Monday, November 21, 2011

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Six (!!!!) Julie Lessman!!!

Photo Credit

Shooting off fireworks.

Spraying the silly string.

Raining confetti.

Blowing out the candles.


So far, we have celebrated with over TWENTY authors--authors who have bent over backwards to help make this party such a treat and I want to publicly THANK THEM for their loving support and eager enthusiasm!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I've got one of my favorites gals here today! She's ending our party on a bang, but first, I want to make sure you saw all the other FIVE party posts--right??

I had Rachel Van Dyken, MaryLu Tyndall, Rossyln Elliott, Kim Vogel Sawyer and Melanie Dobson.

You DON'T want to miss out on their offerings. I can personally attest - they are awesome! Like the authors themselves.

I have dedicated my blog to books and their authors and the joy Christ gives us in the written word--and now TODAY I dedicate this celebration to all the friends I have made through this blogging venture. You overwhelm me and I'm SO THANKFUL for you!! (completely appropriate since Thanksgiving is Thursday. :-))

Enough jabbering from me: let's get this party back on track with...Julie Lessman!!

What is your most memorable party moment?

Well, as much as I HATE surprise parties (with a “passion,” I might add!), one of my millionaire sisters (I have three and I’m not real sure what I’m doing wrong … J) threw me a surprise party when I turned 47 because she figured it would throw me off since it was an odd number. And I have to tell you, walking into her huge great room and seeing about a 100 of my closest friends and family SO blew me away, that I think I started crying on the spot (yeah, imagine that!).  
My sister had it catered (to-die for appetizers and desserts) and I still remember being overwhelmed with love while opening a mountain of presents in a massive hearth room with a crackling fire (it was a chilly November, of course), where people circled the perimeter of the room. I will never forget the shock and the thrill of so many people I loved being in the same room at the same time—AMAZING!! So much so that it almost cured me of my dislike of surprise parties … almost! :) 
Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list? 
Oh, that’s easy! I’d have one party just with family and long-time friends and then … another bash with all my writing/reading friends such as my Seekers buds, my favorite author friends, my favorite blogger/reader friends (of which you are right at the top of the list, Case!) AND … warm chills!! … all my characters from The Daughters of Boston and Winds of Change series!! Wouldn’t that be fun?? It would be like old-home week for sure, because I have lived with these people for years now and they are … ahem … just as passionate and crazy as I am, so I’m pretty sure it would be a blast. Except, I would like to have it at the O’Connor’s house on Donovan Street where I could sit in the kitchen with the girls and talk while the hunks hang out in the parlor playing chess. J  
Complete this thought: The perfect party isn’t perfect without: 
Great food and great movies, of course!! Every first Saturday in December, four of my long-time friends come over for a girls’ Christmas get-together where we pig out on great selection of appetizers like shrimp cocktail, mini-rye pizzas, cheese/fruit/sausage tray, potato skins, Swedish meatballs and chicken kebobs, to mention a few, and then watch a new-release movie on my husband’s big-screen HD TV in his media room before we open Christmas presents. For me—movies, food and friends is a perfect party combination.

Woooo-hooo! What a party that would be Jules! I can see it now. ;-)

Now are you are ready for the final of final party announcements?? Here we goooo.... (hang on, got to get it all set out for you here...)
Julie is offering TWO giveaways!! The winner gets their choice of either: ANY one of Julie's books (INCLUDING Steven's story to release next September or... a writer's critique (5 pages)

NOT TO BE PASSED BY! And if you own all the Lessman novels...I bet you know someone who needs to read one. ;-)

THANK YOU FOR COMING BY! Your visit means the WORLD to me!


**Remember, if the link is still live at the top of the blog, the giveaway is still open. All winners will be publicaly announced this coming Friday. Stay tuned and be watching your inbox!)**


  1. This has been such a fun party, Casey - with TONS of great author guests, virtual party food, and giveaways!! :D Thanks for allowing us to celebrate with you!

    *Waving to Julie!* Wonderful to see you here! I'd love a chance to win either prize! Thank you! :D

    ~Amber (AKA Borders Girl)


  2. So I want to be invited to the party with Charity and Faith...please? Great books!

  3. Happy Blogoversary! I'd love to win this giveaway! I've heard great things about Julie's books, but I haven't read any of them...yet! :)

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. This has been a fun party, Casey! Happy Blogaversary! I'd like to win a copy of A Heart Revealed. Thanks for this opportunity!


