Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day One: Second Party Post!! And THIS Time I've Got Ruth Logan Herne!!!

Photo Credit
Tell me, who can't help but LOVE those little faces??

So just for today (and the special guest I've got just for you) I have a few puppies to cuddle with, because there is nothing more sqeezeable than a puppy. ;-)

So along with the balloons and streamers and confetti and toe-tapping music...is this... ::smile::

Photo credit
Are you ready to meet my guest for today?

Not quite so fast. I got a few other fun details to share with you!! : D

First, did you see Erica Vetsch's blog party post from earlier?? It posted at midnight pacific time, so go check it out! All my posts over the next week have awesome giveaways! (if I do say so myself...)

And TOMORROW, tomorrow is going to be fun!!

Don't miss it 'kay?

And REMEMBER to answer my trivia question, because all correct trivia answers get two extra entries to win today's prize AND are entered for a seperate prize all their own. :-)) Now...here is our guest, Ruth Logan Herne!!

Who would consist of your perfect party crowd?

My perfect party crowd is easy-peasy. First the Seekers and the Seeker Villagers because they rock the big kahuna in all ways and they LIKE ME.  Really, Casey, it isn't easy to find a crowd of such easy-going people willing to appease my inflated ego by laughing at my jokes, giving me hugs, accepting my big teeth as just another part of the whole, and they understand my fetish for coffee, chocolate and cute shoes. How rare is that, I ask you????

Then you can throw in my family because I wouldn't be where I am without them, and make sure they bring those grandbabies!  So stinkin' cute!

And I've got some old teachers I'd include. Sr. Mariel from Nazareth Academy. Sr. Mary Cordis and Mrs. Fenlon (Steiner) from Sacred Heart. Mrs. Bagley and Tom Dowd from Hilton. Oh, and don't forget the disciples. I'd like a few words with some of them. And the women at the cross:  I mean how seriously did they rock????  I'd love to help them prepare a meal, get a woman's POV of that whole thing.

And then I've got a few close friends, not a ton, but enough to not exactly be a hermit. Yet.  Casual dress, naturally!

Puppies and party streamers….should the two go together?

And puppies should be coupled with ANYTHING, but not inside because they are naughty creatures with poor toileting tendencies.

So we'll visit the puppies outside and play with them in the grass...  And then put them in a kennel.

Would there be a whoopee cushion anywhere near your party premises? (be honest)

No. My buddy Karen White is a whoopee cushion gal. And it's hysterical. But in truth, no. Good food. And I'll  consider it my personal duty to make fun of people. Mostly Mary Connealy. I'd do it to Julie Lessman too, but she'd cry.


Complete this thought:

The perfect party isn’t perfect without: without chocolate and Ruthy-cake!

What is Ruthy cake?? Whatever it is, I want a slice! :-))
Do you want to know what today's party prize is?? Sure you do, I would too. ;-)
I love Ruthy's books, doesn't this one look delightful??
Thanks Ruthy!!

And now...your TRIVIA QUESTION for the day:

What was my very first profile picture? (hint, find the first time I commented on my blog)


  1. Oh, what fun! And a very happy blog-o-versary to you, Casey :) And the puppies adorable! Ruthy's books are wonderful, I can't wait for her newest :)
    As for that trivia, it would seem as though you have a purple and blue Pea Flowers, from a Pea plant in the picture.
    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  2. Welcome Ruthy!

    And I have the trivia answer: flowers!

    (although I just peeked at Faye's answer - she must have a bigger computer screen than I do - I couldn't see those details)

    What party wouldn't be complete without Ruthy-cake?

    (whatever that is...)

    I'm waiting very impatiently to read Yuletide Hearts - and have been waiting ever since the spring.


    Would love to have a Ruthy-signed one...(hint, hint).

  3. love the puppies, SOOOO cute! another great interview, good stuff:) the first profile picture looks like some kind of flower. i thought it was a field of flowers but definitely an outdoor picture.

  4. Whew! Looked and looked, read your question again, THEN noticed the fine print. A pea plant!


  5. Cute/fun post Casey! Love puppies! And love the interview.

  6. Puppies! squee! And Ruthy! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

    The perfect party!

