Friday, November 11, 2011

Fun Friday (before the party starts!!! :D)

I do apologize for the great influx of book reviews, but with my BLOG PARTY starting next Tuesday I had to get everything posted that I needed to before it starts. ::grins::

Oh boy, I'm bouncing around the walls like an over-sugared two year old. This is going to be soooo fun, but that could just be me too... Either WAY...I'm excited. :)

I have a blog award to share with you today that I actually received several weeks ago that I've been remiss in getting around to posting about. :-)

Super grateful to Faye and Rhonda and Cheryl (!!!) for this fun blog award! (and just a note, I apologize if I have forgotten another award given me, life has more than a little crazy around here. Sorry!)

The rules are:
1. I must tell seven things about myself.
2. I must pass the award on to 15 other bloggers.

Really 7 things? I'm not that interesting, but I'll try and maybe (hopefully) make you laugh.

1: I'm squeamish and I work in a doctor's office. As an aide. I'm not very smart.
2: I hate getting up in the morning. Just ask my ACFW roommates.
3: Speaking of ACFW: everyone there did not let me forget I am only 5' 1" tall
4: Don't forget the 1/8" after that last 1"
5: My driver's license says I'm 5' 2". I am not about to change it.
6: And since we are on the topic of height: I am taller than Jenny B. Jones.
7: Not by much. (did I admit that out loud...??)

I don't have fifteen blogs to pass this along to, and to be completely truthful, I really don't follow that many blogs. Soooo, what I want to do is I want the first 15 bloggers that comment here to please take this award. Because honestly, I've visited each of your blogs at least one time or another and ya'll are awesome! And you mean the world to me, so take this as my thanks. :)

Friday/ Saturday's Note:
The winner of Alabama Brides by Sandra Robbins is...


Congratulations, you've been emailed. :-))

And don't forget the party starts on TUESDAY!!!  


  1. Oh! I've been wanting this award...Thanks Casey! :)

    I'm looking forward to the blog party!

  2. You're welcome Melanie! I'm excited too, it's almost here! :D

  3. Okay Jenny, fine. Same height! ;-)) Would want to argue with the great JBJ. Wouldn't be wise...

  4. I just gave you the award, too, Casey! Don't know if you read it in a comment from me, but I'll take it back from you, too, and add your name to the award I have posted on my blog (the original award was from Brandi Boddie)

    I'll be posting about the award on the 17th, so you can read all about ME! (actually, just some fun facts about my year living in Hawaii.)

    Hugs, Casey!

  5. I received the award on Faye's blog too, so I'll be posting about it at the end of this month.

    Can't wait for the party to start. I'll bring cupcakes.

    With sprinkles.

  6. CHERYL, it's funny that you did give me this award (thank you!! btw) because your comment came in last night as I was working on this post. :) Yes, feel free to do that and I'm going to publicly add your name to my list of "givers" on this post. Thank you!! :D

    ERICA, I think this award is making the rounds pretty quickly! :) And can't wait for those cupcakes...yum! :)

  7. CAN'T WAIT for the partaaaaay!

    Can I take this award?

  8. Congratulations on your award, Casey!

    I'm looking forward to your party.

  9. ASHLEY, please do take it! :)

    KELI, thank you! So glad you're taking part in it too. :)

  10. Hi Casey,

    I use to be a CNA, too, although that was many years ago. Now my titles are wife and mother, which I have proudly worn for many years.

    I am looking forward to your party.



  11. Tammi, I look forward to the day I too can hold those titles with honor. :) Thanks for joining in the excitement!

  12. LOL about your 7 item list!!! you're adorable :) so happy you won this blog award, keep up the good work and the laughs :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)