  5. Happy Blogoversary! Sending my love to you and Julie! If either of you decide to come visit at Disneyland...I'll hook you up with face painting! haha


  6. Great party, Casey, happy blogaversary. You've had some fantastic guests today, I was especially excited to see Melanie Dickerson here. :)

    Julie's books are awesome, everyone needs that kind of passion in their lives. I would love to be included in the contest for the writing critique.

    Thanks for hosting such a great party!


  7. I'm sad to see the party end, but what a great ending it is. I'd love to get one of Julie's books.


  8. Thank-you for giving me a chance to win! :) Happy Blogoversary!! and Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

  9. I absolutely LOVE Julie's books!!!! I have all of them so I'm going for Steven's story! :) You're awesome Julie!

  10. The parties described by Julie all sound fun; what a wonderful sister she has to give her the surprise party! It would be fun to hang out with all the O'Connor women as well.
    Thanks for the opportunity to expand my Julie Lessman book collection!
    You throw a great party, Casey.


  11. Casey & Julie...

    What an awesome posting...And Julie, I would love to be a guest at you party w/ all of the Daughters of Boston fun would that be!!!

    Happy Blogoversary :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  12. Whoo-hoo!!
    Congratulations to Writting for Christ! :)
    And JULIE!!! Always GREAT to see you!


  13. I'm your twitter follower and now following your blog too. Great party. I have never (gasp) read any of her books, but have only heard the best of the best about them.

    estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

  14. I can't wait to read one of her books, or all of them. I have one on my kindle just haven't gotten a chance tor ead it yet.


  15. Oh I'd LOVE to get my hands on a Julie Lessman book. ;-) I had the blessing of sitting next to her for a meal at ACFW this past year & she was just amazing. I just fell in love with her!

  16. Casey you have one tremendous blog! And one fantabulous blogoversary!!! Julie is one of my most fave romance writers. EVERY book has been fantastic. I would love to win Steven's book!

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  17. I had a sneaking suspicion Julie would turn up at the grand finale and who better to wrap up this awesome party?!? The party at the O'Conner's sounds like my kind of party! (Drools over all those hunks for a moment) I'm IN LOVE with Julie's books and I'd love to win a copy of Steven's book!!!

    God Bless

  18. What a great time this has been and you've been the perfect hostess! Congrats on the two years and looking forward to many more.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  19. Hey, AMBER, waving back, my friend!

    KRISTIN ... Oh, wouldn't Charity be a blast at a party??? :)

    MELANIE!!! WHOO-HOO -- fresh blood!! Somebody who hasn't read any of my books. Gotta get one in your hands, girl, so if you don't win here, check out my website calendar for more opportunities, okay? Good luck!


  20. Casey, I'm devastated your blogaversary party is coming to a close. Can't you just extend the festivities to extend until your 3rd 'versary? Oh wouldn't that be grand!

    I've had a great time checking in on all your wonderful guests. Please don't include me in any of the drawings. It's been heavenly enough just attending and eating myself fat with all the delicious snacks!!

    Casey, you're the best! Thanks for all you do!!

    BTW, my word verification is "ningsa." Is that a distant cousin of "wowsa?"

  21. I would love to read one of Julie's books !

  22. GWENDOLYN ... yep, need to get AHR to you someway, somehow, so here's to a win, sweetie!

    BEKKA ... throw in a face lift, and you gotta deal, girl! ;) What a cool job, and at Disneyland, no less!! I'm jealous. :|

    APRIL SAID: "Everyone needs that kind of passion in their lives." Oh, AMEN to that, girl, and thank you for your kind words. Critique? You win, you got it! Good luck!


  23. JULIE!!! I"m running at you with break-neck speed to give you a super hug!! Giggling of course at your answers because really, can Julie Lessman say ANYTHING in a 100words or less???

    I'm wondering what convention center you would have to rent to accomodate all the peeps and characters invited to your party. Charity and her clan alone would fill up ballroom and then add in all your friends and her fans...whew, that party would have to last for days.

