Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kicking this Party Off RIGHT!! Woo-hoo for Erica Vetsch!!!


Are ya ready???

Because ready or NOT, I am! Ready to kick off a party about a month in the making but TWO YEARS worth of celebration to party with!

I started blogging two years ago. Two. Years.

Oh sure, that's nothing compared to a lot of other blogs, but it's SOMETHING to me. And today to help me kick off the insane amount of fun we're going to have, I've got *drumroll*


Author extraordinaire. I want to be Erica when I grow up. The woman is a typing MACHINE! And turns out some pretty awesome books in the process. ;-) So leave a comment for your chance to win A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas.

NOW LISTEN, before we start the party there are a few things you need to know: On each post I will have a trivia question about my blog. For every correct answer you get right you'll receive TWO EXTRA ENTRIES for this contest AND for all those who get my trivia questions right, I'll have a special giveaway separate for you guys.  ;-)

Don't peak at anyone else's answers before you give your own! I'm holding you to the honor system on this one. :)

And NOW Erica's interview....

Your perfect party destination?
Carlos O'Kelly's Mexican Restaurant.

Cake or Ice cream?
If I could only choose one, it would have to be cake. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. :)

Host a party or attend one?
Usually I'd say attend one, unless it is the annual Vetsch New Year's Day bash. In which case I love hosting the party. We watch football, play games, eat like there's no tomorrow, and laugh. 

Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn’t perfect without…friends. 

Woo-hooo! And we've got the friends today! And here is your prize for the day...

Now...your TRIVIA question!!

Who was the very first author I hosted for a giveaway?

Every party day, I will be posting TWICE. So be watching for a giveaway with RUTH LOGAN HERNE to arrive here on the web at NOON Pacific time.

I'm just grinning over here, hope you are too!!


  1. Am I first??? Such is the reward of the night owl! ;)

    First of all, happy blogaversary, Casey!!! Two years, girl - that's awesome!

    And welcome to Erica! I would love a chance to win A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas! :D

    Might I just add, Casey, that you are giving me midnight cravings with that super DE-lish picture of chocolate cake?? I'm really, really wanting a piece right now, LOL!



  2. Happy Blogoversary!!!

    I remember the first time I read your blog I was so impressed to find a young Christian girl who was so open about their commitment to the Lord and to purity. As the mom if teen aged boys that was encouraging :)

    I'm guessing M.L. Tyndall?

  3. Congrats on the two years! That's very exciting. I agree that the picture of that cake made me hungry. I'd love to read this book.


    And for the trivia, I'm going with M.L. Tyndall

  4. OH MY, OH MY -- two of my FAVORITE PEOPLE -- Erica Vetsch and Case Herringshaw!!! And then you throw chocolate cake in the mix??????

    HAPPY, HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY, CASE!!!!! Cannot BELIEVE it is two years already, girl ... seems like just yesterday, truly. Which is okay having time fly like that for youngun's like you and Erica, but for me??? Not so much!!

    Don't enter me in the giveaway because I already had the pleasure of reading (and owning!) Erica's A Bride's Portrait, which was absolutely WONDERFUL!! Connealy caliber, truly!!

    Have a GREAT day!!


  5. Happy Blogoversary! What a fun way to celebrate!

  6. Happy Blogaversary, Casey! Two years can be a long time in this industry...or just a blink of an eye. You've flourished and I'm so proud of you!

    So great to meet you at ACFW. What a lovely young lady who is wise waaaay beyond her years.

    But tempting us with chocolate cake first thing in the morning? Perhaps I was a bit hasty on the "wise" comment. LOL!

  7. And Erica! Lovely, lovely, lovely! Couldn't think of a better guest to kick of this awesome event.

    Terrific books, Erica. Keep your imagination well-oiled, and churning them out!!!

    Please don't include me in the drawing. I'm the proud owner of copy of A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas!

  8. I would LOVE to enter!

    I'm guessing, Dan Walsh?

    And that cake...MMMMM...pity I can't make chocolate cake for breakfast!

  9. Woo-hoo! Look at all these lovely early birds. :D

    AMBER!! You are the first--don't you have class tomorrow--err today? ;-) Looks like I'm getting in trouble with the cake with several guests this morning. :)

    ANNE, ah, thank you! I can't seem to turn off who I am, I'm just so thankful I can share it in such a way!

    KACIE, great to see you! Thanks for coming by this morning, don't forget this afternoon!

