Monday, November 21, 2011

GRAND FINALE ~ Part One (!!!!) Rachel Van Dyken!!!


IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(imagine me bouncing on the balls of my toes, smiling ear to ear--and I don't care that is a cliche!)
Do you know what day it is???
TWO YEARS ago today I started my blogging journey.
Oh my, since then I have blogged over 600 times, met over 500 wonderful followers, been blessed by God time and TIME again. Connected with some pretty awesome people and have had the chance to spread a few blessings here and there. ;-)
Soooooo are you ready for the GRAND FINALE????
Here is how today is going to go:
Every THREE HOURS another party post will hit the web! And each one will have a spectacular giveaway. I'm not going to tell you who I've got yet, you'll just have to wait and see. ;-)
But here is the schedule: (all pacific time, please note!)
3 a.m
6 a.m.
9 a.m.
12 p.m.
3 p.m.
ALL winners will be announced here on the blog THIS SATURDAY, November 26th. I'll probably start contacting you before that though. We've got a BUNCH!! :D
So ready to meet a fab guest for the first party kickoff?? I love this girl!! And I think you probably will too. :-))
Rachel Van Dyken!!
What is your most memorable party moment?  
My most memorable party moment was when I got a turtle for my birthday. It fit in the palm of my hand and I named him Stuart. He was my favorite in the world. When I went to college Stuart stopped eating so my dad set him free in a pond by our house. And there he has lived for a miraculous 9 years! Others have tried to steal the joy of that party moment by saying he's dead. He's not, he lives that pond that no longer has water..Turtles migrate right?

Who’s on your personal VIP party guest list?  
YES! I get to make a list? You should note that this will possibly be the best party list of all time. 
I'll do a top ten to make it easy (I think it's a given that you would be on my VIP as well as the other lovely ladies participating!) 
Carman...Come on we all know who that is, if you're shaking you're head that you don't. Then I feel sorry for you. Truly. I wore overalls for an entire month after one of his songs came out. I think he's out of music, which is a shame. He defined a generation. 
Martha Stewart, naturally she'd be in charge of food and decorations.  
Photo credit
There is enough for everyone, please take one! :-))
Jay Z, because apparently he knows everybody and would probably invite others meaning more gifts for Casey ;)
Tim Hawkins, that guy writes some hilarious stuff. I think he'd be good comedic relief. 
Howard Schultz, he's the CEO of Starbucks, where he goes the green straw goes. Words to live by. 
Mickey Mouse, because he brings the magic wherever he goes! And it's really not a party without Disney.
The Entire Cast of High School Musical so we can break out in song and dance and EVERYONE will know the same song and choreography!
Captain Jack Sparrow b/c I like his black eyeliner and his costume makes me happy. 
The Old man from UP b/c he has a LOT of balloons. 
Chewbacca from Star Wars. Naturally he'll be security as well as VIP. 
Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn't perfect There is nothing more awkward then a group of people standing around trying not to talk too loud. It's better to talk over music then to be afraid of how your voice is carrying at the punch table. Music is a gift from God, it brings people together. A party is tragic without it. :)

Rachel your wish is my pleasure to grant! Turn up the computer speakers, I've got music for ya!! :D

Don't you just love her?? I do. ;-) I get such a KICK out her sense of humor, she also makes me laugh.  :D

I can't stop making those smiley faces. :D :D :D :D :D


Okay, you get it. Want to know what your prize is??

Yep that little beauty. Doesn't it look delicious? I'm reading it now and totally enjoying it!

BE READY FOR 3 o'clock! Another post will arrive then!! :D


  1. I remember Carman! From Tulsa. He came for a ministry concert at our church and had music videos.
    Here he is live:


  2. It does look 'delicious'.

    Mary Preston


  3. I'll have to take that treat with me and get back later today! Hopefully, I'll get back home in time to finish up the conversation at this wonderful party!

  4. I love your VIP party guest list! Tim Hawkins is HILARIOUS! :)

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. I remember Carman. Had several of his tapes from way back when.


  6. I just read the first chapter on Amazon, oh, I've GOT TO GOT TO get this one!!

  7. Looks like a great book and love Sugarland in the background! I feel like I'm missing something though, like no trivia question, lol.


