Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An Over the Top Weekend.

Several months ago I applied and was granted two tickets to the Portland, Oregon Women of Faith "Over the Top" event.**

I've never attended one of the Women of Faith events, I loved it. And if given the chance to attend for the second time, I would most definitely go!

Brenda, Amber, Casey, Sue
What made the weekend all the more special is I got to share it with my Mama, Amber and her mom, Brenda. What a treat! The Women of Faith event was the perfect place to spend a good bit of time with my mom and we both loved it!
Lisa Whelchel

I didn't really have any set idea of what to expect, but I certainly did not expect the seats we were given! We later learned the section we were sitting in, right smack down in front of the stage, was the "blogging" section. We were but a handful of steps away from the stage and thus the speakers!

The stage. :-)
We got to listen to Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg, Brenda Warner, Lisa Whelchel, Sandi Patty... and several others. I will say Patsy Clairmont... what. a. hoot. If you can ever listen to her speak, go for it!

All the speakers had us laughing, contemplating God's principles and soaking in the presence of His love. What I especially enjoyed about the event is there wasn't a lot of preaching. God's message was freely proclaimed, but we were able to enjoy the women's stories and mine from their truths.

The music! Oh goodness. The Women of Faith worship team sounded exactly like the cd I have by them. And Mandisa and Selah were

Mandisa and Casey
And I'm not going to lie...I'm insanely proud of this picture even if I do look deathly pale next to Mandisa's beauty. ;-) I made it just in the nick of time to the line to have her sign my cd and got to have my picture taken with her! Woo-hoo! LOVE her latest cd, What if We Were Real

We weren't allowed to use flash photography during the event (and I couldn't configure my camera to not to take a flash) so I don't have any pictures of any speakers or events except what I have posted from outside the event. That did disappoint me, but I understand why they said it.

Casey and her Mama. :-)
All in all, it was a fantastic weekend! A wonderful time with my mom and dear friends, great speakers, fantastic music and a chance to worship and pray. If I could give one piece of advice, don't sit down too low. Sit about half way up, then you can see down on the speakers, but aren't too far away, but still have the benefit of the projection cameras.

What a time! Definitely Over the Top. ;-)

Casey and Amber
**This was a promotional event offered by Thomas Nelson publishers and Women of Faith. In exchange for two tickets (valued at $99 each), I had to attend the event and express my honest opinion here on my blog. This post is my complete and honest opinion and my thanks to both organizations for their generosity!**


  1. Looks like you had a great time! And how fun that you got to meet up with Casey! I get to attend Women of Faith in Oklahoma City in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it! Great post!

  2. Ack, YOU are Casey, I meant that you got to meet up with AMBER! LOL! I just visited both of your blogs and got a little confused...

  3. Wow! You are on a roll, girl! First ACFW, then WoF? Sa-weet!

  4. I've been to three of their conferences and they are fantastic every time! But I had no idea you could apply to go as a blogger!! What fun :) Patsy IS a hoot and I always loved Marilyn (Gun it!), but my favorite was Lucy Swindoll...guess she's not with them anymore. I'm glad you had a good time and your pics are great!

  5. LOL JULIE, I know what you mean. ;-) And yes it was great that I got to spend that time with Amber. A true treat. :)

    Hi ERICA! Yes, it surprised me how close the two events were together, and it's been a whirlwind few weeks. I'm grateful that the traveling is basically done for the year. We did have a great time though. :)

    ANNE, I believe Lucy is still with them and will be either in the Eastern tour or the Western tour next year. Patsy was my absolute favorite though. ;-) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. So awesome, Casey! I'm glad that you all had such a great time - a treat indeed! Love getting to see your photos. : )

    I'm going to see Selah in concert this coming Sunday! I am SO excited! Their new CD is amazing! Did Amy Perry sing "I Look to You?" That song is incredible!!

  7. Wasn't it a great weekend?? :) So nice to spend time with you and your mom again!! Your mom is so very sweet - and I loved our sleepover Friday night! ;)

    And yeah...those seats were insanely close to the stage, LOL! ;)

    My post goes up Friday!


  8. MICHELLE, you will LOVE Selah in concert. I thought of you over the weekend, wondering if you had gone yet. I want to say she did, but I can't remember. I was going to go my Christian bookstore and get their cd (it would be cheaper) but they didn't have it, so I'm not sure which songs from their album they sang. I know I loved what they did!

    AMBER, can't wait to see your post! The sleepover was great fun and what a fun memory to add to the bunch! VERY close. ;-) I think the best seats would have been a up a little bit, but I'm still not complaining. :)

  9. CASE!!! OH. MY. GOODNESS!! What a GREAT opportunity and how fun to see you with your mom and Amber with hers!! Sounds like a dream weekend to me and a memory for a lifetime. SO glad you guys got to go!


  10. Hello MELANIE, thank you! I appreciate that. :)

    JULIE, we did make a lot of really fun memories that weekend. A great time had by all! It basically marked the end of my traveling for the year--certianly have done a lot of that! :-))

  11. Wow, how cool is that? Love, love the photos too.

  12. Hi Tina!! Thanks for stopping by this weekend. :) Yes, it was a great time! Loved going. :-)


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