Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giveaway What Makes You Smile!! And My Guest is the Awesome Meg Moseley!!

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Of course, we all LOVE birthday presents. One can't throw a party without throwing around a few gifts. ;-)

And one of the things I asked today's guest is: what three things do you love and wish you could give away?

Because a good gift, is only as enjoyable as the person who loves it and loves to share it. Anything lovely and good should be shared!

Which is what excites me about this party--I get to share so many of my favorite things with you, my blog readers! On a real and personal level and introduce you to some really wonderful people.

In fact, this guest today was one of my greatest finds this year--and I can't wait for her next book, she's that good of a writer!

But before we do that, I just want to make sure you remember the special prize for the correct trivia answers. Get it right = two entra entries to win today's prize AND a handmade item (by me) randomly drawn from the people who correctly guess the trivia question. I hope you like what I've made. ;-)

And NOW! Here is today's special guest.... Meg Moseley!

How do you like to celebrate?

With friends, family, fun and easy foods and good music in a homey atmosphere so everybody can relax and enjoy each other.

Three things that make you smile and wish you could give away.

My favorite books; the joy of bird-watching (I'm geeky that way); and fresh, home-grown flowers from my yard. 
What was the last party you attended?
A wedding reception for some friends. My two-year-old granddaughter doesn't quite understand what a wedding is, so she called it "a dance party." 
Complete this thought:
Photo Credit

The perfect party isn’t perfect: without the people you love.

I LOVE  to give away things that make me smile and here is one thing that made ME smile this year and it's today's prize...

I seriously LOVED this book!! I hope the winner will too. :-))

So my trivia question naturally has to do with this novel...

What day did I post my review of this book?

Have fun!! It's a great Sunday and TOMORROW is the GRAND FINALE giveaway with SIX party posts!!!


  1. FINALLY, lol, took me a while but find it I did! You reviewed When Sparrows Fall on March 26, 2011.


  2. I did look back to March 26,2011 too and read your review. I'd really enjoy this book. Thanks!

  3. Saturday, March 26, 2011
    An Un-Put-Down-Able Story: "When Sparrows Fall" by Meg Moseley (review)
    I couldn’t put this book down.


    I will be going to care for a sick mom's children 6:30a-3:30/4p tomorrow. I hope your cut-off isn't early afternoon so I have time to answer the SIX party posts when I get home! This has been fun.

  4. I love presents! But I love giving presents better!! I'm loving all of your interviews with new authors.

  5. Hi Casey, I just finished baking some pumpkin rolls and the house smells so festive that I just had to tune into your party!

    I have had When Sparrow Fall on my Wish List for months now. My birthday is tomorrow but my dear husband already gave me my gifts so I have to be wishin' a little bit longer...unless I'm the lucky winner. You posted your review for When Sparrows Fall on Saturday, March 26, 2011.

    I'm really going to miss your party when it ends. It's been fun reading all the author's answers to your fun questions!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  6. I already have this book, so don't count this as an entry.

    Let me just say, I LOVED this book. And Jack..oh my, I loved Jack from my toes to my heart!! ♥

  7. This sounds like a great book. I read your review on it too. The trivia answer is March 26, 2011. Thank for the chance to win.


  8. You posted your review of "When Sparrows Fall" on March 26, 2011.
    I enjoyed this review and also the interview with Meg. My book club will be reading and discussing this book in February. One of our members used to live in Atlanta and knows Meg; Kristi suggested we read the book.
    Thanks again for having such a fun party.

  9. March 26,2011.
    Happy Birthday!

  10. What a party!!! Thank you all for stopping by the celebration, I'm SO EXCITED to see you all here tomorrow!! Don't forget it starts at MIDNIGHT!!

    ALSO, LANE and everyone else, I EDITED the time to enter all these contests. They will be open as long as the link at the top of the page is still LIVE!


    Sorry about the change in plans, I just want to make sure everyone still gets around to enter the contests. :D

  11. I have this one on my shelf, so please don't enter me for this giveaway.

    If it's okay, here's the answer to the trivia question for 2 extra entries -- March 26, 2011. Thanks!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  12. March 26 2011 - it looks amazing.

    Mary Preston


  13. Saturday, March 26, 2011

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (Dot) com

  14. I found it. Took me a while but it was there. March 26, 2011. This looks like such a great read and have loved the whole blog party.


  15. What a fun several days of celebration you've had.
    Your review was on March 26, 2011.


  16. Hey, Meg, soooo good to see you here, my friend!! I still remember when I first heard the name Meg Mosely -- I was in an ACFW crit group and one of my crit partners was raving on and on and on about the incredible talent of this one contest entry he judged, saying this writer was a rare find. If I'm not mistaken, I think you may have won the ACFW Noble Theme that year, and your name was emblazoned on my memory from that point on, until I was blessed enough to "meet" you, both in person and online!!

    Can't wait to get my mitts on When Sparrows Fall!!


  17. nice fun party
    answer Mar. 26, 2011

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. Casey, I absolutely loved meeting you at ACFW. Next time, I'll want a chance to have a real conversation!

    Ashley, thanks for loving Jack. I love him too. My hubby understands. :)

    Pam K, it's exciting to know your book group is discussing When Sparrows Fall. Please let me know if there's anything special I can do for your group, okay?

    And Julie, I hope for a chance to really get to know you someday!! Thanks for your kind words.

    I'm sorry I didn't stop by earlier to join the party. We just moved and we still don't have internet, so I have to find a wifi spot to get online. That should change soon.

    Much love to all of you!


  19. Loving the party! Please enter me for a chance to win.

  20. So I looked it up and "When Sparrows Fall" was released in May of this year, so I thought that would narrow it down a bit ... LOL, I was kind of surprised to find it on March 26, 2011 --I forgot about a thing called pre-readers. =P


  21. All the posts have been great! I've had my eye on When Sparrows Fall.

    March 26, 2011

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  22. would love to read this posted your review casey on 3/26/11

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  23. Looks like this would be an interesting read. Please enter me in this giveaway! Also, you posted your review of this book on Saturday, March 26, 2011

  24. My daughter is very interested in birds right now.
    I unfortunately saw someone's comment before I started looking for your review...but I did go back and read it...some of the most unique characters you've ever read!?! And you read a lot! Anyway, it was posted on Saturday, March 26, 2011.

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  25. Loving the party! And I'm DYING to read this book!

    Trivia answer: 3-26-11

    lydiasusancrawford (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. With christmas so near it's fun to think of all the lovely things that you are planning to give people! That's one of my favorite things about Christmas, thinking about what I'm gonna give someone and how they're going to react!

    You posted the review on 3-26-ll

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)