Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tag You're It!

Oh what fun! I've been looking forward to this post ever since Dawn and Cathy. tagged me. It's a fun blog post to do and share (and for those I've tagged, don't feel obligated, it's just something fun!! :-)

Do you think you're hot?

Um...well at the moment I'm quite fine, thank you. There is a lovely little breeze outside keeping the bugs down and the sun is shining and after a loooong winter and wet, wet, wet spring, I'd take a hot day at no complaint. ;-)

Upload a photo of the wallpaper you are using right now.

I love this image. Photos of God's nature can be some of the most inspiring and I love beautiful images, primarily of flowers or landscape, on my wallpaper. :-)

When was the last time you ate chicken?

Just last week. That white meat is one of my FAVORITES! Okay, all meat is pretty much a favorite in my book (my someday-husband is going to have a run for his money when it comes to who can eat more meat) and I "fight" my dad over who gets the thigh. ;-)

What songs or song have you listened to recently?

This one is a little bit harder, because I spend the majority of my listening time on KLOVE and there really isn't one particular song I like to hear over and over. But I do love this new one from Third Day. So, so, so good!! 

Do you have any nicknames? If so what are they?

Yes, I do have several nicknames. My parents, when I was little, called me "Bug", but that name as generally morphed into "Shrimp" --or rather my mom calls me that-- at 5' 1 1/8" (I take it everywhere I can get it), I still fit under her chin (barely!) and when I can't reach something I generally hear the remark. All in love, I'm sure. Right. Mama??

Tag 5 bloggers

Amber Stokes: I got to meet Amber recently!! We'll be sharing more pictures at a later date, but sufice it is to say that this young woman is EVERY bit as wonderful and lovely in person as she is online.

Renee Chaw: I love Renee's blog. She's  blast to know online and I can always count on her to have something uplifting to say. I've greatly enjoyed getting to know Renee!

Joy T. David: Oh my goodness, but I do love Joy!! Her blog has to be ranked in my Top 10 favorite blogs and she makes visiting a pure JOY every single time! I always end up laughing over something. And let me tell you, this woman can write too! We'll be reading her books someday. ;-)

Michelle Tuller: Michelle has a sweet blog that I always enjoy visiting. Spotlight Christian music and books, plus she has been a huge encouragement to me as I blog. Her comments always bring me cheer. :-)

Rel Mollet: I just found Rel's blog, but I have known about it for some time and just thoroughly enjoy myself whenever I visit. She has that creative blend of book reviews, character interviews and awesome cover info! I don't follow many blogs, but I do follow hers.

So now it's their turn! If I've tagged you, have no fear, you don't have to participate, it's just something fun. ;-) And for fun, maybe you could take one of the questions for yourself in the comments!


  1. I loved seeing the picture of you and Amber! So neat to meet other bloggers and I have to say Joy is a sweet and upbeat person in real life, too after meeting her. I can't wait to see pics of you Alley Cats at conference and you'd better believe I'll be cheering for you & Pepper!!

  2. You got to meet Amber?! Sooo jealous, I can’t wait to see more pictures. Thanks for tagging me Casey, and for the sweet compliment. You’re one of my favs too! :)

    Here are my answers:

    Do you think you’re hot?
    Not unless your next word is mess.

    Wallpaper? Don’t use the stuff, in my house or on my computers.

    Chicken? Worthy of its own food group! I eat it almost every day.

    Songs? Just discovered RPatz (Edward from Twilight) sings (who knew?!). I’ve been listening to his song “I was Broken” on Youtube with a mixture of bizarre fascination and respect.

    Nicknames? In college, my brother-in-law and his friends started calling me “Joyous Fellow” which somehow got shortened to “Fellow.” He still uses it today, even though it makes me sound like a cross dresser (probably *because* it makes me sound like a cross dresser).

    (waving to Julia!!)

  3. What a fun post. As far as being "hot" it is 90 here in the midwest so yea, kind of hot. I haven't been referred to as the other kind of hot since I was in high school.

    I love primitive wallpapers both in my house and when I can find appropriate samples for the website or blog.

    I love chicken, having it for supper tonight.

    I also listen to KLOVE or another Christian station that comes in clear. It is all so encouraging and it helps me keep a positive spin on my day.

    My nick growing up was little T. My younger brother's name also started with a T and he called himself Big T.