    Grabbing some Ruthy Cake and a Labradoodle pup!

  7. Thanks for entering me to win Yuletide Hearts!

    I enjoyed the interview, especially what she said about Julie crying. LOL!!

    My answer to the trivia question is a flower (not sure what kind it is).

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  8. Ruthy and puppies - it's a good day! ;) Fun interview, and fun pics! And WTG, Ruthy, with the cat!! I love puppies, but I LOVE cats! (Well, at least my cat, anyway...LOL!)

    I'd also LOVE a chance to win Ruthy's latest book! Thank you!



    P.S. Happy blogaversary again!!

  9. PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!! Coco wants to know if there are going to be Milkbones served up later...NOT that she needs any LOL!

    Hi Ruthy! I think your idea of perfect party guests is a pretty good one! It's bound to get wild and crazy with all the Seeker ladies. :-P

    I would love to be entered for Ruthy's book! Thank you!

    I believe that your first profile pic was purple flowers. It's hard to see since it's tiny but that's what I think I saw LOL! Hope I'm right.

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  10. I would enjoy winning Ruth Logan Herne's book. Please enter me in the giveaway! Your first profile picture was flowers.

    P.S, This is a great start to what I think will be a fabulous party!!!

  11. I'm a little confused about this trivia question. The first photo I saw posted on your blog was of the cover of The Raven Saint by M.L. Tyndall. I'm not sure if this is what you are asking for or if it's supposed to be a photo of you.
    Whatever! Thanks for having the party. I'm curious also about what Ruthy-cake is; I can't remember if I've read about it on Seekerville or not.


  12. Oh don't we just love Ruthy! Oh, and those puppies are absolutely A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!! Oh, and Ruthy, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cover of "Yuletide Hearts"!

    Your first profile picture was a picture of flowers and when I clicked on it, it said "Pea + Plant".

    Happy Day!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  13. Oh my goodness, of ALL days to have to WORK.

    Earning money is so overrated.

    I've read ALL your comments and they TOTALLY make my day!! I've got to run out the door in twenty minutes, so I don't have time to reply, but I'm SO EXCITED that you are here to celebrate with me!!


  14. Oh and notice to ALL trivia participants: I don't expect you to have a long memory (gosh, I don't even remember some of this stuff!)

    GO LOOK IN THE ARCHIVES!! All my posts are still up there and I chose easy questions, so it wouldn't be hard to search for (I hope!)

  15. Ruthy, the good Lord way over-blessed you with words, my friend! Your guest list for a party is most diversified...and full!

    Hate to point this out, but if we were in puppy heaven, why are you cuddling a kitty?

    And if cats are included, where's the rooster??

    The FAMOUS rooster?

    Casey, your kick-off day for your blogaversary week is such a hoot!

  16. A Pea Plant!!!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (Dot) com

  17. fun I love puppies and LOVE, LOVE parties. thanks for having a party. I love Christmas books and this one looks good. love Love inspired books. AS for the trivia question looks like a picture of pansies. I love pansies.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. Okay, this just PROVES I am a day late and dollar short because I totally missed this day of the party and am STILL scratching my head as to why!! Ruthy is one of my FAVORITE people in the whole world ... or at least she used to be.

    "I'd do it to Julie Lessman too, but she'd cry. Baby."

    Was that really necessary LH??? So I'm a bit on the weepy side?? Is that cause for ridicule??

    Apparently!! But I gotta tell you that I laughed out loud at your comment, my friend, and Keith came into the room and wanted to know why. I read it to him, and he laughed too. And then he said something that wiped the smile off my face and made me cry. "You never used to cry, Julie, remember?" Growing up, you never cried when your family made fun of you and you never even shed a tear when your mother or father died (ages 16 and 23), but look at you now. I blinked, realizing it was true -- God has SO set me free from the pain of my past where tears and love had dried up and atrophied, and I guess now I'm just making up for lost time. Which makes me cry all over again. In Ruthy's immortal words, "Oy."

    Thanks for the laugh, Ruthy, AND for the memory that truly does bring tears to my eyes.

    Love you!!


