Thursday, August 25, 2011

Special Giveaway and Author Interview: A Heart Revealed

Welcome back to Writing for Christ Julie Lessman, I am excited to have you here for a second time. J What has changed in your writing life since you were last here?

Thanks, Case — SO good to be here!  And quite a bit has happened since last time, actually. For starters, I have a new book releasing in … FIVE DAYS … and it’s a particularly special book to me because YOUR name will be in it as the winner of my contest to have a character named after them in my next book! A Heart Revealed, book 2 in “The Winds of Change” series, is the story of the oldest O’Connor brother, Sean O’Connor, a confirmed bachelor, and his sister’s best friend, Emma Malloy, a battered married woman. Here’s my own personal blurb:

The ring on her hand belongs to one man …
but her heart belongs to another.

As a battered woman, Emma Malloy fled Dublin for Boston ten years ago, seeking shelter for a heart badly bruised by both her husband and guilt. But when she falls in love with Sean O’Connor, a man who wrestles with demons of his own, fear and shame almost destroy her … until she is finally set free by a heart revealed.

Secondly, I have finished book 3 in the “Winds of Change” series, A Trust Restored (working title), the youngest O’Connor brother, Steven’s story, to be released in Sept. 2012. This will be the final installment in the 6-book O’Connor saga until I write Marcy and Patrick’s prequel down the road.

Finally, I have a new 3-book series set in 1900 San Francisco called “The Cousins McClare, with book 1 releasing April of 2013 and the subsequent books out at nine-month intervals rather than yearly. It chronicles the stories of three cousins from a wealthy political family in 1900 San Francisco and the unlikely men with whom they fall in love. From the glitter and glamour of San Francisco’s Nob Hill, to the seedy dance halls and gambling dens of the Barbary Coast, The Cousins McClare is a study in contrasts between the haves and have-nots, and barriers between rich and poor that only faith can transcend.

What recent read stood out to you as truly spectacular?

You mean other than Seeker books??? Oh, honey, you can’t limit me to just one! Some of my recent favs are Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs, Deeply Devoted by Maggie Brendan, The Harvest of Grace by Cindy Woodsmall, Beyond All Measure, by Dorothy Love, Spring for Susannah by Catherine Richmond, A Bride’s Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas by Erica Vetsch and Secrets of the Heart by Jillian Kent. Seriously, each of these books was truly wonderful with several absolutely outstanding.

Do you have favorite authors?

Doesn’t everybody? I want to go on record right now as saying that I generally read all of the Seeker books,( and I am ASTOUNDED at the talent in this group, seriously. What a gifted group of authors!! As far as long-time historical romance favorites other than the Seekers and newer authors? I absolutely LOVE Liz Curtis Higgs, Francine Rivers, Laura Frantz, Tamera Alexander, MaryLu Tyndall, Sharlene MacLaren, Julie Klassen, and Deanne Gist, to name a few. And if you’re talking Women’s Fiction, Patty Lacy is absolutely outstanding—I will read anything she writes. I don’t read a lot of YA, but both Melanie Dickerson and Michelle Hutchison’s “Second Glance” series are awesome! Ironically, I just endorsed Cindy Woodsmall’s new book, The Harvest of Grace—one of my very first Amish books—and it blew me away. Loved it!!

What do you find the most enjoyable part of writing or connecting with readers?

The most enjoyable? Oh, easy—writing love scenes, of course! I like tension, lots and LOTS of romantic tension, so when I write those scenes, my keyboard is smoking because my fingers fly. In fact, one of my friends wanted to know why I couldn’t just write a nice, “sweet” love scene. Duh, because I would fall asleep! J Even my husband noticed the fast and furious pace of my love scenes—he said he would be meandering along in a nice, easy passage and then, bam! A love scene would hit, and before he knew it, he was 20 pages down the road!

As far as the most enjoyable part of connecting with readers?  Definitely hearing from women whose passion for God has been stirred because of something I wrote. Okay … just typing that sentence brought tears to my eyes because I cannot believe I have a job where I can woo people to the very God who took me from the darkness into His glorious light!

