Monday, November 21, 2011

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Four (!!!!) Kim Vogel Sawyer!!!

I just sent off a mass of balloons (think the little old man in Up ;-)) and the confetti is drifting around the tables. And I'm laying out a few sweets and little snacky things for the rest of the day. So enjoy! You know in the historical days, parties would last all night long.

I figure I can at least throw a virtual party that can last as long as I want it too. It's an Open House! Come and go as you wish, just remember to stop by at THESE times and have you seen the other three interviews posted this morning? Here they are again: Rachel Van Dyken, MaryLu  Tyndall and Rosslyn Elliott.

And the times they posted:


3 a.m.

6 a.m.

9 a.m.

Posts still to come:

12 p.m.

3 p.m.

And NOW I've got a great guest for you today and I am so honored to have her here on my blog today. Kim Vogel Sawyer is one of my very favorite authors and I feel privedgeled to have met her at ACFW this year. is Kim!!

What is your most memorable party moment? 

Hubs pulled off the perfect surprise party for my 50th birthday. I love being "got"--and he got me but good. It was great!

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list? 

Of course my family, which includes my church family, and my soul sisters--Kathy, Connie, Eileen, Margie--who all live too far away for day-to-day get-togethers.

Complete this thought: 

The perfect party isn’t perfect without: the peeps I love, lots of chocolate, and clusters of purple balloons. :o)

Oh we've got the balloons and I see a few purple ones in there just for you, Kim! :-)

Would you like to know what today's prize is? Kim is generously offering two copies of this novella collection...

Doesn't that just look like a novel to curl up with at the fireplace?

Be sure and visit past giveaways --and in case you are just now seeing this, remember all the winners will be publicaly announced this coming FRIDAY. I will start emailing you before then. So be haunting your inbox! :-)

If the link is still live at the top of the screen, go for it and enter away!



  1. It looks like I am the first one to sign this one. I love the cover and love reading Christmas stories.


  2. Love the novellas and such good authors wrote stories for this one, can hardly wait to read it. The bonus is that they are about Christmas.


  3. Kim, so great to see you as a star in Casey's celebration! You're one of my most favorite stars, too!

    I love Christmas novella collections. On my way to order it right now.

    Great party, Casey. Can't wait for the rest of your guests : )

  4. Wow, another GREAT post! This book looks wonderful :) I love Kim's comment about purple balloons, that's my fave color! Loved also that her husband surprised her on her 50th birthday, what a great surprise! I would love to win this one and thanks for featuring so many great authors!

  5. Kim! I can tell you're a fan of purple! Did you get those purple boots yet? In case you're wondering I'm the girl who recommended the Bearpaw Boots on Facebook. ;-)I'm SUPER excited for Christmas and while I'm not normally a fan of novellas this book looks soooo good!!!! I'd love to be entered!

    Thank you!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  6. Ahhh loved this one, cause you know she is one of my favorite Authors!

    I knew she had to be a purple lover! LOL

  7. I would love to win this book - It looks so good, I love a good Christmas story. Love the cover.


  8. We like all the same songs!!!

    Hmm I didn't see this one at the top of the page???
    Please enter me -
    forevereading at gmail dot com

  9. Please enter me in this giveaway!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. Great cover art, the books looks amazing! Gotta love a good Christmas story! Yes, I love it when my Hubby suprises me too...

  11. Casey,

    you sure know how to throw a this posting :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  12. Kim is also one of my favorite authors. I have "A Whisper Of Peace" next in my pile of books to be read. I've read many of her books but not "Montana Mistletoe." It looks like a great book to curl up with on a December evening.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.


  13. New book by Kim!! And I love purple, too. I would love to win this book! Yes, please.

    Check out my review for A Whisper of Peace

  14. I love Kim's work too Casey! Oh and Kim, the cover of Montana Mistletoe is absolutely beautiful. I would definitely love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  15. Oh I need a new Christmas novel to read!

    Julie @ My Only Vice

  16. Casey, this does look like a wonderful book to curl up near a fireplace- except, I don't have a fireplace! Just reading the book will have to do for me:-) Anyways, I would enjoy winning this book. Please enter me in this giveaway!

  17. okay, my first thought reading this was...there is no way you look 50!?! Gotta love Christmas novels!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  18. AUDRA, so glad you got to BE one of those guests! You are every bit as sweet as Pepper promised you would be. :D

    I haven't read this book by Kim, but as an avid fan of her other books, I can bet this one is just as good. I love the characters and stories Kim crafts. It seems almost effortless to her. And it appears effortless on the page. :D

  19. Oh, so exciting! Love the Christmas-y cover of the book, just beautiful :) Having a blast and lovin' your song selections :)

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  20. Christmas stories are among my favorites. So very beautiful.


  21. Oh, I love Christmas books thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. I love Christmas books and I have read all of Kim Vogel Sawyers book so I would love this one...
    Thanks ladies....

  23. How fun to be included in Casey's celebration! And thanks to those of you who made such nice comments about my books--you are appreciated muchly! The reason for TWO copies of the for you to keep, one to give to a friend. Good luck in the drawing!

  24. Kim always writes lovely stories, Montana Mistletoe looks like she is joined by several talented ladies. Beautiful cover!
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  25. Yay! Christmas!! It's my favorite time of the year. :) I love Kim's books!

  26. Please enter me! I LOVE the cover on this book! Thanks for the opportunity.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)