    Thanks for tagging me. It is always fun doing one of these.

  4. JULIA, I'll have more photos of Amber and I at a later date and soo wish you could join in the get-together too, but you'll be in there in spirit, I know!

    JOY, you always make me smile, including today! Thanks for sharing here on the blog. ;-)

    TERRI, ah you answers the questions, so glad! Arent'they fun??

    Hope ya'll having a great day. :)

  5. Hi Casey! Thanks so much for tagging me, and for your sweet comments! You're a gem! : )

    It's funny you posted this Third Day video, because I was getting ready to put this one up on my blog soon. I LOVE it! Third Day is amazing! The very first time I heard it, I couldn't keep myself from crying. What can I say? I'm a crier! ;-)

    Now for the questions . . .

    Do you think you're hot? Well, like you, I'm pretty comfortable right now. The air conditioning is set to 78*. And I like what Joy said . . . a HOT MESS -- I fall under that category sometimes, lol. ;-)

    Wallpaper? I have mine set to the "United States" themed wallpaper that came loaded with Windows 7. It's so pretty! It changes scenes every 30 minutes.

    Chicken? We had grilled chicken fajitas a few nights back.

    Songs? Like Casey, I listen to KLOVE most of them, mixed in with Air1. When I'm in the house, I'll listen to CD's, including JJ Heller, Audrey Assad, Chris August, and Kari Jobe. I also love a lot of other music like Dolly Parton, John Denver, Kenny Loggins, Crystal Gayle . . . and the list goes on and on. LOVE music!

    Nicknames? The only nickname that I have is "Lee," which is my middle name. My husband has been calling me that since we were 15 and dating (nearly 25 years!). He doesn't use mushy terms of endearment like sweetie, honey, baby, etc., so I think it's pretty special.

    That is probably *way* more than you wanted to know. ;o)

    :::waving to Joy::: Thanks for the "friend" add on goodreads. : )

    And Casey, thank you for sharing links to all of these other blogs; I will definitely check them out.

    Sweet Blessings,

  6. Oh wow! This is sooo cool and thank you so much for the tag, you're a sweetheart! I'm getting ready to leave for a weekend trip so I don't have time to post this right now but I will be SURE and post about this on my blog when I get back! It's so cool that you got to meet Amber. I wish I lived closer to my blogging buddies, I'd love to meet you all. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  7. MICHELLE, I know, it is such a great song, isn't it?? I think you will definately enjoy the other blogs.

    RENEE, it was so great to meet Amber and wouldn't it be a blast to get all us bloggers together?? There was one point where Amber was showing me something on the computer and it struck me that we were on the SAME SIDE this time. Crazy fun. :D

  8. What a super fun post! I'll definitely plan on playing along soon. :)

    Thank you for the sweet words, my friend! It was such a blessing to get to meet you in person, and I can't wait to share more pictures with our other blogging friends! We had a blast, didn't we? :D

    I'll send you an e-mail soon!


    P.S. Thank you to Julia, Joy, and Renee for those kind comments! I would love to meet all of you in person, too!!!

  9. AMBER, oh most definately! It's going to be fun to share our pictures together in a few days. ;-)

  10. Hey Casey,

    Thanks for your sweet words about my blog and apologies for taking so long to stop by. I hope to respond to your post on my blog soon :)

    Looking forward to getting to know you more and am loving seeing some familiar faces commenting here.

  11. REL, there are no worries! (or no obligations. :) I look forward to interacting more with you on our blogs as well! :)

  12. Okay I'm back and ready to post my answers LOL! Here goes. :-P

    Do you think you're hot?
    Of course.

    When was the last time you ate chicken?
    Almost 2 weeks ago when I was at the beach. I made orange chicken on Chinese food night and it was yuuuummmmmy! I plan on making Ranch chicken nuggets for dinner tomorrow JIC you wanted to know. :-P

    What songs have you listened to recently?
    Just Can't Get Enough by the Black Eyed Peas!

    Do you have nicknames? If so what are they?
    Nay or Nay Nay is usually what I get from my baby cousins or Her Nay is a new nickname I acquired from my not so baby cousin. LOL

    This was fun Case, thank you again for the tag! I'm so glad I remembered to come back and answer. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  13. LOL, love those answers Renee. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)