Friday, August 26, 2011

Cold Call Friday with Catherine West!

Welcome Cathy, to your “Cold Call” interview!! For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author YOU then get to interview!! CatherineWest won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s Cathy!

What do you enjoy most about living in Bermuda? Do you think you'll ever set one of your books there?

I love the beauty of my island home. I don’t think I would ever tire of looking at the ocean or admiring the beautiful pink oleander or red and yellow hibiscus bushes that line our roads. It’s a pretty laid back and quiet place for the most part, never takes long to get anywhere. I’m not sure what I enjoy most, really, it’s just home. J

What has been the most rewarding aspect of having a book published?

There is a real sense of accomplishment, actually. A feeling of validation, that all the years of hard work and perseverance have finally come to fruition. And then of course there’s the movie deal, the talk shows and the millions of dollars that have accrued in my bank account…oh…wait, you mean for real, right? Yeah, the top part. J

Do you have any plans for writing another story set during the Vietnam War? I LOVED Yesterday's Tomorrow!

Thank you. J Well, I have definitely thought about a sequel to Yesterday’s Tomorrow, although at this point I am not sure how much of Vietnam we’d see, but it would be set in the ‘70’s most likely, if I write it. Working on a few things at the moment, but the idea is brewing.

You are passionate about your writing and the topics of your stories, what made you visit the Vietnam War as a setting and plot premise?

It’s an era I’ve always been fascinated with. Once I started researching the war, especially reading about journalists that went over there, the story just took off from there. At first I thought it was an insane idea, that I could never make it authentic enough, but after several rewrites, I’m definitely happy with the end result.

Which would you prefer: hot and spicy, sweet and sour, or cold and sweet?

Definitely hot and spicy. J I love Indian curries and Thai food.

And for all the fans beating down your door for that next book, where are all the places they can find you online?

Ha. Let’s see – My website: (you’ll find the link to my blog there), and on Twitter – cathwest – on Facebook you can find me at Catherine West Author, and there is also a page for Yesterday’s Tomorrow. I love hearing from my readers and welcome emails at

My next book, also published through OakTara, is called Hidden in the Heart, and its more women’s fiction this time around, but I will be announcing a release date as soon as I hear when it will be, so stay tuned!

Thanks for all the great questions.

Friday's Note:
The winner of Michelle Griep's Undercurrent is...
Gwendolyn Gage!!
Be haunting your inbox! Thanks all for visiting. : -)


  1. Very interesting interview! I have never seen any work by Catherine West.

    Thanks for the interview!

    Great Blog!

  2. ML, aren't these fun? I really enjoy them. :) Cathy's book Yesterday's Tomorrow is a great story and one I really enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by this weekend!

  3. Hi Casey and Cathy---Cathy--Of course I know you know I think your book is fabulous! I recommend it every chance I get. Casey, thanks for having Cathy as your guest. She's and awesome lady, writer and friend!

  4. I love that I can hop online and "meet" writers from all over the world! I have Cathy's book in my TBR pile and hope to get to it soon. After reading all the wonderful things folks were saying about it, I knew it would be a keeper :) Thanks for the great interview, Cathy and Casey!

  5. Great interview! I'm very jealous about living in Bermuda! ;)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)