so entwined in our lives and the lives of our spouses that you can't seperate one from the other.

I think the greatest gift I was given in this book were the examples of so many values. Values I am already familair with and even pray about to a certain extent in my future husband, were clearly defined in the lives of many goldly women and men.

Our journey toward marriage can seem a long and hard road. We talked about that in the posts and comments from the Purity of Heart Series last month. Patience is not always the easiest virtue to accept, but I have found such peace more than once, in the reliqunishing of IMpatience to my Heavenly Father.

Prayer is powerful. You won't know the full power of it until you someday meet that young man and find out your faithful prayers played a role in his life. Gives me goosebumps!

Prayer doesn't just give you a connection with someone you haven't met yet, it gives you an active role in that relationship. It gives you a stronger connection to the Lover of our souls. The One who knew you before you were created in your mother's womb.

I will be setting up a study group for those that wish to participate, using Yahoo! Groups. If you are interested in taking part of studying Praying for Your Future Husband and dicussing the chapters and dicussion questions with other young women, please contact me. The group will be limited to 10 at the start to see how well it works.

What are you waiting for? Don't wait until tomorrow to start, pray now!


  1. Yup, I gave your wonderful review a 5!! Love your post, my friend! Your passion for purity is contagious and an inspiration and encouragement to us all! Oh, and Amen, prayer does give you an active role in that relationship, even now, before you even meet that person. It's a way of saying I've promised to love, honor, cherish and do you good all the days of my life, I have and will continue till my last breath. I would totally work that idea into my vows - gosh, I better have on waterproof everything that day, LOL! I think praying for your future spouse would also strengthen your relationship for when you do meet and marry because you will always feel a special bond with that person and since prayer involves Christ, that bond will be unbreakable. I've also noticed the more you pray for someone the more your love for them grows.

    I've also thought sometimes that maybe my future husband really needs prayer at the moment and God is moving my heart to intercede. What if he's in trouble, in pain, sick, heartbroken after losing a loved one, or just needs strength to face a temptation or boldness to witness the gospel, and the prayers of his future wife helped to strengthen him because she stood in the gap? Its an incredible thought. God is so good :)

    Hey, over on Leslie Ludy's Set-Apart Girl site there is an article in her latest online mag titled "What a godly guys wants (in a wife)" I haven't read it yet but just the title alone has my attention! Just wanted to let you know :)


  2. Okay, they JUST changed Leslie's online magazine, so the above mentioned article is in the March/April edition. Up now is the May/June edition. Off to check it out...


  3. Sounds like a great book! I also pray for my future husband. Can't wait to meet him! Glad to know I'm not the only one. Your review was excellent!
    Something we singles gals should really think about and do!

  4. AMANDA, I believe prayer is the backbone to every relationship. My best friend and I exchange prayers via our letters and I know my parents pray together, as well as WITH us a family.

    Thanks for letting me know about those articales, I'll have to check them out. :)

    FAYE, love what you said there..can't wait to meet him. Isn't that exciting to think about?? Maybe we already HAVE and we just don't know it yet. Exciting to think about. :-)

  5. Hi,
    My name is Elaine Dalton and I'm one of your newest followers; I found your blog via the Blogging for Books program and loved your review on Praying for Your Future Husband! I also love the layout of your blog, very creative and decorative. ;) Do please feel free to drop by my blog, E.J.'s Library, whenever you've the time; I'll be glad to have you! God bless!



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