Friday, August 12, 2011

My Top Ten "Meet These Authors" Bucket List

With thanks to Joy from Edgy Inspy Romance for this blog post idea. I give her full credit. ;-)

I love to read. Thus it is inevitable that I would love to meet the genius minds behind these great books I love to read (yes I did mean to state that twice) so following is my "bucket list" of authors I want to meet. :-))

Julie Lessman~ I think you probably don't need an explanation for why I want to meet this lovely lady. ;-) Needless to say she is the sweetest, most generous person I have ever had the priviledge of running into online.

Laura Frantz~ Laura has been a huge encouragement to me in my writing and her blog livens my life everytime I visit. She is one awesome writer and one special lady!

Tamera Alexander~ Wow, this lady is simply incrediable. Such a witness and kindness in everything she does and goes. I would be ever so slightly star-struck to meet Tamera. :-)

MaryLu Tyndall~ I remember the very first email I sent this awesome author several years ago and she wrote back almost immediately with so sweet a message that I saved it. Now I'm a member of her "Motely Crew"!

Jody Hedlund~ I am continually impressed with Jody. She is such an inspiration in my writing life and not only that, she is one great author!

Janette Oke~ I grew up on Janette Oke's books. I still love those stories and squealed with glee when I found a complete set of her books at a yard sale. And I'm still collecting every chance I get. What a Christian fiction icon!

Lynn Austin~ The very first book I read by Lynn was Hidden Places and I've been hooked ever since. The way she weaves a story and words is incridable. I hope I get a chance to shake her hand someday!

Siri Mitchell~ There is something about Siri's fiction that is so addicting! If I could someday tell her how BIG I am a fan, I will be a happy girl for the rest of my life. ;-)

DeeAnne Gist~ It took me a little while to become a fan of Dee's books, but now I'm a die-hard fan. If I could stand in front of her table as she signed a book for Talk about...yeah. Wow. :)

Deborah Raney~ Is one lovely woman both as an author and as a person. I've heard how sweet she is and I can't wait until the day I can experience this for myself!

Oh why did I limit myself to only 10???? Crazy I know, because there are sooo many more I want to meet. But if I MUST limit myself to 10 on my bucket list, then these would make the top.

Who makes your Top 10 'Meet Your Favorite Author' Bucket List???

Friday's Note:
And the winner of Out of Control by Mary Connealy is...


Congratulations! And thanks for stopping by to enter everyone!


  1. Casey,

    Come to the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference, and you can probably meet at least half the authors on your list. It's a dream come true.

    I've met so many of my favorite authors. It's very cool, and they are all such nice people.

  2. Guess what??? Now that you're going to the conference, you'll probably get to meet MANY on your bucket list!

    Deb Raney is seriously one of the nicest, most gracious women I've met. And you are so right about Julie - what an encourager! Plus, all the others. Writers just rock, don't they?

    I would LOVE to meet Francine Rivers, JK Rowling, Kathryn Stockett, and Karen Kingsbury (I want to know how in the heck she writes SO many books??) Plus a whole slew of others.

  3. Wow, you are going to have a field day at conference!

    I'd love to meet Elizabeth Berg, or Jackie Mitchard. Sara Gruen. Katrina Kittle. My list goes on....and on...

    ~ Wendy

  4. Great list Casey!
    I'd probably be tongue tied around several of those authors.

  5. I'd like to meet Siri Mitchell and Mary Connealy:) I just read Love
    s Pursuit, and the ending had me wanting to cry, but I still enjoyed the book and highly recommend it--that takes talent. She Walks In Beauty is the first I read of hers, and I loved it! And Mary's books are just hilarious and a true escape. I've collected many of hers!

  6. Hi Cassey,

    My top 10 authors that I would like to meet are:

    Janette Oke; Lauraine Snelling; Kim Vogel Sawyer; Tracie Peterson; Karen Kingsbury; Beverly Lewis; Tamera Alexander; Robin Lee Hatcher; and if I could go back in time Catherine Marshall, and L. M. Montgomery.

    I could add more, but I'll stop at ten.


  7. Great list, Casey. I've met half of the authors on it, and they're awesomeness personified. As so many others have said, come to the ACFW conference where you can meet lots of talented authors--and I can meet YOU in person.

  8. CASE!!! LOL ... at the risk of sounding like a parrot, I have to say this -- "Needless to say YOU are the sweetest, most generous person I have ever had the priviledge of running into online."

    Thank you SO much for your support, my friend, and cannot WAIT to finally meet you!! Only a little more than a month away ...

    I can attest to almost every person on your list because I have met so many of them and they are some of THE BEST (if not the best) in the biz!!!

    All I would have to add is Margaret Mitchell and Harper Lee, and I'd be set ...

    GREAT POST, Case ... GREAT IDEA, Joy!!


  9. Wow, I am posting right behind one of my FAVES....Julie others are: Tamera, MaryLu, Deb Raney, Colleen Coble, Denise Hunter, Robin Hatcher, Hannah Alexander, Susan Meissner, and Elizabeth Musser. Hard to choose ten! Have not met any of them personally ...yet.

  10. VICKIE, thanks for coming by! I actually am going this year!! So excited to have this chance and hopefully run into a few of my favorites! What a thought!

    KATIE, good question for KK! I'd want to ask that too and how she got started. And YES Writer's rock!!!

    WENDY, there is no end to my list it seems either! It doesn't seem fair to limit it to just 10. :)

  11. JOY, oh I would be too!

    COURTNEY, I completely agree with you. The books that tug at my emotions are often the ones I remember the most.

