Monday, October 17, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: Ten Plagues

Welcome back Mary (Con)Nealy! Since this is the third time for you to visit, I thought I would throw in some fun questions, maybe some that aren’t part of the norm in other interviews. J
If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be? 

I'd like to go to the Del Coronado Hotel in San Diego and sit in the sun on their beautiful beaches. Of course I burn easily. So maybe I'd sit under an umbrella. I could figure it out. 
Do you have any pets?

No, well, a couple of cats so wild I can't touch them and rarely see them, but they live here, skirting along the edges of our lawn, leaping in the tall grass if I come outside. But we feed them scraps. This is the temperament I like in a cat. Their job is to eat mice and why would they do that if they can get me to feed them, huh?

Your favorite book that you have written? 

Well, honestly, Casey, that's a kind of mean question. Honestly, I'm usually in love with the book I'm writing NOW, so it's not a fair test. But right this minute, I just turned in Book #3 in the Kincaid Brides series and I just loved it. Seth, the crazy brother and a wife so mad she reaches for her shot gun every time he opens his mouth. 

What is your favorite pastime?

Reading and writing. I know, like it'd kill me to take a walk once in a while.

Favorite book?

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. A close second is, A Lantern in Her Hand by Bess Streeter Aldrich

Favorite movie?

While You Were Sleeping, I absolutely adore that movie. Every moment is worth watching, sweet, simple, romantic, funny. A perfect romantic comedy.

What people have inspired you in your writing journey?

Francine Rivers taught me just how much power could be created with the written word in her Mark of the Lion Trilogy. Julie Garwood made me laugh so many times with her Scottish Lairds and English Maiden mis-matches. Tina Radcliffe has taught me how beautifully hard work can pay off.

What character in a novel you have read has stood out and seemed to stand the test of time?

My favorite character of all time is a very obscure choice. There is a book called The Invitation, a trilogy in one book by Jude Deveraux. The heroine in that book, Cale Anderson, is the crankiest, funniest heroine ever. This is the second book in that trilogy and it is a strange book, written all wrong. The heroine is in first person, the hero is in third, the book is ridiculously short even for a novella and the whole book reads like Jude is furious with the whole world and wrote the book in a long, caffeine soaked weekend to make some deadline, Cale spends the whole book raging at pubishers, editors, friends, men, parents, and herself. She's an author who writes bestselling books by literarily killing off all the people who had done her wrong. It is hilarious.

If you could meet one person from history who would it be and why?

 You know, Casey, these are tough questions. You need to take a short time out and just THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! A person in history? Well, I would love to stand in the presence of Jesus. That's so obvious it feels like cheating but who else? One person in history who isn't Jesus. Wow, I've spent too long thinking on this. Let's just go with Jesus.

Okay, last one and a fun one for our readers today: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing, what would it be? Why?

Hmmm…can I take a ship that would take me back to the mainland? Probably not, huh. Food? Let's assume there's food. If I could have my laptop and it wouldn’t run out of power, then I could just write. I could keep pretty busy for a long, long time with that.  Then I'd eventually get rescued and I'd turn in twenty books and everyone would say, "She made good use of her time, that woman."
Too fun, thanks for joining us for a third time!! It is a privilege. J

Readers here is your chance to enter to win Mary's novel!

Please leave an email address. If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win!

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on October 28th.


  1. Please enter me in contest. I am a follower and email subscriber. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good.

  2. Thanks for the interview and the giveaway.

  3. Great interview. The laptop on the deserted island made me laugh. :)


    +1 I'm a follower :)

  4. Great interview.I also loved the laptop on a deserted island.


  5. I'm a subscriber


  6. I'm a follower


  7. Please enter me in the contest! Great cover design...intriguing interview with the author!

  8. I'm a follower, too!

  9. Casey,

    I wish to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of Ten Plagues.

    I met Mary Connealy once. She is the funniest writer and nicest person in the world.

    have a good week.


  10. Zany as ever, Mary, love.

    I don't need to be entered into the drawing. I already have the book and I've read it. :D It's great! And scary. And Creepy. And cool.

  11. I love Mary's writing. Would love to read Ten Plagues.


  12. I am an email subscriber


  13. ABSOLUTELY LOVE anything this woman writes, from books to blogs to Seeker e-mails (which make me laugh more than anything on the planet!!).

    Cannot WAIT to read Ten Plagues, but unfortunately I have to because I am SO behind and still have Out of Control before it ...

    Which means, basically, I'm "out of control," apparently when it comes to my reading ...

    Love ya, Mare ... and ditto to Case!


  14. Wow, Mary writing suspense, how cool! I can't wait to dive into Ten Plagues, add me please.

    I'm a follower.
    I'm a subscriber.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  15. Definitely a "must read." Please enter me.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  16. I'm a follower.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  17. I'm a subscriber.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  18. Love while you were sleeping too, Mary! Continued congratulations on your books.

  19. I was so happy to see that one of the funniest authors has written a suspense book :) It sounds like a great story.

    Mark of the Lion is one of the most powerful series of books written. Loved it!