  19. I wanna know what Ruthy cake is too! Fun party, Casey! :)

  20. One word: Congrats!

    Two words: Ruthy rocks!

    Three words: Casey does, too!

  21. A pea plant! And I didn't peek at anyone's answer :)


  22. Another fun interview. Please enter me to win the book.


  23. LOL, great interview with Ms. Ruth. =)

    Your first avatar on blogger was green with purple flowers (my favorite colors)!


  24. i remember flowers...purple ones :)

    happy annivearsay, casey :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  25. KELI, you're too sweet to me. YOU ROCK TOO!! :D

    To my party guests--my comment VIP's ya'll are the BEST! Couldn't have a great party without you. :D

    JULIE L. you sweetheart! I LOVE that you shared that story with us. Only Ruthy could take an insult and make it the perfect catalyst for you to remember how far God has brought you. I'm SO THANKFUL for you and your honest heart and example!! :D Sounds like a Journal Jot. :)

  26. OH my stars, I'm such a dork. Here I am a day light and like $3 short...

    DUDES!!!! :) I'm laughing out loud here, first because Casey's so gosh-darn cute that she's like one of my puppies.... You cannot help but love, love, love this girl.

    Second because you will love Yuletide Hearts. Oh mylanta, it's a sweet, charming story about two soldiers who find each other in the hills of Allegany County... and don't dare fall in love. But don't you just love that God???? Because he makes everything work out, everything right. We mere mortals... we must be such a challenge for the big Guy!

    Ruthy-cake: This is a local phrase. Every time my family (extended and immediate) has cake anywhere, they measure it up mentally and declare: "It's not nearly as good as Ruthy-cake."

    (Mind you my cakes might not be all that great, but they get them free so reason enough right there to suck up big time, right????)

    So that's our catch phrase for lighting up the ovens. We need Ruthy-cake. :)

    And while my father was not a good man in many ways, he did buy me my first Wilton cake decorating book at age 16... my age, not his. And I have it still, with a tackle box full of tips and bags and fun stuff. I've always been a baker at heart.

    And making Julie cry??? ;)

    Aw, she's so stinkin' sincere and nice, but it's pretty easy to tweak her. Not that I should.

    And yet, I do.

    Does that make me mean???? Or just really funny? It might be a combination of both. But it's holiday time so I'll be nice to Jules FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.


    This being nice stuff is not easy. Has anyone else noticed that?

    And Audra, how cute is that cat? She strolled into a Rochester YMCA last spring and we fell in love with her. Adorable!

    Casey-cutie I'm so grateful you invited me over here. I know I complimented you before on the fun look of your blog, but let me repeat: It rocks. As do you. ;)

  27. "But it's holiday time so I'll be nice to Jules FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR."

    Okay ... I've got witnesses ... :)


  28. Ruthy and puppies together in one post. How fun can you get?! :)

    Happy blogoversary, Casey!

  29. Sorry I missed this Ruthy celebration - but wanted to stop in and take the last piece of Ruthy cake.

    Still LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the book cover, Ruthy. It makes me want to sing "It's beginning to look a lot like CHristmas" The first things I notice on the cover?
    snow, hearts, glowing lights, and the work MEN. All sound pretty good to me ;-)

    Love ya!

  30. RUTHY YOU MADE IT!!! The party is now complete--because I know from FIRST HAND experience, you make every party better. :-))

    JULIE L. YES. YOU. DO!!! And we are behind you all the way if that Ruthy tries anything funny...

    Pepper, of course you would notice the men. ;-) I still think you and Ruthy need to get together and craft me my perfect hero. ;-)

  31. Flowers: are they peas?


  32. Love reading your answers, Ruth!! Too funny. .:-)

  33. blooming flowers

  34. Of course, there must be chocolate at the perfect party. It wouldn't be complete without the most delicious of desserts. :)

    Casey, your first profile picture is a picture of purple flowers in either a field or garden.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  35. Just love the pictures of the puppies. Than again, I just love puppies and have such a soft spot for them. You have done such a great job with your blogs.


  36. I am so enjoying this!
    Your first picture was of purple flowers.

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)