Monday, November 21, 2011

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Five (!!!!) Melanie Dobson!!!

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WHAT. A. DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so glad I don't have to work today, so I can be here to take part in all this FUN!! Oh my goodness, the party day is almost over, but that doesn't mean the fun and entertainment is! Did you notice the music playing? If you don't wish to hear it, you can scroll to the end of the page to turn it off.

AND did you notice the other party posts already posted for today? We've got Rachel Van Dyken, MaryLu Tyndall, Rosslyn Elliott and Kim Vogel Sawyer SO FAR! And the day isn't over yet!!

Check out the schedule one more time so you don't miss anything. ALL these posts have giveaways to offer and some more than one!

Already posted at:

3 a.m.

6 a.m.

9 a.m.

12 p.m.

One more to post at:

3 p.m.

And this will put the GRAND in "Grand Finale". I don't want you to miss it!! :-))

Ready to meet today's guest? She writes for a very popular line and I'm super excited for the release of her latest please help me welcome, Melanie Dobson!

What is your most memorable party moment?

The joy of being with my favorite people and dancing at our "pre-ception" (Jon and I had our reception at a ghost town museum, the night before our wedding)

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list?

My husband and daughters Karly and Kiki would top the list. I'd have my parents, my sis, and several girlfriends who I've known for decades and a few friends who I've known a couple years. The best parties are with people who know me and love me in spite of my many flaws. The decor, food, etc. don't have to be perfect when I'm surrounded by people I love.

Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn’t perfect without: country line dancing (much to the chagrin of certain family members and know who you are)

Photo Credit

LOL! That made me smile, Melanie! And hey, a party is never complete without dancing, so turn up the music and kick up your heels...right after you check out this hour's prize! :-))

Woo-hoo! Who wouldn't want to win THAT? I love it. Thanks Melanie!!


Ack, wish it didn't have to end so soon, so enjoy it while it lasts!!! :D


  1. Wow, that book looks really good! Of course count me in! :-)

    Casey, your party just keeps getting better and BETTER! Can't wait to see what the GRAND finale post will be!!


  2. I almost missed the Grand Finale! (blame Thanksgiving prep)

    Melanie, I don't dare try line dancing. My family members (close, personal ones, including the dogs) would disown me.

    The book looks wonderful!

  3. This has been fun, but I'll bet you'll be glad when it's over. Thank you for the wonderful interviews and books you've offered as prizes.


  4. I'd love to read another Melanie Dobson book! I really enjoyed her other book 'Refuge on Crescent Hill'!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. My first time here, lookin' good.

  6. That book looks great!!! And yes, I agree, you need line-dancing..electric slide anyone?

  7. love this posting, casey & melanie :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  8. I'll try my comment again. If you get two, it's because it didn't work the first time. I've enjoyed all the guests at your party, Casey. Thanks for all the time this has taken.


  9. Happy blog birthday, Casey! It's a pleasure to celebrate with you!!

  10. Melanie Dobson is a new author for me. I would love to read her book! This has been really fun to meet here!

  11. Melanie Dobson is a new author to me too. Would love to read her book. It is sad that your party is coming to an end Casey! You sure do know how to celebrate and throw a party!
    Julie @ My Only Vice

  12. Oh I just love a good Love Finds You book! This one looks wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win.

    It's going to be sad to see your party end. But I love that your blogiversary ends on my birthday! I've had a wonderful birthday week (my husband has been spoiling me all week) and a great week with you here on your blog. Thank you so much for the fun!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  13. How fun, a party post and a new to me author! This book sounds great!


  14. This book looks great and I'm rather sure that the book will meet my expectations. So... count me in this giveaway!

  15. This has been soooo fun...I love dancing, any kind, even country line dancing :)

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  16. WELCOME TO THE NEW VISITORS!! I'm so glad to see you here. :D

    I've loved reading all the comments pouring you, you guys are AWESOME! It's you guys were inspire me in the kind of parties I throw. Great minds think alike in book taste. ;-)

    JAN, glad you made it!!! :D

  17. Lovely book cover :) And yes, dancing is a must! Over in the Midwest we like to do the Virginia Reel and the Patty Cake Polka...Well I wish we did :)
    Thanks for the lovely party, I'm totally having so much fun!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  18. The cover on the book is SO beautiful! I love reading books in the 'Love Finds You in' series and would love to win a copy of this one. Thanks for the opportunity.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  19. Either way I have added to my reading list. Just wonderful.


  20. Oh, I love the Love Finds you books...I'm so waiting for the LFY party in Dec.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. Thank you for the wonderful post and the giveaway ladies.,...
    I love the Love Find You books and would love this one too!

  22. would love this book, so glad melanie dobson got included in this party, well done casey!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)