Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Relinquishing Expectations

Expectation (Odotus)

I get reflective on my blog. Forgive me if these posts start to sound repetitive, I will admit to writing them for myself and hoping it touches a life in need.

I've had to lay a lot of my life's expectations at my Father's feet. I cling too tightly, thinking I know what I want from life. Thinking I know what is best for me. Thinking I know what is right for God to do for me today.

I'm speaking more today for the young woman reading this post (and maybe the not so young). We want to find Prince Charming don't we? And don't we think it should be today, at the latest tomorrow? We hit a certain age and life should start to happen, shouldn't it?

In the last two years I've had several young women I know well (or knew well) get married by the age of 20.

Okay, God. I'm here! Waiting! Waiting............

Don't You realize I'll be an old maid by the time I hit 21 and that no guy is going to want to even talk to me?

I don't know where you live, but where I'm at, there are more cattle than people. Which I love, but it doesn't make for very good prospective husband material. And I wasn't very patient about that fact. And it made for some disgruntled months...okay years.

I have an expectation for my life: to someday fall in love, marry and have children. And I hope and pray to have the blessing to be a stay at mom with my children and homemaker for my husband/family. But it isn't that time yet. It's a dream still lingering on the horizon, but what if it isn't God's timing yet?

The curse for being in God's will is we can't see what is coming around the bend. The blessing is we can't see what is coming around the bend!

But what I take comfort in more than anything is GOD has put me here for this season in my life right now. He wants to grow and challenge me here and now.

And so often I want to say "Okay God, I'm ready! You can send him over at any time."

But God knows I'm not ready. Or maybe my future husband isn't ready. It comes down to this bottom line: we don't know what is going on anywhere but within our small universe.

God is omniscient, all loving, all powerful and when I trust Him to work out everything in His time, I am given so much peace. I'm given the gift of knowing that when the time is right He will bring my Prince Charming. Until that time I continue to ask Him to teach and grow me.

Can I pray with you?? Unite in Christ, Ladies!

Dear Jesus,

You have our best interest at heart. You have our perfect man out there, and we are trusting and praying You are growing and teaching him in You, preparing his heart for mine. Lord, help me be patient, to not be pulled toward the pretty and tangible, but be held accountable to Your standards. Prepare my heart to be his helpmate, his perfect match. And Lord remind us when the going gets tough that only You can bring about perfect peace and Your perfect peace is found in Your perfect will.

In Jesus' Name,

And for those interested I'm on Maya's blog today with a special guest post I did about what we put into our brains. Is it important?? Plus I have a giveaway of MaryLu Tyndall's latest book, Surrender the Dawn


  1. Oh, Casey, I'm praying for you! And this will hit a need. So many are waiting...for a spouse, for a child, for a job in this economy... I'm sure this post will bless many.

    We've been studying Exodus in our homeschool. Yesterday Liz took out her blocks and said "These blocks are kind of like a puzzle. The piece doesn't look like its going to fit, but then God puts it together so it does." I wrote it in my journal as God was really using it to speak to me as a reminder that He puts it all together in His way in His timing.

  2. It can be so hard to wait. But you are a beautiful witness in the waiting. I love your prayer, the reminder to wait on Him for His will, because that's the best and only place to be.

  3. I too love your prayer Casey. The Lord does have our best interest at heart. What a wise young lady to be preparing now for your future mate and also for obedience to Christ in the wait. I have a 19 year old daughter that I know wonders if there is a future spouse out there for her. In the meantime she is growing in maturity in the Lord and we are enjoying having her still home with us.

  4. Casey,
    I completely understand! I'm 23 and all my older female cousins are married and my younger female cousins are dating and I'm...still single! It can be a hard roe to hoe, but all I can do is trust that God knows what He's doing and perhaps he is even moving behind the scenes now as we wait.

  5. JULIA, out of the months of babes! It took me a long time to get to the point where I am content in any situation and I am now. I'm willing to wait, because I know He still needs to grow me.

    ERICA, thank you! And yes, it truly is the very best place to be. :)

    JULIE, bless you for not pushing your daughter 'out of the nest!' I too have parents that are patiently waiting with me and praying for my future mate and that in itself gives a great sense of peace.

    EMBASSIE, YES He IS moving behind the scenes. I don't think that anything that happens to us is not something that can be used for His glory. I love resting in that assurance more than anything. Someday we look back on these days and realize just how much He was teaching and preparing us.

  6. I wanted to let you know that God touched me through your blog post today! I'm 21 and frustrated to be single while it seems all the girls I graduated with are getting married and having babies. When I opened my e-mail and read your post it put a smile on my face and peace in my heart just to see that God is always speaking to us. Thank you for reminding me that He has a plan for my life and just because I think it's high time that plan was set in motion God always knows what's best for me!

    Liz R

  7. Oh wow, thank you Liz for stopping by and leaving a comment! Only God could have worked this out because I had NO idea what to write about yesterday until this idea came to me. I love how He works like that!

  8. Girlfriend, I'm soon-to-be 26 and I'm still single too so I know exactly how you feel and I'm not going to say it doesn't get discouraging sometimes because it does but I figure if it does happen for me true love is worth the wait!

    XOXO~ Renee

  9. YES Renee, it is so worth it, it WILL be so worth it! Hang in there!!

  10. Casey, I didn't visit your blog for a while but after reading your comment today on Rachelle Gardner's blog I came to say hello. Your post is very touching and I encourage you to take action and not to wait. You are very pretty, smart and intresting and many good young men in your age group will be very happy to meet you and some to propose to you. But, look around. You live in a very small community where you probably know all the young men already. Please speak with you parents about helping and supporting you moving to a bigger community, maybe the biggest city close to your home, where you can meet good young men. They don't know about you, if you are hiding in a small farm. Or, maybe explore online sites for young single Christians. Please, help God to help you and take action instead of just waiting for a miracle. You will make one special young man very happy for many years to come. Best wishes from Canada.

  11. What a great post.

    I met my husband when I was 28 and he was worth every single minute and every single frog that came before him.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)