Friday, October 7, 2011

Have a Question for Jody Hedlund??? ((My ACFW Journey Part 2))

Our NEXT Cold Call Author is...

Jody Hedlund!

Leave your questions for Jody (can be ANYTHING funny or serious...these interviews are fun!) by Sunday, October 9th and I'll send them to Jody. But I ONLY take 8 questions, so get yours in first!

You can email them  to me (casey (@) gmail (.) com) or leave them in the comments, either works!

acfw continued...

Who says a writer's conference has to be serious?? Us Alley Cats know how to have FUN! ;-)

Here are 5 of the six Frasier finalists. Though I didn't win the contest, my CRITIQUE PARTNER DID!!! I am SO proud of Andrea Nell and so glad I got to meet this lady in person! She's awesome. And she will go places in her writing for sure. :-))

L-R: Shelly Dippel, Debbie Archer, Andrea Nell, Marcie Gribbin, Me.

Gotta show a bit of my personality. But let me speak in my defense: at the pizza party we sang a final song as group. My dilemma: I'm short AND too young. (What's new??) and I couldn't see the words and didn't know them to begin with! What else could I do? I got on the chair and of COURSE I had to dance. The beat was too fun!

Though I did look like I'd had one too many... don't worry the party was non-alcholic. I promise.

I can be prouder of this one. MUCH more dignified.

I got to host Julie Lessman and Ruth Axtell Morren's A Kiss is NOT Just a Kiss class. A surprise to Julie and FUN for me. Until I was reading a question into the recording microphone and then misread the word. Oh well. We laughed and it's been well-recorded for everyone to hear on the recordings. ;-)

I got meet Erica Vetsch! Learned how to say her last name! And got her book! (which I had thought I missed the chance to buy, saved by the last copy!)

Tracie Peterson was our keynote speaker and her publishers, Bethany House, gave all attendees a copy of her latest book. What generosity! I was thrilled to meet her and have her sign my copy. She had us laughing and thinking during her speeches.

Jody Hedlund and my other roomie, Carol Moncado. Seriously, love both of them, and what a thrill to meet Jody. She has been such an encouragement to me. Another author I can scratch from my bucket list. ;-) 

Love this one of me and Andrea! She is fantastic crit partner and a most gracious winner!

I'm not just ratting on myself in this picture. Gotta love Mary Vee here too. What can I say, you get a bunch of writers together and serious goes out the window. :-)

I LOVE this picture of me and dear roomie and best writing friend a girl could ask for, Pepper Basham. We laughed and loved and laughed some more that weekend. She is the dearest!

Myra Johnson has been such a sweetheart to me and I'm so thrilled to have finally met her in person. Truly as lovely as the books she writes. AND while at the conference her agent sold her a two book contract! Can't wait to find out more details!

 She might hate me for posting this, but to me, it shows Pepper's wonderful PEPPY personality. ;-)

I got to meet the lovely Genesis Finalist, Karen Schravemade from Australia. I got to know her primarily on Twitter and I loved visiting with her at the conference. What a lovely woman inside and out! Can't wait to see where life takes you, Karen!

Gotta love Brandilyn Collins. Though a suspense author (who can write suspense ) she knows how to have a great time. I laughed and laughed (and wasn't the only one) when she got up to MC our conference. If only I could remember all the funny things she said, so I could share them!

Me and the lovely and talented Karen Witemeyer! Alright, ya'll are gonna hate me, but I got to see a sneak, sneak peek of her next cover for Short Straw Bride . I. Love. It!! And you will too, I know it! But she won't let me post it for a while. Bummer.

A lady I was very anxious to meet, Cara Putman. I had the chance to have a mentor appointment with Cara and she blessed me greatly! So glad God gave me the chance to attend and meet so many wonderful people, but also to visit to such a degree with Cara. I am blessed in our friendship.

Who doesn't love Janice Thomspon! I know I do! And she is just as lovable in person as I thought she would be. I got the chance to introduce her to my dad when he came to pick me up on Sunday. She was the inspiration for our family making ravioli. ;-)

Two of the shortest writers at the conference, but Jenny B. Jones and I totally ROCKED it! And she pointed this out to me later on Facebook, we even matched! But seriously, love Jenny's books and she is one talented author and a lovely woman in person. Can I have even a 1/10th of her talent, please??

 The fantastic Cathy West, author of Yesterday's Tomorrow. She has another book releasing in the coming year, so excited to see what she has dreamed up next!

Can't get much better than meeting Rachel Hauck! She and Susie May Warren put on a great show at the pizza party and I love her books and talent. So, so good! Dining with Joy made my 2010 favorite list and remains a favorite of favorites. So glad I got to finally meet her!

Last photo for the day--I'll have Gala photos on Sunday (I'm thinking at least) This is a group shot with some Seekers and Seeker friends.

L-R Back: Audra Harders, Carol Moncado, Mary Connealy, Cara Lynn James, Melanie Dickerson

L-R Front: Sandra Leesmith, Helen Gray, Ruth Logan Herne, Pepper Basham, Me.




  1. Loved those pics! Especially of you dancing on the chair. So much fun, Casey!

  2. Jody, I was wandering where you are from and what your family is like.

  3. I;m gonna leave my Q. here...

    'When did you decide that you were a writer? Was it something you always new, or discovered over time?'

  4. Love the pics, Casey. You did an awesome job as the hostess for Julie and Ruth's workshop. I loved your enthusiasm and clever intro.

  5. Oh, FUN, FUN review, Case!!! Makes me homesick for the conference again ...

    And, Keli, you are right -- Casey did an AWESOME job as hostess for Ruth's and my workshop, and as I already told Case, my husband was BLOWN AWAY by her poise and professionalism at the mike. :)


  6. Casey - You are just so stinkin' cute! Every single picture of you is so adorable!

    Jody - I haven't read either of your books yet, but both have been on my wish list! I have 2 questions -
    1. I love Historical Fiction! What made you want to write His. Fiction?
    2. Stephanie Grace Whitson is my fav. Christian Author. Who is your fav. and what Author inspires you?

  7. Casey, you looked like you had a blast! And to be in the company of so many great authors! WOW! Love all the pictures!

  8. I forgot to leave a question for Jody, so here's one: You're so disciplined with your writing, so I'm wondering if that carries over into other aspects of your life. For example, do you have a cleaning schedule that results in a perpetually immaculate house, or does yours tend to get a bit cluttered like mine?

  9. These are such fantastic pictures Casey and you are sooo photogenic!

    Looks like a good time was had by all. :)

  10. KATIE, LOL! Never going to live that down. But I figure if everyone else is going to talk about it, it might as well come straight from the horses' mouth. ;-)

    PATSY, great question! It's on the interview. Thanks!

    ASHLEY, love it! Just put it in the interview. :)

  11. KELI, thank you. :) I wanted it to be fun, since conference intros are some of my favorite parts of the conference recordings. :)

    JULIE, I know! I think I've been too busy (and greatly thankful for the God's grace in this!!) to be terribly homesick. The pics are so helpful to remember!

    LOL, WALL, thank you. *Blush*. Love your q's for Jody! I've included them. :)

  12. JULIE, Smile. SO glad you enjoy them! I loved getting these posts ready!

    Thanks KELI!

    JOY, I think a good time was had by all! And you haven't seen me try and do a self-portrait. *Shudder*


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)