    Count me in : )

    We're talking party on a HUGE scale! Ahhh, but you're worth it kiddo. Every decadent bite of rich, dark chocolate worth it!!

  24. KACIE ... What a FUN spelling of a name I love, along with the person -- Casey Herringshaw!! Thanks for coming by to wrap up Case's OUTSTANDING blogaversary -- here's to a win!

    JOANNA ... LOVE your addy, "ZachandZoesMom" -- TOO CUTE!! Good luck in the contest, Z&Z'sM!

    WHOO-HOO, MARISSA -- that's what I love to hear, my friend, all of my books on your shelf, keeping it warm! ;) Thank you SOOO much for your support, and here's to win so Steven's story slips right in alongside, okay?


  25. I want to WIN a Julie Lessman crit and her upcoming release and anything else Jule Lessmanish!!! I cannot believe I am actually leaving my email addy over her so I can enter instead of just posting. I love Julie L because she is so Julie! Thanks for doing this! Hugs! Carrie
    cfpagels (at) aol (dot) com

  26. Hey, PAM, ALWAYS great to see you drop in, my friend, and it WOULD be fun at an O'Connor party, wouldn't it?? I have one in Steven's story that's a LOT of fun, or was, as my editor made me cut quite a bit, but NOBODY throws a party like the O'Connors ... :) Good luck!!

    KAREN!!! I'll tell you what, girl, I'd feel lonesome if you and Pam K didn't show up on one of my blog giveaways because you guys are THE BEST at supporting authors you like. Thank you SO much and good luck in the contest -- you are DUE, GIRL!!

    GANISE!!!!! Right back at you, my sweet friend -- seeing your name pop up ALWAYS makes me smile! Here's to a win, girlfriend.


  27. Wonderful party Casey! I've enjoyed each interview and the give aways are fantastic! I've read A Hope Undaunted and would love to read A Heart Revealed. So I hope I win this final giveaway! LOL! Happy 2nd blogiversary! It has been a great year getting to know you through your reviews!
    Julie@My Only Vice

  28. DIANE ... GASP ... NEVER??? Oh, honey, we're going to have to see what we can do about that, aren't we??? If you don't win, my friend, PLEASE check out the additional opportunities listed on my website calendar, okay? And if by "heard the best" about my books means the "most passionate," both about God and romance, then those rumors could be correct!! ;)

    JEN ... I'm guessing you have the free download of A Hope Undaunted on your Kindle, which is my FAVE of all the books I've written, so YAY!! But ... hold off on reading it till you see if you win here because this is one series best read in order if at all possible due to a number of BIG surprises in book 1, A Passion Most Pure, WHICH I will be happy to send you if you win, okay? Good luck! But seriously, I defy you to find too many more heroes that can race a pulse more than Luke McGee from AHU! Sigh. ;)

    ELIZABETH!!!! Hey, girl, it's SO great to see you here!! Looking at your picture, I remember you well, and I sure hope I didn't talk your ear off ... I've been known to do that, you know ... :) And I would LOVE for you to get your hands on one of my books as well, so here's to a win!


  29. Julie Lessman! YES!! I would love to read A Heart Revealed~books, books, books! I haven't heard about Steven's story.
    This party has been awesome meeting so many new authors to me! And... 100 friends! I am working on it! Love Historical Fiction.

  30. Best. Blog party. Ever! :) What a fun week you've had for all of us, Casey. Here's to many more years of your blog. I would love to attend Julie's party, if she invited all the characters from her Daughter's of Boston series. Phew...imagine the drama! ;)


  31. LINDA!!! You are SUCH a doll and SUCH a great support, my friend -- THANK YOU!! And, oh, honey, are you gonna LOVE Steven's book. Trust me, I don't know if it's because it's the last hurrah for the O'Connors or because it's just still-waters-run-deep Steven O'Connor, but lick your finger and touch the book and you'll hear Sssssssss ... :)

    LIZ ... hey, girl, I'm right there drooling with you over those O'Connor saga hunks, let me tell you. Sure am going to miss them and the girls once this series is over, but ... the McClares are shaping up nicely, so hopefully they will keep our minds off of it ... I hope! :) Good luck in the contest!

