Friday, October 14, 2011

Emotionally Driven ~ Reclaiming Lily by Patti Lacy ~ Review

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Reclaiming Lily
Bethany House (October 1, 2011)
Patti Lacy

Patti Lacy, Baylor graduate, taught community college humanities until God called her to span seas and secrets in her novels, An Irishwoman's Tale and What the Bayou Saw.

The secrets women keep and why they keep them continue to enliven Patti's gray matter. A third book, The Rhythm of Secrets, released in January of 2011. Patti's, Reclaiming Lily, documents a tug-of-war between a Harvard-educated doctor and an American pastor and his wife for a precious child and explores adoption issues, China's "One Child" policy, and both Christian and secular views of sacrifice.

Patti also facilitates writing seminars in schools, libraries, and at conferences and has been called to present her testimony, "All the Broken Pieces," at women's retreats. She also leads a Beth Moore Bible study at her beloved Grace Church and has had a blast planning the September 2009 wedding of her firstborn, Sarah.

Patti and her husband Alan, an Illinois State faculty member, live in Normal with their handsome son Thomas, who attends Heartland Community College. On sunny evenings, you can catch the three strolling the streets of Normal with their dog Laura, whom they've dubbed a "Worchestershire Terrier" for her "little dab of this breed, a little dab of that breed."


A storm the size of Texas brews when Gloria Powell and Kai Chang meet in a Dallas hotel. They have come to discuss the future of Lily, the daughter Gloria adopted from China and the sister Kai hopes to reclaim. Kai is a doctor who had to give up her little sister during the Cultural Revolution and has since discovered that an inherited genetic defect may be waiting to fatally strike Lily.

Gloria's relationship with her daughter is tattered and strained, and the arrival of Kai, despite the woman's apparent good intentions, makes Gloria fearful. Gloria longs to restore her relationship with Lily, but in the wake of this potentially devastating diagnosis, is Kai an answer to prayer...or will her arrival force Gloria to sacrifice more than she ever imagined?

If you would like to read the first chapter of reclaiming Lily, go HERE.

My Review:

When I heard what this story was about (a little girl adopted from China) I knew I had to read the story. One of my dreams is to adopt a little girl from China someday should the Lord provide a way. But before I can go myself, I wanted to be taken there through the pages of this story.

            I was there. I was taken from China back to America and through the gauntlet of emotion this family went through. The emotions are so entwined and complex! I was pulled from the struggles of being parents to a rebelling teen, prejudice, worry, fear, reconciliation, sickness…You get the picture.

            Overall there is a great deal going on in the story, but at the same time it keeps the story moving forward and doesn’t become overwhelming.

            I will say the ending held a bit of a surprise for me. Not what I expected, more of one of those “oh yeah, I can see that coming, now” moments.

            Sometimes the story can become a bit lost in all the words, but once I got past the first bit, the story really took off.

            I wished a few more dynamics had been brought in about Gloria’s family history and the relationship with Kia and her boyfriend, but word count only allows for so much – and the story I got as the reader is moving.

            All in all, “Reclaiming Lily” is a great contemporary novel, one whose story will “stick with me”.

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review through CFBA.

Friday's Note:
I have two winners for my giveaways!!

The winner of The Chair by Jim Rubart is....
Pam K!!

And the winner of Christmas Belles of Georgia by Rose McCauley is...

Thanks for stopping by to enter, it's how I continue to provide great books for you to win! :-))

Have a great weekend, all. :-)


  1. Great review :) I think it's wonderful that God has put in into your heart to adopt a girl from China. Adoption is a beautiful thing. I was adopted as an infant from South Korea, so I would know :) This book is on my to-read list! Thanks Casey :)

  2. Oh, that is so exciting about your own adoption dreams. May China and God's perfect plan unfold for you just as your writing career is unfolding. Thank you for the review!!

  3. Faye!!!
    I am thrilled to hear my book is on your to-read list!!! Would love to keep in touch with both of y'all at Facebook, both my author and personal page. I post daily Artbites, hymn snippets, and life as a writer in Normal, Illinois. Definitely not a Normal writer!

  4. Ahhhh, Yay!
    I am going to be receiving this book soon (any day now I hope). I am really looking forward to reading it.
    I have read a few good reviews.

  5. Oh Faye, how amazing! I love that I know that now, thank you for sharing! Yes, I think you would especially like this book!

    Patti, thank you for coming by! We have a very dear friend who adopted two little girls from China and I would just love for God to provide a way for me to do that someday.

    Wall-to-Wall, I hope you enjoy it like I did! :)

  6. I recently read this book and really loved it. It isn't my usual read--I'm an historical romance fan--but you're right, this is a story that will stick with me for a long time.

  7. Hey, CASE ... Oh man, I was "there" too, actually reading some of the lines from the China section out loud to my husband in the car because I was so amazed at Patti's feel and flow for this exotic place that I could almost see, touch and taste.

    Needless to say, I flat-out LOVED this book, which is saying something because like Erica above, women's fiction is not my usual read, but I will read ANYTHING by Patti Lacy because never have I seen an author pull me in like she does without the emphasis on romance. As a writer, I actually savor every word Patti writes and find myself rereading her lines ... not for clarity ... but for beauty. She is a beautiful writer and an even more beautiful person.

    Sooo glad you enjoyed Lily too, Case, especially since you do tend toward women's fiction.


  8. ERICA, wow, what a compliment that would be for Patti that you would even pick up her book to read it, since it's not your usual genre. Isn't it great when books like that surprise us?

    JULIE, I always get a kick that you love Patti's work, when it's not romantically driven. ;-) LOL! I'm so glad you could introduce me to her at the conference. That was very enjoyable!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)