    JULIE L., if time has to fly for all of us, at least we get to hang on togther right?? I honestly can't belive it's been two years. And I've known you through almost all of it!!! :D

    JULIE, I like to think so. ;-) Got plenty else planned!

    AUDRA, you made me smile this morning. Thank you! And hey, just remember that cake is calorie free. ;)

    ASHLEY, welcome, welcome!! Sooo glad you've come by. :D

  10. Awesome kick-off for your party, Casey. And more to come around noon? Totally awesome!!

    First author giveaway?? Hmm, I wasn't a follower back then...but taking into consideration some of your favorite authors...the top two that come to my mind are either Julie Lessman or MaryLu Tyndall. If it was some random author who asked you first...then I have no idea. :-P lol

    Thanks for the chance to win. Her book looks good. How neat to have met her in person!!


  11. Hello Katie!! So good to see you here!! Just an FYI (and this for all other trivia buffs too) you can visit my archives because all my blog posts are still up on this blog. It is one way you can do it. :D

    Thanks for coming Katie!!

  12. the grin is on and will be bigger if I won this book thanks. and congrats I love parties.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  13. Congrats on two years! I would love to win this book.

    I'm saying Anita Higman as "your" first giveaway, you told about a giveaway for Dan Walsh but the giveaway was on a different link not on your blog.

    Thank you for doing the author interviews and hosting giveaways.


  14. Happy Blogaversary Casey! I haven't been coming here long, but I sure enjoy it!

    And Erica, you're a woman after my own heart. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting....mmmmm....

    I'd love to win Erica's book - we've moved around a lot, and Kansas was home twice! Love that state.

    I'll be back in a couple hours :)

  15. Happy Blogaversary, Casey! I haven't been following your blog long, so unfortunately I won't be able to answer your trivia question. But I would love to read "A Bride's Portrait in Dodge City, Kansas". I've heard a lot of good things about it, and Erica Vetsch, and I'd love to give one of her books a try. :-)


  16. Congratulations on 2 years!!!!! :)

    I've heard great things about this book, so it's a must read for me!

    I searched through your old posts(that was allowed, wasn't it?), and I think M.L. Tyndall was your first hosted giveway.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  17. Happy Blogaversary, Casey! You sure know how to throw a cyber party.

    I thoroughly enjoyed A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas. Since I have the book, please don't enter me in the drawing.

  18. Happy Blogaversary, Casey!! (Wow! Had to make sure I spelled that right.)
    It's fun to jump in and celebrate you with everyone else! Off to tweet about this so others can join the fun.

  19. Woohoo! Partay!!!!!

    I'm sorry I'm late, but I had to go to...of all things on a party day...the dentist! UGH!

    Now that's out of the way, we can party! :D :D :D

  20. Amber, I'm with you. I could fall face-first into that chocolate cake! :)

  21. Anne, I had the same reaction when I first read Casey's blog. As the mom of both a teen son and a teen daughter, I was cheering!

    Getting to know Casey better around the bloggosphere and in person, I can say she's every bit as charming and sincere and terrific as that first blog impression gave me.

  22. Hi, Kacie, I love your profile picture. Very pretty!

  23. Jules! Thank you so much again for your wonderful endorsement of A Bride's Portrait. And saying I'm like Mary...well, that just makes my heart glow. :)

    Have some more cake. I put sprinkles on yours. :D

  24. Howdy, Julie, it's nice to meet you here. :)

  25. Audra! Another woman who gave A Bride's Portrait a lovely endorsement...and another woman I wanna be when I grow up. I want to be a lot of people when/if that whole growing up thing ever happens. :D

    Thank you so much, Audra. I was tickled when they put your endorsement up on Amazon. :)

  26. Hi, Ashely! Walk on the wild side and make chocolate cake for breakfast. :) Wasn't it Bill Cosby who said it's wholesome? Eggs, Milk, Flour...a well-rounded breakfast. :)

  27. Hi, Katie! So glad you could stop by. It was my pleasure to get to meet Casey a couple of months ago. Her roommates at the conference had lots of giggling stories.

  28. Hi, Apple Blossom! Welcome to the party!

  29. wfnren! So happy you came by. You must be a longtime Casey-blog reader! I got to meet Anita Higman a few weeks ago. Delightful lady!

  30. Hi, Jan! Sharing chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with a sometime-Kansan!? Perfect! I am Kansas-born and raised.

    Whereabouts in the Sunflower State did you reside? I lived for almost 20 years in Salina.