    WFNREN ... I totally agree -- Case IS the perfect hostess and a WONDERFUL blogger/reviewer whose opinion I trust completely.


  32. AUDRA!!! Love, love, LOVE seeing your beautiful face pop up, my friend, but love it even more in person! Can't wait till next year's ACFW!! And did you REALLY say: "JULIE!!! Giggling of course at your answers because really, can Julie Lessman say ANYTHING in a 100words or less???" No, apparently not, although God knows I try. Check out my first few comments on this blog where I was REALLLY trying to be good and brief, and then BOOM!! The verbosity kicks in, and there's just nothing I can do but it let it go ... :)

    Hey, CARLA, trust me -- I would LOVE for you to read one of my books too, my friend, so good luck in the contest, okay?

    CARRIE!!! ANOTHER one of my FAVORITE blogger friends!!! Thanks for coming by, girl, and you made me laugh with your comment, "I love Julie L because she is so Julie!" LOL!! Yeah, guilty as charged, I'm afraid, no taming this personality down just short of a 1-star review! ;) Good luck, my friend.


  33. What a wonderful ending to a wonderful party. I would so love to win one of Julie's books. Julie, I do believe Casey is your NUMBER ONE fan! She has definitely made me want to read your books. Right now they are on my wish list.

    Many thanks Casey for the wonderful week and the thoughtfulness to all the authors who participated. Awesome!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  34. Fantastic party, Casey! I've loved every minute of it (even the fun music!).

    You KNOW I can't pass up on the chance to win a Julie Lessman book, so thanks a bunch for throwing my name in the hat!! ;-)

    It's SO GOOD to see you here, Julie! Loved reading your answers! Can one of your millionaire sisters adopt me? LOL! ;o)

    Casey and Julie - you know I love you girls!! Thanks for this fun post and the chance to win!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  35. Ahhh! I just love Julie's books and can't wait for the next one :D.

    Please enter me in the drawing!


  36. is it too late to enter for A Hope Undaunted? Well, it was a GREAT party and so well done! Thanks for this fantastic contest Casey and happy two years to you! Blessings girl :)

  37. Hey, JULIE ... LOVE the name of your blog, girl, "My Only Vice" ... TOO CUTE!! Gosh, wish I had only one vice, you know?? :) And I SO appreciate you reviewing AHU, but I think I better warn you that as a CCDQ (certified caffeinated drama queen) ALL of my books tend to be roller-coasters with LOTS of twists and turns, angst and drama because, well, I just LOVE to write that way BIG TIME!! And, goodness, if you thought there was a lot going on with different story lines in AHU, buckle up, girl, 'cause AHR is even worse, so don't say I didn't warn you, okay? Good luck in the contest, sweetie. :)

    LANE HILL HOUSE, YES!!! I would love for you to read AHR too, my friend, so good luck in the contest. Steven's story, A Love Surrendered, won't be out till next September, but it's a doozy of a story, so I hope it's worth the wait.

    LOL, SARA, "imagine the drama," indeed, because God knows HOW I love drama and angst in my books, which is a good thing because then I spare my sweet hubby from most of it in real life ... uh, almost! ;) Good luck in the contest, girl.


  38. I would love to win one of Julie's books! Thank you Julie and Casey for the awesome giveaway and fun party post!


  39. CINDY, NO, STILL??? My books are still on the wish list??? I've seen your name on my blog giveaways a lot before, so it's just not fair that you haven't won one of my books yet, you know? Maybe Casey's blog is the lucky one this time, okay? And I don't know about Case being my "Number One fan," but I'll tell you what, she's definitely on the top of my list as to reader friends I love!!

    MICHELLE!!!! Can I just say how much I've missed talking to you, my friend?? I know we both have been crazed, but I just wanted you to know that. And you KNOW how much I would love to send you Steven's story, now, don't you??? Good luck, girlfriend. :)

    LOL, KATE ... short and sweet ... "very" sweet, in fact, so THANK YOU for your kind words -- MUCH appreciated!! Good luck in the contest, sweetie. :)


  40. What a fabulous party, Casey! I would be overjoyed to win this giveaway. I have heard high praise of Julie's books and would so enjoy trying one! God bless!!!

