Thursday, June 2, 2011

Since When is Baseball Romantic? Since "A Great Catch" by Lorna Seilstad ~ Review

A home run hitter!

Lorna Seilstad knows how to write characters and a story to match that always make me smile…and teach core lessons on faith and life.

Emily and Carter fit together like a ball in a glove-problem is neither one wants to acknowledge that fact. Circumstances toss them together and pull them apart, tension ran thick through the story and if it wasn’t just angst, it was comical and romantic (I won’t go into depth about the kisses…sigh).

I got such a kick out the trio of sisters, Emily’s aunts and grandmother. What a hoot they are! Such character packed into the few scenes they dominate. I love the setting, I could stay in Lake Manawa for pages and pages, the setting becomes another character and as the local rain beat over my head, I was far away on the white beaches or dancing under the lights of the gazebo.

When did baseball turn romantic? It did in “A Great Catch”. As Carter teaches Emily to play, not only did I laugh, but I sighed.

The full circle journey of Emily and Carter’s faith is well played out with a strong message that doesn’t take the story over, but rather enriches it.

I could go on and on, but suffice to say, it’s a lovely read, thoroughly enjoyable cover to cover, don’t delay in getting yourself a copy!

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

**Available May 2011 at your local bookstore from Revell Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group**


  1. Nice review, Casey! I read Lorna's first book and thoroughly enjoyed it! I suspect this one will be the same! Love the bits of comedy she sprinkles in!


  2. SUE, yes she does do a wonderful job of sprinkling in the humor with a great message to boot. I can't wait to see what is coming next. :)

  3. Thank you for the great review, Casey! I can't wait to get my hands on this one. : )

  4. Michelle, this is a fun one! :-))

  5. This was a cute one. I liked Making Waves better, but this was fun. I can't wait for more from Lorna.
    2 Kids and Tired Books

  6. I agree, Holly. Lorna does know how to craft a great story. :)

  7. Loved your review Casey! I read her first book on my iPod and LOVED it. Bought the second book in paperback and will be getting to it soon. I have about 3 or 4 other books ahead of that one. I also review books. I'm new at blogging and would love for you to drop by my blog.


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