  8. Man, Casey. You sure know how to throw a PARTY!!!!! :-D

    I saw this book on your "Currently Reading" shelf on Goodreads the other day. It looks like a neat read. Of course count me in!


  9. new to me author. love the book cover

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  10. RACHEL!!!!!!!!! OH, MAN, I SOOOOO WANT THAT BOOK -- The Ugly Duckling Debutante!!! It looks DEE-LISH ... uh, especially the hero -- hubba, hubba!! Uh ... I AM eligible for the draw, I hope ...?????? :|

    And, YES, CASE -- I DO "just love her" and that sassy sense of humor of hers ... even though she's drop-dead gorgeous and WAY tooooo young like certain other people i know!! ;)


  11. Wow this looks super good!

  12. Haha Julie I love you so much!!! You crack me up! Such a fun party today Casey!! Maybe next time we will get Carmen to perform live!! A girl could only hope!

  13. Oh. My. Word.
    I want Rachel to plan my parties--can that gal plan a guest list or what!
    Her book cover is also g-or-g-e-o-u-s!

  14. Love the VIP party list. Hilarious. I also love that cover.


  15. What a party!! Such fun!! Thanks!!

    kcmelone at yahoo dot com

  16. Ohmygosh I totally laughed throughout this entire post! Rachel sounds like a real card but then again those Rachel's always are (my BFF is a Rachel) ;-)

    Congrats on the "official" two years Casey! It's been soooo fun!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  17. Another new author to me! The Ugly Duckling Debutante, has such a great cover, that you just HAVE to read it! I would love to win this.

  18. I hate to be a name dropper, but since I have the pleasure of knowing Rachel PERSONALLY, I can tell you that she is as delightful, funny, witty, and wonderful as she sounds!

  19. My must read list has filled up fast since your fabulous blog party started and I'm absolutely okay with that =D This book looks like my kind of read, especially that tall, dark, dreamy hero! I would LOVE to win this one!

    God Bless

  20. Great to meet you, Rachel!! :) I'd love a chance to win your book!

    Happy official blogoversary day, Casey!!! :D



  21. You too Amber, Love the pic! You look ready to sit drink some warm tea or coffee and read a book! My kind of girl! Doesn't Casey throw the best parties?!?! LOVE IT!

  22. Ha ha, Carmen, Addicted to Jesus...we were cool Rach...

  23. Casey, Congrats on 2 years...this is so fun! And I Love the VIP list for the party, very diversified. I never thought I'd see a list that included Martha Stewart, JayZ and Chewbaca all in one!!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  24. Casey! I so love the music today!
    I agree with Rachel music is a necessity at a party!

    I do remember Carman. Loved his hair too! Never out of place.

    I love the title of your book Rachel. Does it by chance have a Beauty & the Beast theme behind it? Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  25. do know how to throw a party, casey....hi rachel :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  26. Wow, what a finale! Love the cover of this book and how fun getting to know Rachel. That guest list is awesome...Chewy AND JayZ? I'm totally there. :)


  27. Ooo, the cover is so intriguing! Loving these party posts! :)


  28. Ohhhhh, that picture looks pretty provocative! Love the title!

    Julie@My Only Vice

  29. I'm LOLing over the comments and smiling for the enthusiasm for Rachel.

    RACHEL!!!! So glad you can join the party. I think about meeting you and I just smile. I can't wait for that email!! :D

    I had to work today! Boohoo, I'm missing the big swell of excitement, but so glad for the ability of scheduling! :)

  30. Oh, how fun! So many posts! And a big happy blogoversary to you, Casey! What an exciting day.
    Looks like an interesting book, can't help but feel a connection to the story just reading the description :)
    Lovin' the party!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  31. If it's not too late, I would like to have a chance at winning this book. Congrats on your celebration! Yay! :-)

  32. Oh my goodness what a great party!! I concur, Chewbacca would be awesome as security. I mean really, who wants to get their arms ripped off by a wookie?? And the book gets added to my Christmas list :) Thanks for sharing!!

  33. I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  34. OMGosh! I have said this before, but I just love Rachel's humor!

    ...And party's not a party unless Carman and Chewbacca are on the guest list. LOL.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)