What do you find the most ideal atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? J

The most idea atmosphere for writing is RIGHT where I am now as I type this very interview—settled into comfy furniture on my lower deck, feet up and a glass of hazelnut coffee by my side while a gentle breeze blows from the ceiling fan overhead. Laptop in my lap, I stare into GORGEOUS woods where shafts of sunlight beam like the hand of God, dappling the leaves with His grace and beauty. Every now and then, my husband comes down to sit with me on his breaks, which I have to admit, makes it ALL the better! J

Okay, something fun for those writers out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?

That would be when I wrote A Passion Redeemed, 480 pages in approximately one month (actually two months working my part-time day job). For me, Mitch and Charity’s story literally flew from my fingers, and when my critique partner read it, she told me that I “hit my stride” in this book, with which I agree. The bad news? I haven’t written a book that quickly since. : /

Thanks for being here again! It has been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.
Okay readers, here is your chance to enter to win Julie's latest novel, A Heart Revealed.

Please leave an email address. If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win!

For extra entries:

~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

And an EXTRA one:
~Read and rate this review on my blog. (This allows me to continue to provide quality fiction reviews. Thank you!!)

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on September 9th.


  1. Enjoyed the interview as I always love hearing about the different authors. I'm looking forward to reading this book. Please enter me!


  2. I'm a subscriber


  3. I'm a follower


  4. I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

  5. Hooray, more from Julie! Loved this interview; good to know what you like to read! And hear more about AHA, which I can't wait to read (please enter me). I can feel your passion in your words: I cannot believe I have a job where I can woo people to the very God who took me from the darkness into His glorious light!
    Wonderful, Julie.

  6. I subscribe.

  7. Hi Casey,

    I enjoyed your interview with Julie Lessman. Please enter my name into the drawing for A Heart Revealed.

    I am both a follower and a subscriber.


    ~Tammi in Maine

    dnadtdearing [at] earthlink [dot] net

  8. Please enter me! I dearly want to read this book. :)


  9. And I rated your review. :)


  10. LADIJO!!! Girlfriend, we just HAVE to get a book into your hands!! I am STILL shocked to realize you have never read my books before because your addy looks SO familiar. Here's hoping we remedy that right now, my friend, and if you don't win here, please check out my website calendar because I have at least four interviews going on right now that will end soon!! Good luck. :)


  11. TORE ... uh, not as much as I WANT you to read this book, sweetie, so good luck in the contest, and like I told Jo above, PLEASE check out my website calendar more opportunities are out there for a very limited time.


  12. REBECCA!!! You are another one that I want to make sure ends up with a book, my friend, and you are certainly going about it in the right way -- commenting on all my giveaways, so THANK YOU and good luck!


  13. JACKIE SAID: "I can feel your passion in your words."

    LOL!! Yep, if people can't say anything else, they gotta admit I have passion, ESPECIALLY in my love for God and my writing, so THANK YOU, my friend, for your kind words!!

    I was frazzled this morning because my microwave went out just as I realized an interview I wasn't expecting went up that I can NOT leave comments on because the site won't let me.

    My hubby and I sit out on our porch swing every morning to chat and pray, and he saw I was "wired" more than usual with a scowl on my face. I told him what was wrong, and he looked at me and said something like, "It's not life and death, Julie -- why do you have to do everything with so much passion???" He laughed and put his arm around me and said, "What am I talking about -- it's in your DNA." Which, I might add, could stand for "definitely notoriously anal." :)

    Good luck in the contest, girl!


  14. TAMMI IN MAINE!!! Thanks for coming by Casey's blog this morning and for being both a follower and subscriber. Casey Herringshaw's blog is DEFINITELY one to follow!!

    For additional chances to win a book, you might want to check out my website calendar for more opportunities, but until then, good luck in the contest, Tam!


  15. CHARITY U!!!!!!! LOL ... and I "DEARLY" WANT you to read this book as well, sweetie, trust me!! Of course, I think we both discussed that if you do, I will send you the first book in the series so you can start fresh with the O'Connors! :)

    Have a great day, sweetie, and good luck in the contest.


  16. Casey, An excellent posting...thanks for bringing Julie to your blog.

    Julie, Loved your interview...Your writing space sounds heavenly...I can't wait to read Sean and Emma's story...You are the best!

    I'm a follower & email subscriber, too.

    PS...I did read/rate your review on Susan Meissner's latest novel, too :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  17. CASE ... I jumped right in to comments without saying "hey," so forgive me.