  41. Nope, KARA, it is NOT too late to enter for any of my books you would like, so you go, girl!! Good luck!

    BETH ... trust me, my friend, I would "love" you to win one of my books too, so here's to a win -- Good luck!!

    AIZESS ... WOW, I am SO glad you've heard good things about my books and NOW, we just have to get one in your hot, little hands, right?? So if you don't win here, PLEASE check out my website calendar for additional opportunities, okay? Good luck!


  42. How great to include your characters in your party list. They were so real to me as well!!!
    I can't wait until your next book comes out!!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  43. Casey, you have a gift for creating a unique and special blog! Must be because you are doing the Lord's work here - spreading His message of Love. That's what it is all about. Love.

    Please enter my name into the Giveaway, I am probably one of your last entrants today.

    This Celebration of your Blog must have taken alot of energy. And all I can say is: ''You go girl!'

    Thank you for your dedicated work these past weeks. Thank you for You!


  44. Don't you just LOVE Julie!! I see a lot of people who do!

    JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥ That's all I'm gonna say. ;-)

    And YES I AM Julie's #1 fan! You betcha I am and don't try to top me. ;-) But she could use a whole bunch of more #1 fans, so I hope someone who hasn't had a chance to read her books yet, win a copy. She is AMAZING!

    Oh my goodness, just amazing.

    AUDRA, you sweetie! I know, but someone would get just a *little* burnt out. I know I would! We'll have to live off the party high a little bit longer. So appreciate you!!


  45. PATRICIA, I just saw your comment come through. THANK YOU for your kindness! It did take a lot of energy, but it was so fun and your kindness absolutely makes my night with blogging hiccups and late night work. ENJOY the rest of the party and don't forget to enter the other giveaways. All the winners will be announced on Saturday. :D

  46. Casey, always enjoy your blogs; you have had a fantastic party! Thanks for another chance to win Julie's book......she is a great writer and great lady....gotta have A Heart Revealed!!!!
    jackie.smith[at]dish mail[dot]net

  47. Casey~
    Happy Blogoversary!!!

    I would love to be at that party - it sounds amazing! I would love to win a copy of Steven's story. Thanks for the opportunity.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  48. I should have known you'd have Ms. Lessman for the final! I have been trying to find a time to read her latest book uninterrupted, without reading something else at the same time. So I'm finally going to read it over the Thanksgiving Weekend while the turkey is in the oven and everybody else is watching Football. LOL. Can't wait :) I know it's going to be fantastic!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  49. Casey I'll say it again you sure do know how to throw a par-tay! I'm SO getting you to coordinate my next blog celebration LOL! Congrats again on two wonderful years!

    JULIE! A party isn't complete without you and a library isn't complete without your books. I can't wait to read Steven's story but it's definitely going to be bittersweet since it's the last book featuring the O'Connor. I have the feeling it's going to be awesome!!!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  50. I hate surprise parties, too! My husband has thrown me more than one. I think I finally figured out it's because HE likes them. Now I really should throw him one. But, really, really, I'd rather curl up with a good book--even a bad book--than go to any party. Ha!

    Which reminds me, I stayed up till 1 a.m. last night reading a book I promise made me stupider.

    But Julie's books only make me smarter. :) :) :)


  51. What a GREAT party week Casey!
    Thank you for having all these great giveaways and author interviews!
    I would LOVE to get Steven's story! I am really looking forward to reading it!!!


  52. Congratulations on an awesome blogaversry celebration, Casey. You're certainly the hostess with the mostest. Looking forward to your third year of blogging goodness.

  53. Oops!! I forgot to leave my email address, and I hope this entry doesn't confuse things!

    Anyway, my email address is:

    madley (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca

    Thank you!

  54. What an awesome way to end a blog party! I have to say THANK YOU so much, Ms. Casey, because it is on your blog that I "met" Ms. Julie when I read your interview wither her here:

    Thanks for introducing me to one of my favorite authors! ^_^


  55. What a wonderful time I have had. Thank you.


  56. MEGAN ... believe me, after living with these characters for over ten years in September, which is when I started writing A Passion Most Pure (then called A Chasing After the Wind), they do tend to become almost like flesh-and-blood family to me because if you think about it, I've spent more time with them than my extended family!! Not only that, but the O'Connor women are SUCH an extension of who I am (uh, particularly Charity, I am reluctant to say ... ;)), that, YES, they are VERY real to me as well, Megan. Thank you for coming by and good luck in the contest!

