Sunday, October 9, 2011

ACFW Gala! (my final pictures post)

ACFW Conference Edition: Gala!

Pepper, our resident hairdresser for the Gala. Why we put up with her...oh that's right we love her. ;-)

The picture doesn't do the beauty of the table justice! The whole Gala hall was stunning! Completely, take-your-breath-away gorgeous! And Thomas Nelson donated the flower center pieces. What generosity!

Pepper's name is in the program...TWICE!

Mmmmm, that desert was way too good! A delicate mousse with a tasty chocolate stick and raspberries. Of course, Erica Vetsch thinks it looks like Mickey Mouse smoking a cigar. My desert will never be the same...

We're just missing Wendy, but I've got one with us all glamoured up below! I love this picture...
L-R: Sarah, Pepper, Me, Mary, Angie

Now we're all together! :-)

I love this one of me and roomie Carol Moncado!

Throw in Julie Lessman and you've got a great picture. :-) Julie was so lovely that night and the life of the party! She makes EVERYONE feel uber welcome. :-)

Sweet, sweet Mary Vee. My own personal cheerleader. ♥ her!

I got to meet budding author Dawn Crandall at the conference. Such a lovely woman! And she got great feedback from her 15 minute crit meeting. Woo-hoo!

Love this one of Mary Connealy and Audra Harders! Classy ladies. :-)

RUTH LOGAN HERNE! Her and Mary Connealy are the only two people who can insult me and get away with it. And I still love 'em.

Seriously, I LOVE this picture of me and Ronie Kendig. So glad I snuck up on her and grabbed a few minutes to visit after the gala. Such an awesome lady!

Keli Gwyn came in full period dress! LOVE that color on her. Love that color period, actually. ;-)

One last photo before she had to leave-- me with my favorite person to meet at the conference, Beth Vogt. Her book releases spring next year!! Watch for Wish You Were Here from Howard Books. :-))

I've featured Jim Rubart many times on both of my blogs, here and OEA. A treat to meet him in person for the first time. He had us rolling in laughter during the MBT Pizza Party skits. :-)

A great photo and moments with Laura Frantz and Pepper Basham

You take it with a smile and a giggle. The tallest and shortest Alley Cat! Literally everyone I met told me I was so little at the conference. I just gotta laugh! :-))

Renee Ann Smith WON THE GENESIS AWARD!!! In her category of romantic suspense, she WON! That is NO easy award to win folks, it's TOUGH. WAY TO GO RENEE!!!

Had to grab a moment with Pepper, our two-time Genesis finalist and the lovely flower centerpiece we talked into talking home. She is so gorgeous...inside and out!

LOVE this one of me and Mary, my other roomie. I'll never be the same after rooming with those three. Then again, they never will be either. ;-)

Seekers and Seeker friends! Loved meeting Helen Gray, the resident coffee make for Seekerville. :-) And Pam Hillman! Recently newly published! Woot! Grab a smile, it's been fun gals!

Oh boy what a moment! Ran into Katie Ganshert down in the lounge after the Gala and we were trying to get a good picture when Rachel Hauck jumped in causing us to laugh. Don't know we if ever ended up with a serious one or not. LOL! That one tells a story. Gotta love it. ;-)

And just a few more, because I don't want to be done. ;-) These last few were from Sunday just before I had to leave.

It's the last day, don't you think Mary and Pepper need to be done?? Time to go home.

THIS is an amazing story, I've got to share. I really wanted to meet Meg Mosely at the conference. But all weekend long I never saw her.  I was standing next to the escalator on Sunday waiting for breakfast, just having mentioned to Mary I hadn't see her and probably wouldn't, when HERE SHE CAME up the escalator. What a moment from God! I didn't really get to visit much with her, but I got to MEET her! What a joy. :-)

Lorna Seilstad is such a sweetie! Love her and we got to talk a bit about her upcoming series about a switch board operator who can't stop talking. Too funny! Can't wait for that series, Lorna. ;-)

Ah, this picture befuddles me. I don't know WHY I was looking up, but ignore me and focus on Sarah Sundin! So glad I got to meet her. Another one of those God moments when I saw her across the room and hurried over to say 'hi'.

Oh do I have to be done?? I do have a few site seeing pictures I took on our way home, but I'll save them for another time.

But know this: I know seeing all these pictures are fun, but hard too, because you couldn't make it.

Know this: God's timing is PERFECT. He brought me to this conference on HIS power and grace and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Be willing to trust that He knows what He is doing. He's going to get you there. Don't try and get there before He knows you're ready. And you'll know it. Because He will provide EVERYTHING, down to the smallest of details. He sees the future, we can't. Take heart!

Looking forward to visiting with you in the comments!


**Weekend note**
The winner of Laura V. Hilton's Harvest of Hearts is...

You've been emailed, so be haunting your mailbox!


  1. Love seeing all the pics, Casey. So glad you got to meet many of those you'd hoped to see. So glad I got to meet YOU!

  2. Casey,

    Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. I'm thrilled you were able to meet so many of the authors that you hoped to see. It sounds like God blessed you in many ways during your trip.


  3. Casey, I am so glad you got to attend the conference!!! And thanks for sharing your pics...enjoyed seeing them so much!
    I love to read, and it's fun to see what these great ladies look like!!!

  4. LOL @ Pepper's face in the first photo and the smoking Mickey. :)

    Great pics!

  5. love the pictures! almost like being there again. :)

    And Mickey needs to heed the surgeon general's warning! :)

  6. love love love all of the pictures! Thank you for sharing with us! What a wonderful trip you had!

  7. Oh, CASE, these pix pull at my heart, joyous glimpses into memories we will have forever!! Next year's ACFW will be a tough act to follow, won't it?? But somehow we'll manage ... :)


  8. KELI, I got to meet MANY new friends! And scratched quite a few authors off my 'bucket list' ;-)

    KAMEKO, so glad to see you again!! He did! Oh my goodness, I was so blessed beyond belief!

    JACKIE, isn't that fun?? So many of them look just like I expected them too. Would know them anywhere. :)

  9. JOY, doesn't that sound like something you would think of?? I tell ya that Erica is a HOOT!

    ERICA, lolol! He did, I helped him. ;-)

    JULIE, so glad you were able to enjoy the posts! I wish I could share the entire experience live with all my dear blogging friends!

  10. JULIE, somehow I imagine this ACFW will always be my favorite. So many wonderful memories. Hopefully God will bring us together again next year!

  11. Great pictures, Casey!!! And I love Erica's description of that dessert...Too funny!

  12. Thanks Sarah! Love that you are in some of them. ;-) And yes, Erica made me LOL when I read her description on Facebook. Writers. ;-)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)