    Thank you SOOO much for your support, my friend -- you are one in a million, girl.


  18. KAREN ... boy, you slipped in there, girl, while I was posting comments, but it's ALWAYS good to see your name pop up!

    And, yeah, my writing space is definitely "heavenly"! In fact, every time a breeze blows (which is A LOT, it seems), I almost feel like it's the breath of God rustling the trees, talking to me, assuring me that He is there watching over my writing and my life. No question -- it's definitely a "heavenly" spot!

    Good luck, sweetie. :)


  19. LOL Julie! You're awesome. ;-)

  20. LOVED the interview... amazing author.. amazing books..I had the privilege of reading "A Heart Revealed" and let me tell you, it was my FAVORITE book EVER!!! Julie captured me from the very first words and kept me guessing until the very end! I couldn't put this book down! I could relate to so many of the characters... thanks for not being predictable and for writing with such PASSION!! I love your husband's definition of DNA!! You have a real keeper there...I am so glad he understands you and loves you for who you...just like mine, after 24 years, he still loves me and has finally giving up on changing!
    can't wait for the next book!!
    Jo (formerly know as Joetta haha!)

  21. Loved your review! I can't wait to read this Book! I love Julie Lessman!


  22. I'm also a follower on FB and Twitter!


  23. Julie, darling, you are the best! I love your interviews, and I dearly wish all your readers could spend even a few minutes with you face-to-face. They would be mesmerized by your amazing passion for God, books, and life.

    Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Squee!!

  24. JULIE!

    I told Casey the other day [and I'm still crying over this] that I had /cry/ cancel my Amazon order after some unexpected expenses popped up! /more crying/ And this wasn't the only one I had to cancel /even more crying/.

    If I don't manage to win one, this is the first thing going in my hand at the ACFW bookstore!

    Love you lady!

    carolmoncado at gmail dot com

  25. Lovely interview, ladies! You know I always enjoy a "Julie Day!" :D

    SO looking forward to this book arriving in my mailbox . . . the "stalking" has begun!!

    Have a blessed day!

    **not an entry**

  26. Casey you get to be in Julie's book? what an your blogspot and how the print is so neat. and to interview Julie...awesome...she is an awesome lady and writer. gonna share this if I can?

  27. hmmmm were we supposed to leave email...Virginia @ sorry

  28. I gotta say I'm really looking forward to that Marcy/Patrick prequel. I just love how you are really covering all of the bases with the O'Connors. I like knowing what happens next and not have to wonder about it! Hehehe!


    XOXO~ Renee

  29. VIRGINIA, yes Ma'am you may! And PLEASE DO spread the word! We want the whole world to know about Julie's books. :D

    And yes, I do get to have my name in her latest book. Me and Michelle Tuller both (just above you in the comments) EXCITING!!

    And thank you for the kind comment on my blog, I appreciate that!

  30. I would love to win 'A Heart Revealed' - so I can give it to my mom, who has been wanting to read this VERY much! Please enter me in the giveaway.

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  31. I'm a GFC follower - I would love it if you would follow my blog - Christian Bookshelf Reviews

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. I'm an email subscriber!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com
    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  33. I read and rated your review! If you could read and rate my review on 'Reluctant Smuggler' that would be SO much help.

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. Uh and I'm a subscriber and follower.

    I think I'm both... I should be...

  35. Loved this interview and would obviously love to win this book!

  36. Julie's interviews are always lively and fun. I can't wait for the love scenes that had her keyboard smoking!
    Please include me!

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  37. I'm a follower.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  38. I'm a subscriber.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  39. I really love the location and the time period that you picked. I get to imagine being there! Great interview. Thank you for this giveaway.

    I am an e-mail subscriber and a GFC follower of this blog.


  40. Great interview, Casey & Julie! And Julie, I LOVED the insight on your next series, sounds FAB!! :)

  41. Wow, she's a busy gal!
    Our library doesn't have any of her books, so I'm hoping I win. :)

    I'm a follower and subscriber.

