Monday, November 21, 2011

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Three (!!!!) Rosslyn Elliott!!!

I feel like this little girl today.

What excitement! What fun! What a blast!

This is my third party post for the day, did you catch the other two with Rachel Van Dyken and MaryLu Tyndall??

Let me put the schedule here for you so you remember to come back for more fun to come today! Great way to spend a Monday, imo. :-)

I've posted party posts at these times already:

3 a.m.

6 a.m. (this post)

Posts to come:

9 a.m.

12 p.m.

3 p.m.

I've got a fun surprise for you right now. (Not that it isn't much of a surprise anymore considering you saw her name in the title line. ;-) I loved her debut novel, Fairer Than Morning. So I am excited to present to you today...Rosslyn Elliott!

What is your most memorable party moment?

A few years ago, my husband and I hosted a Victorian Christmas party including costumes, food, and games. One of the games was a popular theater game called “Blink Murder,” in which a secret “killer” blinks at people standing in a circle and “kills” them while a detective tries to figure out who is committing the crime. My favorite moment was when one of our guests, a dainty and lady-like woman I had just met, “died” with a theatrical gargle and fell over the couch doing a great impression of a limp corpse! Talk about unexpected fun. J

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list?

Horses. LOL! Is that strange enough? But I really do love horses, so my idea of the perfect birthday party would be to go on a pony trekking trip with my daughter and some good friends, explore new territory like hills and rivers, maybe camp for a night with the horses, roasting marshmallows. 

Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn’t perfect without:  LOVE. The best parties I’ve ever attended have been full of love and joy, no matter what was served or how the house was decorated.

A party with horses as the VIP sounds like a party I would love. ;-) want to know what you're entering for today??

(Remember all contest winners will be announced on SATURDAY, so if the link is still live at the top of the screen, you can still enter. :-))

Oh what fun! I'm lovin' it! Hope you are too. :-))


  1. This has been fun, what a creative idea you had for this party!


  2. Such fun! And I love I'll just hang out a minute and listen to gettin stuck like glue! :) Casey, you're all sunshine. I just love it!

  3. Again, Casey, don't count me in for this one. I just read it last week. Awesome book, y'all!

    Rossyln!! Isn't Casey's blog party awesome?? So awesome to see you here today! After reading Fairer Than Morning, I am REALLY looking forward to your next release! Hope all is well with you!

    ~ K

  4. This looks like a great book! The cover is beautiful. =)
    Congrats on your blog party, Casey! It looks like you've had a great time! God bless!


  5. this party has been fun I love your giveaways too. would love to win this book thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. love all the work you've out into this Casey :) would love to win this book! looking forward to the other posts, GREAT pictures!

  7. Thanks so much for having me, Casey! I agree, Katie, this is the best blog party I've ever seen. :-) And thanks for your kind comments about my debut novel! I can't wait to hear what you think about the second. One of the best things about publication is all the new friends I've met through it--we naturally have a lot in common because of our faith and our love of the written word.

    So glad to be a part of the fun, and bopping along to the happy music as I type. I'll be sure to tweet and send people over so no one misses out.

  8. What a fun party Casey! I seriously want to read Elliott's book! All the more since I won Clash of the Titles and everyone's raving about it.


  9. Your party has been so much fun! You are just so very cretive!


  10. This book looks SO good!!!
    I just want to start reading it this second!


  11. Looks like a great book and I love that cover.


  12. That Victorian party sounds SO MUCH FUN!

    I'm entering,

  13. Casey this party has been so much fun.

    I would love to read Fairer Than Morning, by Rosslyn Elliott. I hadn't heard of her before your blog. I am always looking for a new author of Christian Fiction, so I hope I win this one.

  14. Oooh!!! This book just made its way to the top of my must read list! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and GREAT party!

    God Bless

  15. That Victorian Christmas party sounds fun! Thanks for the chance to win "Fairer than Morning" --it's been on my book wish list for several months now. =)


  16. 'Fairer Than Morning' looks like a book I'd enjoy!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. So I'm totally checking out your book on amazon and if I don't win it, I'll have to buy it! It looks awesome! Ps. I want to play blink murder...that sounds like a great game.

  18. I enjoyed Rosslyn's description of her Victorian party. Years ago, I hosted a Victorian themed dinner as a fundraiser for my church building fund. My sister and I dressed in old clothes that had belonged to our grandmother and served the meal. It was a lot of fun, as well as a lot of work!
    "Fairer Than Morning" has such a lovely cover. However, I do not need to be entered to win a copy since I already have one.


  19. Hi, I'm finally back!! I would love to read Fairer Than Morning! Love the cover and this party! New author for me!

  20. Oh, I love horses too. I had a pony while I was growing up, and found out that I was allergic to them. That didn't stop me from spending time with her though!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  21. I have loved the cover of Fairer Than Morning since the very first time I saw it. The girl looks so very familar.

    Thank you again for the fun party Casey!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  22. I have not read anything by Rosslyn Elliott. So I would love the chance to. Thanks for such fantastic giveaways!

    Julie@My Only Vice

  23. I've been wanting to read this one for a while now! Thanks so much for the fun posts and the opportunity to win!


  24. I have been wanting to read this book for some time now. I would so enjoy winning this book- so please enter me in this giveaway!

  25. ROSSLYN, thank you for taking part in the celebration. And I completely agree with what you said, I have been SO BLESSED in the people I have gotten to know and the great authors I have been able to support and fall in love with--you included! It's authors like you that I want to bend over backwards to give you the best promotion I can!

    I'm glad for the excitement for Rosslyn's book too! She's my Cold Call Author on Friday, so don't miss it!

    FAIRER THAN MORNING is a great book and I'm so excited for SWEETER THAN BIRDSONG. Rossyln is very talented and I hope the winner loves the book like I did!

  26. I am HUGE horse lover and could not agree more with Ms. Elliot. Horses should always be invited to parties :) After reading Fairer than Morning I can't wait to read her next book :)

  27. That Victorian Christmas party sounds like it was a lot of fun. I have been wanting to read this book for a while now and would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  28. FAIRER THAN MORNING looks wonderful. What a lovely 'party favor'.


  29. Blink Murder sounds like it would be a fun party game, I love cozies and mysteries.

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)