Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Learning to Say Good Bye

This week my mom, two younger siblings and myself had to travel over 600 miles to say goodbye.

We planned this trip actually half a month ago when Grandpa was still with us, traveling to see him one last time and tell him we love him, just once more. But we weren't given that chance and now we travel the same distance, this time to say a much more permanent goodbye.

On this earth.

As we drove, my heart was torn. On one hand I am excited to see family again--we were just there ten months or so ago--it's going to be great.

But on the other hand,  while life will go on, this is the end of a relationship with a man that took me and my family into his family and heart. I'm not techinically his granddaughter. He isn't technically my mom's mom. But he is in all the ways that count. He took in a young girl (my mom) when her home life was anything but sane. Both he and my grandmother have been our rock, our true grandparents.

It's hard to say "Grandma and Grandpa" and realize that it's now only "Grandma." 

We're not tied to this earth. We go when God chooses and Grandpa was ready. His body was tired and his heart keen for his Savior's arms.

It's not easy to say goodbye, knowing it will be the last time you utter those words to this person who wrapped their arms around you when you didn't even have an honest-to-goodness family connection. I think the heart is the strongest connection of all.

Saying goodbye is a part of life. It's learning to accept and live with that goodbye that makes it so much harder.

But the joyous news is: we don't have to dwell on "goodbye". Because in Christ there are NO goodbyes. No permanent ones, just the ones here on earth.

So let me love deeply for a few more days and when the moment comes to say goodbye, may it be one filled with HOPE and PROMISE and LOVE.


  1. What a blessing that the Lord brought this godly man into your mother's life and, through her, into yours! So glad you have a foundation in the truth for a time like this. There's nothing like the earnest hope and expectation that we will see our loved ones again some day. That's what gets you through . . .

  2. It's so hard to say goodbye, but I'm glad you know there's a "Hello again" coming. To live is Christ, and to die is gain.

  3. I am truly sorry you lost such a wonderful man but one day you will see him again. Until then you have your memories of him and all that he done for you and your family when he didn't have to. God bless you.

  4. What a moving post Casey! I'm sorry for your loss.

  5. A nice tribute to your Grandfather Casey. I'm sorry for your loss.

  6. What a sweet tribute, Casey. I pray that your memories of him will always stay close to your heart.

  7. Casey,
    So good to hear more of the precious relationship you had as a family - and that you will be together again! Thanks for sharing your heart.

  8. Beautiful post, Casey. What a blessed reassurance we have as Christians, to meet again in Heaven.

    I am truly sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))

  9. Dear Casey, I am so very sorry for your loss, my friend. As much as it hurts to say goodbye the time you had was a true blessing and he obviously left a special mark on your life. We would never trade the heartache for all the beautiful memories. May God hold you and your family, surrounding you with His perfect peace and grace during this time, especially your grandma.

    I want to thank you for posting this as it is timely for me also. I haven't been on the blogs much lately because my grandpa (or "papa" as I call him) had a massive heart attack 2 days after my b-day on the 10th. He has been in the hospital most of the month and just came home today. He had complications with pneumonia also but looks to be feeling better with that. After such a big heart attack his heart is now only working at 20% and he is at a higher risk for another attack. Things have been so uncertain this past month and every time progress was made he got knocked back a few steps. It's been very hard on all of us, but especially my nana too, they are like two peas in a pod. We're all worried right now but my papa know's Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour and should it be his time we know where he is going and that it certainly is not goodbye... just see ya later :)

    Anyway, thank you again for posting this. Like I said, I haven't been around the blogs but I subscribe to yours and when I saw this in my email I just had to let you know my prayers are with you.

    God bless you and your family :)

  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Casey and you too Amanda! I know how difficult it is to lose grandparents who you are so close, I lost my grandparents on my dad's side in the same year and it was tough but like you I'm hopeful of a happy reunion someday!

    XOXO~ Renee

  11. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost both of my grandfathers years ago, but I still cherish memories of times spent with them. I'm sure you will too.
    God bless!

  12. Oh thank you everyone!

    I want you to know that though I normally go through and reply to every comment, life has been waay too busy lately. I won't even be home tomorrow until later tomorrow evening.

    I want you to know I so incrediably appreciate your outpouring of support.

    Grandpa was ready for Heaven and during the memorial service, everyone one said such wonderful things about him. It was a really great service.

    Amanda, you will be in my prayers and I hope your grandfather's health will continue to improve or if that should not be the case that God will give you time to be with him.

    Thank you all, you mean so much to me!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)