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com

  42. Thank you for the chance to win!
    I love Julie's books!!


    jmschwindt0306 at gmail dot com

  43. I am a follower and a subscriber.


    jmschwindt0306 at gmail dot com

  44. Anything written by Julie Lessman is always entertaining:) I love Seekerville. Please enter me.

  45. I would LOVE to win this book!! I love Julie's books so much!! Please enter me!

  46. Hey, CASE, sorry I've been MIA, but I JUST finished a scene in The Cousins McClare, which is always a good thing. One scene closer to the Marcy & Patrick prequel, which I hope to begin when I wrap up book 1 of the McClares!!

    But, I'm here now, so a big "Hey" to everybody who was kind enough to drop by ... and let's move on with the comments ...


  47. AHHHHH ... JO!!!! One of the three dear reader friends who has already read A Heart Revealed!!! I didn't realize it was your "favorite book EVER," my friend, so WHOA, BABY, that is HUGE!!! I know Kels rated AHR as a tie with APMP for her fav, so that's pretty darn good too. :)

    We are definitely two lucky chicas, aren't we, though, with the guys God has blessed us with??? God in the center of any marriage or relationship is the ONLY way to fly! Never perfect, but ALWAYS better than anything the world has to offer.

    LOL ... "Formerly known as Joetta"... I LOVE that, girl!!!

    Hugs and more hugs,

  48. EDEN ... LOVE your name, my friend -- I just may have to use it in a book, you know???

    Thank you SO much for the "love," sweetie. I assure you, it's coming right back at you. Good luck in the contest and MEGA thanks for stopping by.


  49. ERICA!!!!!!! Soooo good to see you here, my friend, and what an incredibly nice thing to say!! Not sure "mesmerized" is the right word for a "face-to-face" with moi ... maybe more like stun-gunned, you know? I can be pretttttttty darn wired at a conference, you know! :) And I can't wait to see you at ACFW either -- double SQUEEEEE!!! (Love that word ... just may have to steal it ...)

    And anybody who hasn't read Erica's Portrait of a Bride in Dodge City is missing a Mary-Conneally-caliber good story that will -- and now we CAN use this word -- "mesmerize" you as only the Wild West can!


  50. Oh, CAROL, I am ticked at those "unexpected expenses" you encountered -- I hate to see that happen to one of my favorite people, girl!! BUT ... I have at least ten blog giveaways going on this month and next (down from 30-40 during prior releases, but my publisher is reining me in so I have more time to write, so not all bad, I guess). Sooo ... HIT THEM ALL, girlfriend!! Who knows, maybe you won't have to buy AHR at all ...

    Good luck, CM, and real hugs coming your way in September ...


  51. MICHELLE!!!! LOL ... "the stalking has begun ..." Love it!!!

    And speaking of "stalking," cyber-stalking on blog giveaways is the BEST way to get a book, in my opinion ... OR by winning a contest to have a character named after you in a book like Michelle and Casey did. Sooo fun to see your names in there, my friends, especially since I am very close to you both.

    Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!

    Love ya,

  52. VIRGINIA ... thank you SO much for sharing this on FB, my friend, and for your kind words.

    And, YES, Casey was the top winner in my newsletter contest to have a character named after her in A Heart Revealed, then Michelle came in second, so she gets a character, too, albeit a much smaller role. But, hey -- a name in a book is a name in a book, right??? :)


  53. Hey, RENEE ... NOT as much as I'm looking forward to it, my friend! That Marcy and Patrick sequel has been burning a hole in me for a long time now, and I cannot WAIT to put it to paper. It will be so much fun for me to start at the beginning, and then when it comes out, reread each book thereafter to visit with a family I've lived with for years now. Soooo fun!!

    Looking forward to being on your blog in September, sweetie, so people, PLEASE check out my website calendar for all the future giveaways, okay?


  54. Truly loved the interview! Would love to be entered into the drawing to win Julie's book. I'm sure it's a wonderful read!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  55. I am a GFC follower.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  56. I am an email subscriber.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  57. I rated your review.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  58. I'm another Julie Lessman fan who is entering all the giveaways I can find. I am so looking forward to reading A Heart Revealed. The only downside is having to wait some more for Steven's story and the prequel.

    Sorry about your microwave; have your husband check the fuse. I have an older microwave. Every few years the fuse goes out and we just have to buy another one and replace it. Problem solved.

    Thanks for writing with such passion for the Lord, Julie and for giving away a book. Also, thanks, Casey, for featuring her new book.