  31. Hi, Gwendolyn, (I have a heroine named Gwendolyn in my novella collection coming out next year!) I hope you get a chance to read A Bride's Portrait. Thanks for coming to the party! :) (And go check the blog archives to take a shot at the trivia question. Casey says it's okay.)

  32. Hi, Bluerose! Yay for searching the archives. I have a feeling the trivia questions might trend that direction. M.L. Tyndall was one of the first authors I reviewed on my site too.

  33. Hi, Keli, Thank you for being such a good friend and supporter. I can't wait to read your debut novel and read all the fabulous blog posts and reviews and interviews it is SURE to spawn. :)

  34. Hi, Beth! Thank you for helping spread the word about the party. :)

    I need to play catch-up on my NaNo writing today! I'm a few thousand behind. I hope your NaNo is going well!

  35. Happy Blogiversary, Casey! How exciting!!! You have been doing a fantastic job over the past two years -- pointing people to AMAZING Christian fiction, and brightly shining your light! Thank you for all you do here, and for GIVEAWAYS! You know I love a great giveaway. :D

    I haven't read anything by Erica Vetsch . . . yet! Thanks for the chance to win! My answer for the trivia question is Dan Walsh.

    Sweet Blessings,
    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  36. Ahhh, so NOW you tell me, Casey! :-P lol Well then, if that's the case, take out Julie Lessman---I'm going with MaryLu Tyndall. :-)

  37. Congratulations on reaching the two year mark!

    Would love a chance to read A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas.


  38. a MIGHTY congrats to you Casey on two years running and STILL going strong! what an amazing job you've done and i love EVERYTHING about your blog! i just became another follower and look forward to seeing where Christ takes you next with this blog :)
    i believe the first author you hosted was M.L. Tyndall in 2010, what a great first author to start with! you have wonderful taste and style :)
    i've never heard of Erica Vetsch, but she sounds like a wonderful writer and would love to read Bride's Portrait! thanks SOOO much for this giveaway contest and trivia opportunity and keep up the great work on this blog!

  39. Oh, I would be honored to win a copy of this book! Please enter me in this giveaway! By the way, I believe the first author you hosted for a giveaway was M.L Tyndall- hope I'm right:-) God bless! The "party" we've been waiting for is finally here! Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary!!!

  40. Michelle, light is just what I think of when I think of Casey. :)

  41. Andrea, thanks for your comment! Cake with sprinkles for everyone! :D

  42. May I change my answer to the trivia question? If so, I'm changing my answer to MaryLu Tyndall. I see my error in saying Dan Walsh, as he wasn't the author that you actually hosted a giveaway for.

  43. Kara, I concur, M.L. Tyndall is an excellent author, and Casey does a great job promoting Christian fiction. Thanks for stopping by, and yay for becoming a blog follower of Casey's.

  44. Hi, Aizess, I hope you get a chance to read A Bride's Portrait.

  45. Congratulations on 2 years Casey ! That's awesome. I have been reading your blog for about 3 months now and can't wait to ck it everyday to see what review you will have next. I order books for our church library, so I am always looking for new books and new authors!

    I have never read Erica's books before, so I would love a chance to win A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas!

  46. Hi, Carla, yay for church libraries! I'm so glad you read Casey's blog. I love her reviews, so honest and refreshing!

  47. Hey Erica - I've lived in Kansas twice. Once in Olathe (I know, more KC than KS, but the address said Kansas!) - that was 20-some years ago. Our daughter was born there. And then a second time in Topeka for 5 years. We just moved away last April and left our two oldest there.

    Speaking of our older children...Casey, are you listening?...our 27 year old son is single...

    Not that I would think of setting anyone up!!!

  48. Hi, Jan, we lived over on the Missouri side in Grandview/Belton. If you listened to KLJC, you probably heard my husband, Peter, on the air. He was the morning drive-time DJ. :)

  49. Sorry it took me so long but I was Christmas shopping all day long today!!! Anywho HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!! I love what you've done with the place, the polka dots and flag banners are sooo cute!

    Please don't enter me for the giveaway as I've read this book (which is totally amazing BTW) and would like someone else to have the chance to win. :-) I would like to be entered in your trivia giveaway though and my guess is M.L. Tyndall! Thank you for the chance to win!!!!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  50. Happy Blogaversary! You're throwing a very cool party here. I had to stop by and say hello to you and all my fellow authors. I'll be sure to tweet you this week, because it's too much fun to pass up!

