Monday, November 21, 2011

GRAND FINALE ~ Part Two (!!!!) MaryLu Tyndall!!!


That's what I've got for you today!

Did you see Rachel Van Dyken's post directly below this one?? Better hurry over and enter before it's too late! AND REMEMBER if the link is still at the top of this blog, it means the giveaways are still open. If it's gone, it's closed.

I'm posting EVERY THREE HOURS today.

So far I've posted at:


3 a.m.

And will post AGAIN at:

6 a.m.

9 a.m.

12 p.m.

3 p.m.


Are ye havin' fun? (pirate talk in honor of our special guest).

I've brought ye in cinnamon buns for the early morning crowd, so grab one while they still be hot!

I'm hanging the streamers, scattering the confetti and per Katie Ganshert's request on Friday, I have bottles of silly string stragetically placed through the room.

Let's keep this party ROLLING! (or moving with the waves, however you want to look at it...)

What is your most memorable party moment?  

Wow. There are so many! But one party I don't think I'll ever forget was our annual family Christmas party when I was sixteen years old. My Mom would always host the festivities and all the aunts and uncles and cousins and everyone would come over Christmas Eve to eat and open gifts and enjoy themselves. But this year everything seemed to go wrong! My Mom burnt the Christmas pie, two of my relatives overindulged in Egg Nog and got into a fight, my Mother lost her wedding ring in the punch bowl, and my sister backed up into Uncle Harry's car! It reminds me of Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation. Well, that's my crazy family for you. Never a dull moment. But, not to worry, everyone forgave everyone else (Why not? It's the Spirit of Christmas) and my Mom eventually found her wedding ring. We went to sleep dreaming of sugarplums, diamonds glittering in punch, and Uncle Harry sobbing over his car. LOL.  But the next day, we had a wonderful Christmas anyway! 

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list?   

All the other authors attending this blowout celebration!  Sarah Palin (I admire her so much!) Glenn Beck (because he is an honorable man who speaks the truth), Jim Caviezel (my favorite actor and he's not bad to look at either), my mother (Because she'd never forgive me if I didn't invite her LOL), Benjamin Netanyahu (Because I love Israel), and Pastor Victor Marx (a man who is dedicating his life to saving all the incarcerated lost kids).  I could invite more, but I suppose it's getting a bit crowded!   

Complete this thought: 

The perfect party isn’t perfect without: love, chocolate, and good music

Hmm...Oh excuse me, while I lick the sugar off my fingers... Oh yum. (I love that word, don't you?) Have you tried one of these things yet? What are you waiting for??

Want to know what the prize is for today?? Here you go...

I've read it. That is a good book. ;-) Well worth the prize of winning!

To preserve my sanity in drawing all the names of these giveaways (!!!) I will post the names of ALL the winners on Saturday, November 26th. Be watching your email and the blog!!



  1. I remember one Christmas hunting presents and opening one and taping it back up. Then ... being surprised when I opened it Christmas morning. I wonder if I got the tape back in the same place. Another Christmas being so excited for my doll with the yellow hair and my turquoise sweater with the little pearl buttons down the front that I woke my stepsister up to show her in the wee morning hour after they had traveled all night to get to our home and had brought the presents.

  2. SURRENDER THE DAWN looks amazing.

    I'll be sorry when the party is over. I'm a bit of a wall flower, but I have enjoyed it immensely


    Mary Preston


  3. The perfect party isn't perfect without: love, chocolate, and good music, laughter and good connecting conversation between friends and family! Anytime can be a party! Bring on the hot chocolate!

  4. I also admire Sarah Palin!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. I love MaryLu Tyndall. I've been wanting to read this book for a while.


  6. I have been a follower of MaryLu's blog, I am SO happy to see this!

  7. Cinnamon Buns sound delicious, could use some about now, lol, along with some hot chocolate.


  8. Hey MaryLu!!!! So awesome to see you here today! I can't wait to read more by you in the coming years. The new book you have coming out next year looks awesome!

    Casey, don't count me in for this giveaway, as I already have read this book, and it's currently sitting on my bookshelf. I just wanted to shout out a welcome to MaryLu! :-)

    ~ K

  9. oh, I have the surrender the night and surrender the heart. would love to win this book thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  10. I love your kind of party, MaryLu! Thanks for another chance to win a copy of Surrender the Dawn!


  11. MARYLU!!!!!!!!! Hey, sis, LOVE the Christmas Eve story, my friend -- you should write a book about that!!

    And let me go on record RIGHT NOW as saying Surrender the Dawn is not only MaryLu's best book yet, but Luke Heaton (the hero) is hands-down one of the hottest heroes I have read EVER, and both he ... and the book ... still haunt me (in a good way!!).

    Can't wait for the next one, ML -- you are one of my MUST READS, my friend.


  12. I have been having such a great time. Thank you so much for doing this party!


  13. I LOVED this book!
    It was SO interesting!! And romantic!;)

  14. Girl,
    Are you worn out yet? You are the Party Queen!!! Loving all the celebrating!

  15. The cover alone has me dying to read this book and Luke Heaton sounds like my kind of hero. Put a bad boy on a ship and I AM THERE!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win this book!

    God Bless

  16. Ok, I think you win the prize for most interesting party, your mom lost her ring in the punch bowl? Wow...Your book looks great!

  17. Isn't always the parties/holidays that seem the worst that are the most memorable...usually in a good way too!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  18. I enjoyed MaryLu's comments. My book club read "The Red Siren" for this month. It was my first time to read one of MaryLu's books. It was such a fun book! One of our members teaches high school math. They have a school wide mandatory reading time just before one of her math classes. She said she'd read that book during the reading time and then find herself talking like a pirate in her next class!


  19. Hi MaryLu & Casey! Awesome, awesome party!

    MaryLu I love your VIP party list! Would love to attend that one! :D

    Would love to read Surrender the Dawn! Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  20. These party posts have just brightened my Monday right up!


  21. I have been seeing this book all over. I would love to read it. Great interview! Love the family Christmas story!

    Julie@My Only Vice

  22. I've been wanting to read a book by MaryLu Tyndall for... how long??? So, I would be overjoyed to win this book! The cover alone has me wanting to see what treasures lie between those covers!

  23. MaryLu is one of my favorite authors and I'm so glad to be on her team to help promote her fiction. If I can get you excited about her work, then I have succeeded! :D

    I LOVE all these party comments! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kindness! I had over 150 party emails in my inbox and I absolutely LOVE it!!

    It's exciting to see you excited and I feel SO BLESSED to share this with you!!

  24. BETH, not yet! Just living off the high at the moment. *pass the rest of the cinnabun* But I am taking the rest of the week off until Friday. I adore you! Have I told you that recently?? :)

  25. Wonderful interview. I'm just getting into Ms. Tyndall's books because of so many high recommendations from so many people! I just bought a 3-in-1 collection and can't wait to dig in :)

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  26. First of all, this is an awesome party!!
    And...don't enter my name in this one because I already have MaryLu's book and had the honor or reading and review it. Just like all of her books, this one is awesome. Well worth the time it takes to read it!! But if you win you need to get the other two in the series!

  27. This looks like a great book!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)