  20. I'm a follower


  21. and a subscriber :)


  22. I can't believe this, her favorite movie is one mine and my husband's favorites, While You Were Sleeping. Sandra does great movies. My step-dad (last name Mayberry) was from the area she lives in too, I think Mary said that her husband farms some "Mayberry" land there.

  23. I am a follower.


  24. I am a subscriber.


  25. Good morning. Sorry to be slow checking in.
    Thanks for having me on, Casey. and for all of you putting your name in the drawing for Ten Plagues, let me just say........................

    Thus the pseudonym (and who knew the day would come when I could SPELL Pseudonym so quickly!)

    I love this book and think it's a great, fun read, but BE WARNED there is not a Stetson to be found anywhere.

    I think you'd get that from the cover but still, it seems prudent to warn you.

  26. I love Mary's books and I'm sure I would love this one too.

    Please enter me in the contest.


  27. I love reading Mary's books!! And I will continue to read whatever she writes and publishes.. I would be honored to read this no matter what I will purchase this whether I win or not.

    julie bee lippo

  28. I am a follower and wish to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of Ten Plagues.

    Thank you

  29. MARY! By the time I get my hands on this one, my new office will be ready. But it's in the basement and kinda spooky if I'm reading something like this at night.

    I won't read it down there.

    I'll read it elsewhere.

    But I'm soooooooo looking forward to it!

    And LOVED the interview! Not that I'm surprised by this.

    I'd love to win a copy!

    carolmoncado at gmail dot com [like Casey doesn't know how to find me - but I FOLLOW RULES! ;)]

  30. Nice blog, Casey! Did you design it? It's absolutely beautiful!

    Glad to find you out there in "blog land!"

  31. Would love the chance !!Have read several of her books And i think it is great shes written a suspense novel i am sure its going to be full of laughs like all of her others tho !! Great design blog its very very pretty ! have a blessed and wonderful day

  32. Forgot to leave you my e-mail:

  33. Loved the interview! Too fun!

  34. GFC follower

  35. Email subscriber

  36. Loved the interview! :-)


  37. I love your blog page it is gorgeous. I too have to make my own page now I know who I can come to for help :).

    I would love to win this book by Mary I love her books!!

  38. First of all, I love While You Were Sleeping. The kid falling on the bicycle is priceless, and no matter how many times I watch, I never fail to belly laugh.

    This book is so up my alley! :)

  39. Really fun interview! Loved it :) I enjoy when there are different questions, to mix it up a bit.

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  40. It was great to read the interview with Mary. I've read several of her books and very much enjoyed them. It will be fun to read a book she's written that is very different than her others. Please enter me in the drawing for Ten Plagues. Thanks.


  41. I'm also a follower of your blog, Casey.


  42. I'm also an e-mail subscriber.


  43. Loved. The. Interview! Really, I did! Mary is such a hoot! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of Mary's new book, Ten Plagues.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  44. I am an email subscriber.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  45. I am a GFC follower.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  46. I've been wanting to read 'Ten Plagues' for SO long! Please enter me in the giveaway!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Here's my blog - Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  47. I'm a GFC follower!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  48. I'm an email subscriber!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  49. I'd love to be entered to win. My email is dawn(dot)janis(at)gmail(dot)com

  50. Great questions, you did well Mary. Please enter me in your contest. I am an avid fan of Mary's and would love to read this book and add it to my collection.

  51. I know exactly the scene in While You Were Sleeping when the kid falls off the bicycle. I think that moment is a perfect example of why this is a great movie. It's such a tiny thing, but there just is no wasted moment in that flick. It's all, every second, fun.

    The one thing I'd change about the whole movie (yes, I've spent too much time thinking about this) is at the end during the disastrous wedding ceremony, when Ashley Bartlett Bacon comes storming in to object to the wedding and being an absolute nasty dragon, I always wished Bill PUllman would have looked over at Sandra Bullock and said, "Remember when I said you weren't Peter's type?"
    Sandra would say, "Yeah."
    Bill would nod his head at the nasty newcomer and say, "She's his type."

    Wouldn't that have been funny?

  52. I'm heading out for Tulsa bright and early tomorrow morning to do a book signing with Tina Radcliffe AND (drumroll) as surprise extra guest, Ruth Logan Herne is flying in to join us.

    I'm so excited I could CRY!!!!

  53. Thanks for the entry. I LOVE Mary's books. It will be interesting to read a modern day suspense. I'm not convinced I will love it as much as the cowboy comedies, but I can't wait to see for myself! She's a blessing.
    mom2abcd(at) yahoo (dot) com.

  54. I would love to win a copy of this book.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  55. I'd really like to read this one. Looks like a departure from Mary's usual, but I'm sure she will pull it off well.


  56. +1 I always enjoy Mrs. Connealy's ro-coms, so even though I don't usually read suspense, I'll give it a shot (and my mom likes those books anyway).

    Thanks for the chance to win!


    +1 I'm an e-mail subscriber

    +1 I'm a google follower

  57. Hi there,

    I hope I am in time to win Mary's book.
    Please enter me in the giveaway.

    Jan K.



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)