Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Be Encouraged

Waiting is tough.

Waiting for something to happen.

Waiting for that something to get here.

Waiting for the patience for that something to happen/get here.

And sometimes that waiting is such a dog gone pain in the patootie. (Don't worry I'm still firmly G-rated)

I just don't want to do it one more day!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess when I think of waiting it usually comes down to two things for me: waiting for my Prince Charming.

And waiting on my writing to catch up to my brilliance. And I think a good portion of my readers can relate to at least one of those issues (or at least at one point in time of their lives).

I get to go to the ACFW conference this year. And I don't normally mention it here, because I KNOW how hard it is for those who can't go to know they are being left behind.

I get it. I walked those shoes. I felt their pinch. It's NOT easy and I'm not going to pretend it is or give you platitudes that 'though it's not your time this year, it could be next year'! That just doesn't cut the mustard, I'm sorry to say.

But I was sitting in church this past Sunday and the verse that was read jumped out at me in a completely new way and I had to share it. Maybe it will jump out for you too.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7



Okay, I'm switching to that platitude post I promised not to write. But it needs to be written. I waited two long, torturous years. Years I fussed and fumed and cried to God that I would NEVER get to go and drove myself crazy with jealous fever.

But read that verse one more time. EVERYTHING in PRAYER and PETITION, with THANKSGIVING (that means nooo grumbling), PRESENT your requests to God.

GOD knows the right time. I know, I know you've heard that all before. But it bears repeating. Because once you give something to God, I personally, find the time flying. The blessings pouring in (for someone with NO source of consistent income, I was able to save for this conference).

We have to consciously give our dreams BACK to God. He can't do anything while we cling to them.

If you can't go this year, if you have something else you are waiting on, I get it. I know and I'm there with you. But take COMFORT in God's love in those few lines. Your moment is coming. God just has some growing to do with ya yet. ;-)


  1. Casey,

    Thanks for sharing this Scripture. This is one that blesses me so much and it was so great to get the reminder and this morning was the perfect time to see this.

  2. Casey, This was your best post yet. Thank you for sharing it and blessing me in it. You are correct. Waiting on Him is the right place to be.

  3. Waiting is one thing I've never liked to do. I'm a tad impulsive:) I was thinking just last night about how much patience I lack.
    Very good post!


  4. Casey, great post. Looks like waiting is the running theme and very timely.

    Thank you for taking time to encourage others. What a blessing!

  5. Beautiful post, Casey, and so encouraging! You are so BLESSED to have a heart for God at such a young age. You are wise beyond your years, my dear friend, and I can see God doing BIG THINGS with that. I know that your parents much be so very proud of you -- what an amazing job they have done raising a daughter who has a heart for God the way you do. I pray that my daughters will have that someday -- they're 13 and 14, but the burning passion isn't there yet for them. I'm trusting God, and like you, I'm waiting patiently.

    Sweet Blessings to you, Casey. And I'm SO HAPPY that you get to go to ACFW!! :D


  6. Love this! And the glorious truth is, we can present ANYTHING to God at any time, not just our writing.

    Such comfort, and such a good reminder.

    Thank you!

  7. JULIA, that is ALL God, I LOVE how He does that. I just wrote this post last night as a last minute thing, He's good isn't He?? :)

    SHERI, thank you for that. :) I wonder why we so often want to do things our own way when we KNOW it's better in His time and goodness. :)

    COURTNEY, I hear ya. I know what you're saying. But we have so much more PEACE when we wait for God's perfect timing. :)

  8. JESSICA, it seems as the time draws closer for that conference, I think of all the people who can't go, which was me just last year. I hope I can encourage and support those who can't go.

    MICHELLE, thank you, thank you for your kind words. It took so long for me to get to this point, I don't want to take for granted what God has been doing with me the last few years. It has given me greater patience I think all the way around. I'll be praying for your girls. They have a wonderful example in their mom! I hope they appreciate that. :)

    ERICA, oh I know! So often for me at this time it comes down to my writing, but what a GIFT we have as children of God to present ANY request to Him. It just gives me a delicious thrill everytime I think about it!!

  9. Thank you for sharing your encouraging thoughts and that wonderful verse with us! :)

    You are a great example to me, and I was blessed to hear your story (in person!) of waiting for God's timing regarding the ACFW conference. I hope you have a wonderful, inspiring time! :)


  10. KATIE, thank you for stopping by today! Isn't it??

    AMBER,oh thank you, because I could say the exact same thing of you!! I so wish you could be going with me this year, but hopefully we can go together some year in the future when it will be the right time!

  11. Great post! I can relate. Waiting is so hard, but how else would God train us to be more patient? Thanks Casey, for another great post :)

  12. Casey,

    Thanks for the lovely inspiration. A writer's life is learning how to wait - waiting for a contest result, waiting for an agent request, waiting for word from an editor... It is intolerable sometimes!

    I, too, have the great privilege of going to the ACFW conference - my first time! A little terrified, I must confess. But also very excited.

    Hope I'll get to meet you there. I'm sure we'll learn a lot!


  13. FAYE, perfectly said and I agree with you. We must go through the fire to become like polished silver. Paraphrased of course. ;)

    SUSAN, if ever there was a life of more waiting, I think the writer's life would surely take the cake and then the browies and probably the entire desert bar! It's not for wimps, that is for sure. :)

    And YES would love to meet you. Sounds like great fun. :D

  14. Casey, truly an encouraging post. This is one of my absolute favorite passages! God is truly so good and faithful. I'm so glad we can bring everything to Him, fears, desires, dreams. One thing you said that resonates with me is that I have to give my dreams back to God. He knows what to do with them. And, since He is the giver of dreams, I can trust He will do what is necessary to bring it to fruition, in His way and in His time. Thanks, Casey!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)