  59. I'm an e-mail subscriber.


  60. I'm also a follower.


  61. I also rated your review, Casey. Can you tell how much I want to win a copy of A Heart Revealed?


  62. Hey, CINDY, thank you SO much, my friend -- it was a fun interview 'cause I love Case SO darn much. And, WOW, you're serious about winning, girl, so thank you for all the following and rating you did for Casey's blog -- MUCH appreciated! Good luck in the contest, sweetie, and here's to a win.


  63. PAM!!! You are SO smart -- it WAS a fuse in the microwave!! We have one of those "gonna be expensive when you have to replace it" microwave/oven combinations that is 25 years old, so we were sweating bullets, let me tell you. As it is, it cost $200 to fix the fuse because this is such a specialized unit. But the upside is the guy was a gabber who told my husband everything he needs to know about all of our appliances!! :)

    Oh, Pam, I finished Steven's story a few months back, so the other day I had to go into the doc for research as to something I said, and WHOA, BABY ... the sucker just pulled me right on it and before you know it, I had already read a scene. :) That's always a good feeling because it tells me that hopefully (palms skyward), this last book is gonna be good ... :)

    Good luck, my friend!


  64. Interesting interview. Beautiful cover on the book!

  65. I'm a follower

  66. email subscriber

  67. read and rated your review

  68. I'm a subscriber by email and I follow by gfc. I did go and rate your review. I would love to read this book. I liked the part where the author talked about writing romantic scenes and that she likes to think that she draws pepole closer to her God by reading her books. Thank you!

    dancealert at aol aot com

  69. What I love is that you manage to mention something different in just about every interview. No need to enter me since I have the entire Lessman collection and my mom has most of them too now. I can't wait to "see" one of my favorite online peeps (Casey) in one of my favorite authors books. In fact I may just send it over for Casey to sign too :)

  70. LGM52 ... whew, you've been busy girl -- thanks for all the following, subscribing and reviewing for Case! Hope it nets a win, my friend.


  71. DANCEALERT ... LOVE that addy, sweetie, although God knows it describes me probably better than you. I can't dance to save my soul, so it's truly a "dance alert" when I do!! :)

    And you sound like you haven't read my books before, so if not, we need to get one into your hands, okay? If you don't win here, check out my website calendar for more opportunities, okay?

    Good luck!


  72. JULIA!!! And what I LOVE about you (among TONS of other things), is that you ALWAYS notice that -- THANK YOU!! I work real hard to try and put something new or different into each interview because I do SO many (have done over 200 interviews and have answered WAY over a thousand questions, so it gets tough, trust me). Anyway, when I mention that I have about three reader friends that have won at least four of my books, YOU are one of the ones I'm talking about, so go buy a lottery ticket, girl!! Actually, I hate lottery tickets, but if I had your success rate, I may just give one a shot ... :)


  73. +1 - *Gasp* Ooh, I hope writing on the first "Cousins McClare" book goes quickly ... can't wait to read Patrick and Marcy's story (and the McClares also). =P

    +1 - Read and rated your review, Casey!

    +1 - I'm an e-mail subscriber


  74. I really enjoyed reading your interview! It has made me want to read 'A Heart Revealed' more, if that is even possible. I have loved all of Julie's other books and would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the opportunity.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  75. I am a GFC follower of this blog, ID: Megan (Celtic_Girl).

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  76. I am an email subscriber!

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  77. I rated your review.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  78. LDK!!! Don't worry your pretty, little head about The Cousins McClare going quickly, because it IS!!! Hope to be done by December (say one for me, okay?), which is 3 months ahead of schedule, so that's the time I will be taking to write the prequel. Cannot WAIT!!

    Thanks for coming by, sweetie, and good luck in the contest. Only FOUR MORE DAYS TO AHR!!!!


  79. MEGAN!!! Thanks for all the following, rating and subscribing, girl, and here's hoping it nets you a win, okay?

    Have a GREAT weekend and only FOUR MORE DAYS TO AHR!!!!!!!!!