  51. Love the party themed interviews :) And again, a very happy 2 year anniversary to you!
    As for the trivia, M.L. Tyndall, and the Raven Saint. Funny thing is I just got that one :)
    Thanks so much, the party is great!
    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  52. This is so fun! Happy Second year, Casey! Yours is one of the first blogs I ever began to read :)

    I would love to be entered to win Mrs. Vetsch's novel. It sounds just perfect!

    I have no idea who the first giveaway author was, but I am going to guess Julie Lessman.


  53. I did some checking in your blog archives; the first author I could find that you interviewed and had a book giveaway for was Virginia Smith, Jan. 24, 2010. You did several author spotlights prior to this but I think this was the first actual interview and book giveaway.
    Congratulations for your two year anniversary. Your blog is one I read daily.
    I'd love to win a copy of A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas since I live in Kansas. Thanks for the interview with Erica and the book giveaway.


  54. Happy Happy Blogiversary Casey!!!

    Well, the first giveaway you announced on your blog was for Dan Walsh's "The Unfinished Gift", but it wasn't your giveaway. I believe the very first giveaway that you hosted was for M.L. Tyndall's "The Raven Saint".

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.



    ERICA, you are the BEST to be such an awesome hostess since I have to WORK. Sheesh. Like I've said, earning money is so overrated! I'd rather be partying with all of you!!

    All the comments are touching my heart in ways, you guys will NEVER KNOW. I don't have time to reply to all of them (got to run out the door again in 20 minutes) but PLEASE accept my humble thank you for being here for my party and leaving such warm and wonderful comments.

    YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!! And I don't say that flippantly. Hugs!! :D

    And be watching for party day TWO at MIDNIGHT!!!

    Oh and notice to ALL trivia participants: I don't expect you to have a long memory (gosh, I don't even remember some of this stuff!)

    GO LOOK IN THE ARCHIVES!! All my posts are still up there and I chose easy questions, so it wouldn't be hard to search for (I hope!)

    I am SO LOVING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. LOL, JAN! Yes, I heard and saw you loud and clear. Now. How do you propose Eastern Oregon and where are you... meet?

    Too funny!! :DD

    I could never see you setting someone up...especially your 27 year old son. ;-))

  57. Does it count if I look back in the archives??? If so, M.L. Tyndall!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  58. forgot to answer the trivia in first post comment. Had to go searching for it.
    Dan Walsh

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  59. Taking a break from three exams today and was checking e-mail when I saw your blog's e-mail update/feed. I totally forgot your blogaversary started, Casey! =)

    On January 3, 2010, your first giveaway was MaryLu Tyndall's "The Raven Saint" (I really enjoyed that trilogy).

    Thanks for the chance to win! "A Bride's Portrait" sounds like a neat book --I like the cover. =)


  60. So glad to see new comments coming in for the FIRST party post of the week. :D

  61. Oh man I LOVE the cover to this book!! Its so beautiful!
    So excited to be here for your blog party Casey! Congrats on two years of blogging!

    Ok to answer the question was is Dan Walsh?


  62. I have been going through the blog archives & I have to say: MaryLu Tyndall.


  63. My answer: M.L. (MaryLu) Tyndall


    Sunday, January 3, 2010
    Interview and Book Giveaway: M.L. Tyndall and The Raven Saint
    but... the clue was here first:

    "Tuesday, November 24, 2009
    Presenting... The Raven Saint!

    Have you ever been really excited about a new release from your favorite author? That's how I am about The Raven Saint, due to release in January. I can't wait to get my own copy and bury myself in a truly thrilling tale. M.L. (MaryLu) Tyndall, has a marvelous way of putting words on paper. Of causing the images and characters to leap from the page and straight into the reader's heart."

  64. I was thinking MaryLu Tyndale of Miralee Ferrell. But they are just wild guesses......
    Congrats and great party!

  65. Casey, happy blogerversary!

    My answer to the trivia question would be The Unfinished Gift by Dan Walsh. From what I understand, you asked readers to visit 2 others blogs and read the interviews with the author before leaving a comment for a giveaway entry.


  66. Happy Blogerversary to you! For someone so young, you are so talented and have done such a awesome job. I'm not sure about the answer but am going to say Mary Lu Tyndall.


  67. HOw can you have a party without friends!

    TRIVIA: (I went through your archives to find it!)
    The Unfinished Gift by Dan Walsh--I just finished his Remembering Christmas!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)