    PATRICIA SAID: "Casey, you have a gift for creating a unique and special blog! Must be because you are doing the Lord's work here - spreading His message of Love. That's what it is all about. Love."

    Couldn't have said it better, Patricia, and not a better person to do it than Case, the personfication of "Love" to me and her many friends.

    CASE ... words simply cannot express my fondness and gratitude to you, my friend! And I couldn't agree more on this point -- "But she could use a whole bunch of more #1 fans, so I hope someone who hasn't had a chance to read her books yet, win a copy." I could use a few more crazy CDQ reader friends like myself who love passion and drama and God to a CRAZY degree, so hopefully one of the wins will go to a new reader!!!


  57. JACKIE!!! YES, YES ... this HAS been (and continues to be!) a truly "fantastic" party, so thanks for joining in on the fun, and saying a prayer that a copy of AHR is in your future, my friend! :)

    MEGAN!!! Yeah, the O'Connors are a good time, even Steven who has put his "good times" on hold up until his book, A Love Surrendered. Then the boy slowly breaks out due to the prodding of his good friend, Joe, and almost regrets it ... :) Good luck in the contest, my friend, and happy reading!!

    Ooooo, FAYE, can't think of anything better than a tummy full of turkey, a crackling fire (unless you live somewhere warm) and the O'Connors, so Happy Thanksgiving AND Happy Reading, my friend.


  58. I had a feeling (a very BIG feeling) that Julie Lessman would be your GRAND finale, Casey! I mean, how can you have a smashin' party without the author you rave about all the time?? :-)

    Julie, awesome to see you here! Ohh, what a tempting offer you give! If I won, I wouldn't be sure which I'd want more--one of your books I don't have or a critique.

    This blog party has been one rockin' awesome event!! Way ta go, Casey!

    Oh, and congrats on your blog's 2nd birthday!!! ;-)


  59. Oh, Julie is one of my fav. authors. Would love to win her book coming out next Sept. I have all her others thanks. A Julie fan

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  60. Casey and Julie,

    I love that picture of you definitely seem like two of the most upbeat ladies :)

    Casey runs an awesome blog here (well, she pretty much does awesome at whatever she does, I think). This reminds me I need to make time to read the archives of the Jots as I'm always blessed by those.

    Thanks to Miss Casey here I finally reached 50K on my manuscript. I would love that critique, although I learned the hard way not to edit as I go along. :) Of course I would also love the upcoming release. I'm embarassed to admit I haven't read your latest yet...although truthfully my reading count has been well, almost non-existent since the start of the school year.


  61. Great post ladies!! And I am not surprised to see Julie Lessman in the Grand Finale! I love your books Julie, and most of all I love your passion for writing! You are just full of Passion girl! I only have one of your books, so I would LOVE to win another one!!

  62. 3 millionaire sisters, Julie? Wow ... definitely sounds like something from novel. (And I know I am not the first one to say this. Sorry, it's still kind of early in CO.)
    Such a party, such a party, Casey.
    Loving every minute of this.

  63. Aw, thanks, RENEE, for your sweet comments, and I'm chuckling at the memory of your review for AHR when you talked about how "frustrating" the romance was between Sean and Emma, so I'm gonna warn you RIGHT NOW, that you ain't seen nothing yet, my friend. Just a tip: be prepared to read Steven's story in a room where it won't mar the paint on the walls, okay? ;)

    LOL!! ANN SAID: "Which reminds me, I stayed up till 1 a.m. last night reading a book I promise made me stupider." :) Yeah, I've read a few of those, too, but they only make me appreciate the good ones all the better, right??? And I am SO glad my books make you "smarter" ... although I'm not sure if you meant "smart alek" or just plain more intelligent, but I'm guessing the former??? ;) Ain't EVEN gonna say "good luck" to you, girl as that's just plain redundant!

    Hey, LEAH, thanks for coming by to leave a comment, and here's hoping I get to put your name on the Steven "wait list" for a personalized author copy, okay?