  80. Julie! I read your blog post on Matthew hugs and just cried! I know that pain. My third son was the first who preferred daddy over mommy. He's a man's man. I had to teach him to show affection by just hugging and holding him even when he didn't seem to want it. Now, at 13, he'll come up to me and just stand really close to me (it probably helps having two older brothers who hug me at random and still kiss my cheek and tell me they love me). It took me a while, but I realized when he hovers, he's needing my touch and my attention. He used to snuggle in my lap all the time until Garrison came nearly 6 yrs ago. He cheerfully gave up his spot for his baby brother, but I think it misses it, too. Anyway, I so cried reading about you Matthew hug. Love you, lady!!! (((HUGS)))


  81. Oops! That's lr(dot)mullin(at)live(dot)com - not come. :D

  82. I'm a follower.

  83. Casey~ I won A Passion Most Pure on your last Julie Lessman giveaway, and loved it (as I knew I would).

    I definitely want to be in this drawing.

    andeemarie95 at gmail dot com

  84. Julie~

    After I won APMP on Casey's giveaway, I spent all my Barnes & Noble birthday money (that's the best kind) on THE REST of your available books. Purchase wise, I've caught up, but I still have to read APD and AHU. They taunt me daily from the 2BR shelf.

  85. Hi Casey and Julie! Great interview. I really would love to win this book, please enter me in the giveaway. I am a follower and a subscriber, and I rated your review of A Sound Among the Trees.
    Thanks so much for an awesome blog and for the giveaway!


  86. Hey, LINNETTE -- I know, I cried, too, as I mentioned on FB!! And, gosh, every kid is different, aren't they, though? Two boys who hug and kiss on their mom, and one who doesn't. Glad you can sense when he needs you and you know what? Before all is said and done, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up being closer to that boy than you ever thought possible. :)

    Love you back, sweetie!

  87. ANDREA, HELLO!!! Sooo good to see you, sweetie, how have you been??

    And my books taunting you from the 2BR shelf??? Grin ... not 1/10 as much as they will when you read them, so keep the Kleenex handy ... :) AHU is my FAV of all I've written so far, so I am anxious to see what you think of that one when you get to it.

    Good luck in the contest!


  88. Hey, BETH, thanks SO much for all the following and subscribing, girl, and here's hoping it pays off with a win!! Good luck. :)


  89. Wow... I loved reading this interview. I am so excited for "A Heart Revealed"... I've been waiting for this story ever since Emma and Sean met! :)
    Please enter me to win this book!


  90. P.S. I am a follower and a subscriber and I rated your interview.

  91. Would love to win!


  92. KRISTA!!! Me too, sweetie, and only FOUR MORE DAYS till Amazon and CBD ship it out, but I'm pretty sure you can probably find it at bookstores if you call ahead and ask. It's a beautiful love story, so I'm very excited to see what you think. Good luck in the contest, sweetie!


  93. SARAH ... I would LOVE for you to win, too, girl. Heck, I would love for EVERYONE to win, but my publisher would shoot me! :) Good luck in the contest.


  94. I love this blog and all the new books I find here! I'm excited for Julie Lessman's book...The Harvest of Grace looks like a good one too, I'm always looking for good Amish books :) Oh and I can't wait for Julie's new series!! I would like to be entered in this contest.

  95. Thanks for the great interview. Wow I wish I could write a story that quickly. I can't wait to read the book. Thanks for doing the book giveaway.
    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  96. Great interview, I ALWAYS love hearing from Julie! I'm so excited about this book and, as much as I don't want to say goodbye to the O'Connors, I'm super hyped for The Cousins McClare. Thanks so much for the amazing giveaway as well!

    I am a follower and a subscriber.


    God Bless,
    Liz R

  97. Oh, TAMARA, "Harvest of Grace" is WONDERFUL, and that is HUGE for me to say because I do not read Amish books (this was only the 2nd I've ever read!!), but Cindy Woodsmall is absolutely WONDERFUL, not only as an author, but as a person too. Her characterization is marvelous and I fell in love with this book, so go for it!!

    And Casey's blogs is one of the best out there, so I totally agree with you, Tamara, and glad you found it.

    Good luck in the contest, sweetie.


  98. Hey, CYNTHIA, gosh, I wish I could write more stories that quickly too!! It only happened once, on A Passion Redeemed, and I think that was just become I LOVE Charity and Mitch so much, that it just poured out of me. One of my friends told me she thought I really hit my stride in that book, and I think she was right. I recently reread APMP and APR (because I generally try to reread all my books before the next one comes up just to refresh), and APR just tickled me to no end. It is definitely my FAV of the DOB series.

