Friday, June 3, 2011


Our next "Cold Call" Author day will be with MaryLu Tyndall! Swashbuckling author and queen of all things pirates. Argggh!

Do you have a question for MaryLu? I will be taking EIGHT questions at the most, and please remember to keep them fairly short, as this is a "cold call" interview. Anything goes, throw some fun ones out there! ;-)

You have until SUNDAY JUNE 5TH to submit your questions.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

My dear blogging friend, AMBER STOKES is celebrating something special've probably guessed already by the heading, but she is heading OUT of the teens and INTO a new decade!

Amber, you are SO SPECIAL. God is doing amazing things in your life and I am SO happy to say I "know" you! Your heart for Christ, your love for life, your enthusiasm is infectious and I hope you have a FANTASTIC DAY!


Go forth in God's perfect will for Your life!

New Blog Feature: Book-Swap Central

I have built a new feature here on my blog. To the right of the screen you will see a new page: A Novel to Share- Book Store Swap

Here I have listed books I am willing to send out and a list of books I happen to be seaching for. Feel free to post your lists if you care to (along with an email) or email me if you see something I have you would like. I have more details on the page, but I am very excited to get this under way. It will be constantly changing too as I have books to add. :-)

The winners of my giveaways are...

For A Killer Among Us by Lynette Eason is...


And for Digitalis by Ronie Kendig is...


Thanks for coming by to enter! The winners have been contacted. :-))

That's all for this Friday!
Have a GREAT day and thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget your "Cold Call" Questions for MaryLu!


  1. Awwww, Casey!!!

    Thank you so, so much for the sweet birthday wishes! :D It has been a blessing getting to know you, and I'm so grateful for your friendship!

    Thank you again, and here's hoping if it's God's will that we'll get to meet in person soon! :D


  2. As am I, Amber! I am so thrilled to know you and when we finally meet in person, it will be a blast! :-))

  3. Happy Birthday, Amber!


    The Book Swap sounds great. I need to check it out.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Andrea, and the same to you! Thanks for taking a peek. :)

  5. Happy belated birthday to Amber...

    Here's my question for Mary Lu: Your characters are known for great sense of adventure. Do you personally consider yourself an adventurous person? And if so, what is your favorite adventurous activity?(skydiving? scuba diving?

    Is that too long? Let me know, I'll shorten it if you need. ;0

  6. Oh, I hope I'm not too late to submit a question for MaryLu! But if I am I understand :)

    Is there a certain character from any of your books that stands out above the rest that the Lord has used to teach you something about His love, grace, mercy, etc.?

    I love that all of your books involve the ocean and ships, but is there another setting that appeals to you to write in also?

    Is there a woman in the Bible whose life and testimony has encouraged you in your walk with the Christ?

    I hope it's ok that I asked 3 questions? There are so many I'd like to ask MaryLu seeing as she's one of my favorites! But I narrowed it down to 3 ;)

    And, Casey, I think it is so beautiful what you did for sweet Amber here! You are such a great friend :)


  7. Julia, *waving*. Oh you and Amanda are just a tad too late, I've already sent in the questions to MaryLu, but there were some fun ones, so set your calendar for the end of the month. :)

    Amanda, always good to see you, my friend!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)