  64. KELI ... Case is definitely "the hostess with the mostest" MOST definitely!!

    LDK!!! Seriously??? Case's blog introduced us??? Well, then I owe a HUGE thank you to Case, too, because you are a definite blessing to me, Jen, as a reader friend. Hugs to both you and Case for your wonderful support ... AND your very kind words!

    Me too, MARYBELLE!! Case sure knows how to paint the blog, doesn't she ... uh, as opposed to "painting the town." :)


  65. Julie I love it when an author takes the time to personally comment on reviews. And thanks so much for going to my blog and reading my review of A Hope Undaunted. I think I am up to the challenge of reading A Heart Revealed! I really appreciate that you went through everyone's comments here and responded. When a book is GREAT and the author is personable I think it makes it all the more GREAT! Yeah, I couldn't come up with a name for my blog and was brain-storming with a friend. I told her well reading is my only the rest is history!

    Julie@ My Only Vice

  66. KATIE!!! Soooo good to see your sweet face, my friend, and I'm not sure how "grand" a finale I will make, but I do love those big endings, don't I, though? And beginnings ... and middles ... :) Good luck, Katie, girl -- hope you pull out a win!!

    ABI!!! And YOU are definitely one of my "favorite" bloggers as well, girl, so it would be my absolute pleasure to put you on the Steven list! You're gonna LOVE the boy, trust me! ;)

    Hey, JULIA, how the heck are you doing??? I've missed seeing you around, my friend, and hope all is well. Thanks for catching up on Jots -- the archives have those hunky pix of my heroes, so definitely check it out!! Trust me, I certainly understand on the TBR list looming high -- I have SO many Seeker books I want to read and have had almost no time to do so. But ... when you do get a chance to pick up AHR, I will give you a heads-up on the most common complaints from some of my reader friends -- 1.) An overload of drama and frustration since Emma is married and not able to physically connect with Sean in a romantic way, 2.) The book moves slower than my other books because of that fact and the friendship that sloooooowly ripens into love and 3.) There are SO many sub plots that you don't feel as if you get enough of Emma and Sean's story. So, just adjust your expectations accordingly and happy reading ... uh, when you get the chance! ;)


  67. Hey, JOY, thank you SO much for your kind words and I have to chuckle because, YES, I am "full of passion," I'm afraid, and sometimes maybe too much! Just got back from the heart doctor, and I'm pretty sure my EKG came back with those very words ... ;)

    Yes, BETH -- count 'em -- THREE millionaire sisters, and actually YOU are the very first person to suggest the novel angle, so THANK YOU!! Never thought of that, but it could work. Problem is, I have (or had) nine sisters, so not sure where they would all fit in, you know?? Good luck in the contest, sweetie!

    Hey, JULIE, you are MORE than welcome!! Actually, one of my downfalls (efficiency-wise, that is) is that I absolutely LOVE to connect with my readers as friends because it makes it all the more personal to me, you know, and to them. Which is why I hate the word "fans," because that's not what it is -- it's great women with whom I become friends who love to read romance as much as I do, which is SO much better, isn't it?? Anyway, I'm anxious to see what you think of AHR, but uh ... you may want to take some Valium before you start reading it ... ;)


  68. Congrats on your anniversary! 2 years! Wow! I bet you have had some fun! I know I have had a blast with my blog and it can be so rewarding to meet so many wonderful and talented people! Julie is definately one of them. She is so sweet and encouraging! Please sign me up for this contest. Thanks.

    srstormo at yahoo dot com

  69. What a party! Thanks for inviting me. I love parties and I loved the music. (not a party without music right?)I would love to read one of Julie's books. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Glenda Parker

  70. LOL Julie! The Valium comment totally made me laugh(I was going to say cracked me up but thought that using "crack" in the same response as Valium might cause some eyebrows to raise). I'll have to make sure I am nice and relaxed before starting AHR! Or at least make sure I've taken my blood pressure meds before reading! ha!