    Good luck in the contest, my friend.


  99. Casey, thanks for the interview. I enjoyed it.
    Julie, you are one of my favorite authors! Thanks for being so down to earth and real. And especially for taking the time to connect to your readers!! It is evident that you do truly care about the people you are ministering to through your work!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  100. I am a follower.

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  101. I read and rated your review

    We also posted about your giveaway at Winning Readings

  102. WOW, MEGAN, thank you SOOO much, my friend, not only for your very kind comments, but for posting this giveaway on Winning Readings and following and rating Casey's review -- you are a DOLL!!!

    And you know what? I am SO very glad that it shows that I care for my readers because my readers are THE BEST part of being a writer for me, 2nd to writing for God, God's truth. I absolutely LOVE you guys because so many of you are just as passionate as I am, both about God and romance, so I truly appreciate that connection.

    God bless you, girl, and good luck in the contest. :)

    Hugs and more hugs,

  103. Please enter me in this great giveaway.
    sonflower277 at gmail dot com

  104. SONFLOWER ... thanks for coming by and good luck in the contest, sweetie.


  105. Julie,

    Wonderful interview! Wow writing a book in a month! You're certainly

    Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us about your latest novel!

    Amanda Barratt

  106. Another fun interview! Julie, I loved seeing a lot of favorite authors we have in common + you gave me a couple new reads to check out :)
    Casey, Thanks for the fun interview & I'm now a follower of your blog as well! :)
    Blessing, Sarah

    fireflies_n_stardust at yahoo dot com

  107. AMANDA ... "Fast"??? Oh, don't I wish! That only happened on A Passion Redeemed, probably because I absolutely LOVE Mitch and Charity! :)

    And don't know if you've read it yet, but A Hope Undaunted is free on Kindle and B&N Nook right now, so tell everybody you know to DOWNLOAD IT!!


  108. SARAH ... I am SO glad, my friend -- they are ALL great authors, so happy reading!! And good luck in this contest too.

    And like I told Amanda above -- A Hope Undaunted is FREE on Amazon Kindle and B&N Nook, so SPREAD THE WORD!!!


  109. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book.
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  110. I follow you via gfc (mamabunny13)
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  111. I read and rated the review on the link you provided.
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  112. MAMABUNNY!!! What an ADORABLE addy!! Thank you for stopping by and rating and following -- GREATLY appreciated! Good luck in the contest, sweetie.


    P.S. The first book in this series, A Hope Undaunted, is FREE on Amazon Kindle and B&N Nook for a limited time, so you may want to download that to get started. Both can be downloaded on PCs, Macs, Droids, etc., so please pass the word!!

  113. Loved the interesting interview. Thanks for having a great giveaway!

  114. Follow on GFC - Andrea Williams

  115. New email subscriber.

  116. Hello,
    I would like to enter this giveaway. I have become a follower and have rated the above review.

  117. Would love to win this book! Julie is such a great writer! Looking forward to it!

  118. I also subscribe to email.

  119. ANDREA ... thanks for coming by to comment, follow and subscribe, sweetie!! Hopefully it will earn you a win in the contest, so GOOD LUCK!


    P.S. The first book in this series, A Hope Undaunted, is FREE on Amazon Kindle and B&N Nook for a limited time, so you may want to download that to get started. Both can be downloaded on PCs, Macs, Droids, etc., so please pass the word!!

  120. ALZESS ... thanks for coming by to comment, follow and rate Casey's review -- MUCH appreciated! Here's hoping for a win!


    P.S. You sound like maybe you haven't read any of my books before, sweetie, so you may want to check out the first book in this series, A Hope Undaunted, which is NOW FREE on Amazon Kindle and B&N Nook for a limited time. Can be downloaded on PCs, Macs, Droids, etc., so please pass the word!!

  121. PATSY!!! Good girl -- you're making the rounds on the blog giveaways -- GREAT way to win a free book, my friend, so GOOD LUCK in the contests!


