Friday, November 4, 2011

Got a Question for Rosslyn Elliott?? She's Our Next Cold Call Author!!

Did you see those poll numbers?? We had record breaking numbers for this month's Cold Call poll. AND the author we get to interview this month is Rosslyn Elliott!

You know the drill...I'll take no more than 8 questions, make them short and fun. FUN is always well...FUN! Ha! (yes, that is terribly clever, but I'm writing this at almost my bedtime people. ;-)

Be sure and leave your question before Sunday November 6th.

Have fun!

Friday's note:

The winner of A Place of Acceptance by Julie Bell is...


Thanks for entering, don't forget to enter the other giveaway on my sidebar. :-)

Did you see it???

I'm giving away a $15 Amazon giftcard away to the person who can make me a blog party button!! Be sure and check out this post so you can find out all the details. It ends SOON! Don't miss out!!!! (Hint: you can use a free site: -- I really don't care, just have fun and be creative!)

Friday Reads??

There is a hastag on Twitter (#Fridayreads) for what you're reading on your Friday. I want to know on my blog too! What are you reading today??

Have a great Friday!!

Don't forget your questions for Rosslyn!!


  1. My Question:

    When is the best time to write?

  2. My question for Rosslyn: If we were to sneak a peek inside your clothes closet, what would we learn about you?

  3. ASHLEY, I like that. :-) Esp. since Rosslyn is a great author.

    KELI, LOL! Now that one...I can't wait for the answer. :)

  4. Thanks for taking questions Rosslyn, this is one I have *always* wanted to know! :)

    If the paparazzi were stalking the hero and heroine of your next book like they stalk "Brangelina" and "Bennifer" what cutsie nickname would the newspapers use when they print the pictures?


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)