  71. Aw, SALENA, thank you SO much for including me in the "talented people" group, girl -- MUCH appreciated!! And sweet? Uh, my kids would beg to differ, I'm afraid, but I do LOVE to encourage people because so many incredible people encouraged me, so just paying it back because it's just SO fun to do ... Good luck in the contest, sweetie. :)

    Oh boy, oh boy, GLENDA ... sounds like you haven't read one of my books, so here's hoping you pull out a win in this one, okay? And, girl??? You made me tear up on your blog with your story about Dallas Weins on your "Thanksgiving" blog. WOW!!! Your incredible blog touched me on a day when God already touched me TWICE about the importance of thanksgiving being the key to joy, so BLESS YOU for being another tender reminder from our God as to how much He had done for us.

    I highly encourage everyone reading this post to head on over to Glenda's blog today to read what she wrote -- it's truly inspiring and totally anointed by God. Here's the link:

    Glenda's Thanksgiving blog


  72. :) JULIE ... Soooo glad the Valium comment made you laugh!! I tend to be a little too honest and out there, according to my husband, so I actually considered writing "chamomille tea" instead of Valium, but then I thought -- what the heck? Keith's not here right now, so I can say what I want, right??? The poor guy -- he has to rein me in, you know?? And the "crack" me up comment would have made ME laugh, so next time, don't hold back, and I won't either okay? After all, God is VERY real, so He wants us to be real too, right???

    And, YES, be sure to be stocked up on Valium AND chamomille tea when you read, AHR, okay? And don't even get me started on blood pressure meds ... are you kidding -- with MY drama level????


  73. Yeah, I'm not "around" on the web much anymore. Taking care of family and homeschooling 2 kiddos takes up most of my time right now. Since I don't have much time for writing right now (I take about 3 hours a week...that seems to work well) I've downgraded the blog/online activities. I do miss seeing you and others online for sure though. Winter break I'll have to spend more time catching up.

  74. Julie,
    Oh Chamomile tea just wouldn't have even been the same! I'm all for "keeping it real." And yep, I know about the husband having to rein you in, I have one of those too! He just shakes his head at me sometimes when I spout off something that is totally "out there" oh well, I say it keeps em young!

    Julie @ My Only Vice

  75. Hey, JULIA, unto everything there is a season, my friend. Hopefully, you won't have to wait as long as I had to (in my 50s after my kiddos were grown and at school), and you already have a huge head start on the writing/blogging/promotion end of things, so just bide your time. It WILL come.

    LOL, JULIE ... we sound like we would be a dangerous combination if we ever got together, girl!! Two crazy Julies doling out Valium just so people could handle us! :)

    And, YES, it does keep them young ... and unbored!! Some of my favorite lines in A Heart Revealed are what Mitch says about Charity, which, ironically, is what my husband basically said to me one day:

    Yes, she was a handful and challenging and infused his life with more drama than any woman he’d ever known, but life with Charity was never boring, never dry and always an adventure. She was the most passionate woman he’d ever met, loving her family, her friends — him — with an intensity that took his breath away. SHE took his breath away, and Mitch swallowed hard as gratitude swelled in his chest.

    We are both SO blessed to have men that love us. After all, Julie, we "handfuls" need love too! :)


  76. Oh fine Julie! Just keep enticing me about A Heart Revealed! If I don't win this copy I have already scoped it out on Amazon and will run right out and get it! And we are totally blessed to have men that love us and put up with us it sounds like! ha!

  77. LOL, JULIE ... did I mention I'm sneaky too??? :)


  78. I love Sugarland! Great party!!!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  79. Happy Blogaversary Casey!

    Thanks for the chance to win one of your books Julie!!

    bookcrazy124 at gmail dot com

  80. DANCEALERT ... not sure what "Sugarland" is, but I will agree -- it's a GREAT party!! Good luck in the contest!!

    MELISSA, you are MORE than welcome, my friend -- here's to a win!!


  81. What a wonderful blog party! And to crown it with sweet Julie, she makes any party shine. Blessings for another awesome blog year!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  82. Aw, thanks, MERRY -- that's a sweet thing to say, and I echo your blessings for another awesome blog year for Case! Good luck in the contest!


  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Ok, let's try that one more time without the typo...

    Hey Casey,

    I'm kicking myself for missing the party. Looks like you all had a great time! And how jealous am I that (just about) every time you post an author interview you can include a picture of yourself with said author!? LOL!

    Happy Blogiversary and here's to many more years of blogging success! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)