    TAMMI, oh you have listed more that I would love to meet too. Kim V. Sawyer is sooo incrediable and I've been reading Beverly Lewis for years. Have you see The Shunning since it was made into a movie??

  12. KELI, oh I plan to be there, alright! And love what you said: awesomeness personified. Can't wait to experience that someday for myself!

    JULIE, I'm starting to sound like a parrot myself! And you could very well still meet Harper Lee, what a treat that would be!! Can't even imagine something like that. :)

    JACKIE S. Love Susan Meissner, just finished her latest one last night. Very good! I need to look up Hannah Alexander, I've heard good things about her. :)

  13. Hi Cassey,

    No, I haven't seen the Shunning since it has been made into a movie, but I would like to.


  14. Hi Casey!!

    I'm super honored to have made your bucket list of writers!! You're so sweet to include me! :-) I know I will be every bit as thrilled to meet you! And I hope I have the chance soon!

  15. TAMMIE, so would I. It looks like it would be a good movie!

    JODY,I'm crossing my fingers you'll be at the ACFW conference. :-)) If so, I got to find a minute to squeeze through the mob of fans and say 'hi'. :D

  16. Casey, You're always full of surprises! Good ones:) Bless you buckets for the mention here. I should do a post on authors of the future and you'd be on it! If I could meet any, it would have to be Lucy Maud Montgomery. Thx for asking!

  17. Oh thank you Laura! You've blessed me so much, it's exciting to turn it back around on you!

    Lucy M. would such a fantastic author to meet! If only we were given the chance. I wonder if she knew of the impact her books would have so many generations!

  18. I want to meet MaryLu Tyndall because I'm also one of her Motley crew and she has been such an encouragement to me.

    Brandilyn Collins, to swap our Lyme stories. Her stories and lymes stuff is awesome.

    Ronie Kendig - love her fast-action novels and would love to see how she does that.

    Susan May Warren - she is such a great teacher and writer.

    Lynette Eason - she homeschools her kids like I do and seems to sweet and down-to-earth.

    and...maybe I should post the rest on my blog. Lol! Are you sorry you asked yet?

  19. GREAT list Sheri! And no, you can keep going and going and going, because I seriously could!

    I haven't met many authors, but I have met Susan May Warren and she is one SWEET lady! Absolutely love her. And yes, she is one fantastic teacher. :)

  20. Casey, I know how exciting it is when you want so much to meet someone and then it happens. Two weeks ago I met my very favorite author, Colleen Coble. My husband's part time job was having a company picnic. They were giving a tour of the plant prior to the picnic and we were suppose to be there by at least 10am. While we were waiting to go on the tour I saw this woman that looked just like Colleen Coble and I got all excited & told my husband I thought it was Colleen. He looked at me and said do you really think she would be here at my company picnic? Well, then I heard this younger girl introduce her and I swore I heard her say Colleen. Then she introduced this woman's husband as Dave and I told my husband I know it's her because her husband's name is Dave. So I walked over to her and saw her name tag said Colleen and asked her if she was Colleen Coble. She told me she was and I just about lost it. I was able to tell her what reading her books has meant to me and how they brought me back to reading after ten years of not reading. IT WAS AN AWESOME DAY! We were in the same tour group and then ran into each other later during the picnic and stood and talked for awhile. She also invited me to ACFW. I can't go this year but next year in Dallas is a possibility and 2013 is a definite since it's in Indianapolis & I live only a couple hours away. BTW the reason she was at the picnic is her daughter-in-law works in human resources where my husband works...small world.

    I know in reading your blog that you are going to ACFW this year so get ready to have the most exciting time meeting all these lovely authors on your bucket list. I can't tell you the euphoric feeling it is meeting your favorite for the first time. When I met Colleen I felt giggly all day long. :)

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  21. I don't think I could name them all! I can't say the order of who I'd like to meet and I can't even say them all. Maybe number one would be Gilbert Morris, since right after I read everything by Janette Oke I started reading his books, and he has a ton. Plus everyone in my family is a fan of his. I'd love to meet Ruth Logan Herne, Julie Lessman, Mary Connealy, Tina Radcliffe, Linda Lee Chaikin, Jenny B. Jones, Stephanie Morrill, Stephaine Grace Whitson, and the list goes on and on. And I'd totally love to meet you in person, Casey :)

  22. Lynn Austin is my favorite author, her books are awesome. Francine Rivers come in a very close second.

  23. CINDY, what a STORY! Oh my goodness I would have gotten goosebumps if that happened to me. And grin away, talk about God putting you both at the right place at the right time. Thank you for sharing that story, sooo awesome!!!!

    FAYE, that is a great list of people to meet! I've read almost all of those authors and can agree with you! Oh, thank you. You're sweet. :)

    JOYANNE (love your name!), Lynn Austin would be a fantastic author to meet. I've read so many of her books. What a moment that would be!!

  24. This is a great list, Casey. I'd like to meet several of those authors also and add Mary Connealy. I have met Deborah Raney, and yes, she is a very sweet lady. My book club and I have been honored to meet with Kim Vogel Sawyer, Judith Miller, Rene Gutteridge, Stephanie Grace Whitson, Nancy Moser, Deborah Vogts, Nancy Mehl and Deb Raney. Several met Tracie Peterson (though I had to miss), which started us on the whole "meet as many authors as we can" thing. We have found all of them to be very kind and generous with their time in visiting with us. They also all seemed to value our input about their books. I hope you are able to meet many authors on your list.

  25. PAM, what a neat idea for a book club, wish I was a member. ;-) And me too! I can't wait to see which ones I'll meet and when. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)