  122. Hi Julie, Really enjoyed your interview. Just read A Hope Undaunted which was awesome and can't wait to read A Heart Revealed. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  123. Old email subscriber

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  124. Old GFC Follower

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  125. I rated your review for "A Sound Among the Trees”. Have added to my wish list.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  126. So badly want to read Julie's latest release. My absolute favorite author. It's all I can do to keep myself in the chair and not running to the bookstore right now. Maybe for Christmas I'll get a copy of Emma & Sean's story. Blessings! kauppatgridcomdotnet

  127. BRENDA!!! Girl, I am SO glad you got the free download of A Hope Undaunted and enjoyed it. Now we need to get A Heart Revealed into your hot, little hands, right? So if you don't win here, my friend, check out my website calendar for additional giveaways. Good luck!


  128. Aw, KATHY, what an incredibly nice thing to say!! Here's to a win, if not here, then in one of the many other blog giveaways listed on my website calendar, okay? Good luck, sweetie.


  129. Hi Casey!

    LOVE your blog!! (Just spent over an hour exploring it, and I am now your newest follower!) :D I also read and commented on your review.

    I would love to win AHR b/c I am a HUGE Julie Lessman fan, and I just can't seem to get my hands on this book!! I pre-ordered at CMD, but it's backordered, and my local bookstores & local Barnes & Noble DON'T HAVE IT!! AHHH! If i don't get this book soon I am seriously gonna have a breakdown! :-)

    And congrats on getting your name in the book!! I was one of the lucky 2 that got my name in the last one, and I gotta tell ya there is NOTHING like reading YOUR name in a book...let alone a book by your favorite author!!! NOTHING!! Best & coolest thing ever!! :-D



  130. ALLI!!! NOOOOO ... you don't have it yet, my friend??? BLASPHEMY!!! I am SO sorry that it's been difficult to get your hands on it, but it's been that way all over -- on CBD, Amazon, stores, etc., and I'm not sure why. My publisher just said that they have a TON of books releasing that are shipped out mid-August, so that always slows things down.

    Soon, my friend, soon ...

    Love ya!


  131. Just finished reading A Heart Revealed and love, love, loved it! Yay, Julie!


  132. Julie Lessman writes awesome books. I'd love to be able to read A Heart Revealed. It sounds really good.

    Thanks for the post, Julie and Casey! Definitely enjoyed it. I subscribed and followed the blog.

    Faith4u7 at gmail dot com

    P.S. Love your layout. It's really pretty.

  133. Loved A Hope Undaunted. Please enter me. You have real skill at making your characters come alive.
    llmarmalade at yahoo dot com

  134. Hey, Ann, you are making the rounds today, my friend -- THANK YOU!! And MEGA thanks for "love, love, loving" the book -- that blesses me.


  135. ESTHER!!! Are you related to a friend of mine, Patty Wysong??? LOVE that woman!! Thank you for your kind words and coming by to comment. Here's to a win, sweetie!


  136. LLMARMALADE ... Thank you SO very much, my friend -- that blesses the socks off of me ... or would if I were wearing any!! :) SO glad you enjoyed AHU!! If you don't mind posting reviews, you can enter my newsletter contest to win a signed copy of the next book AND have a character named after you if you post the most reviews, so if think that's something you'd like to do, let me know, okay? And good luck in the contest, sweetie.


  137. I'm entering!

  138. I rated your review..and have it a 5 star.

  139. ASHLEY ... Short and sweet gets the job done, my friend, so thank you for coming by and entering, following and rating -- MUCH appreciated. And good luck in the contest! :)


    P.S. You sound like maybe you haven't read any of my books before, sweetie, so you may want to check out the first book in this series, A Hope Undaunted, which is NOW FREE on Amazon Kindle and B&N Nook for a limited time. Can be downloaded on PCs, Macs, Droids, etc., so please pass the word!!

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Would love to win this book! Thanks for having the giveaway!

    bookcrazy124 at gmail dot com

  142. GFC follower!

    bookcrazy124 at gmail dot com

  143. Email subscriber!

    bookcrazy124 at gmail dot com

  144. I read and rated your review of "A Sound Among the Trees" :)

    bookcrazy124 at gmail dot com

  145. MELISSA ... thanks for coming by, subscribing, following and rating -- MUCH appreciated! Good luck in the contest, sweetie!:)



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)