Sunday, November 20, 2011

Continuing the PARTY!! Celebrating with Anne Mateer!!!

Photo Credit
Many of you might have seen my review of Anne Mateer's debut novel, Wings of a Dream earlier this month. One of the things I said was I cringed to think how I almost didn't request her book to review.


It completely blew me away and has made my "greatest newest find of the year". Yes. And I don't treat those words lightly.

I've loved getting to know Anne a bit better online and I'm SO excited to have her here to help us celebrate!! We've only got one more party day left (the GRAND FINALE) tomorrow, so be sure and go back to the top of the blog and click on the older party links. All the winners will be announced by noon on Saturday, November 26th!!

Sooo are you having fun yet?? I hope so! And don't forget to answer the Blog Trivia Question for two extra chances to win today and be put into special drawings just for you!

*round of applause for Anne*

What is your perfect party?

My perfect party is any party thrown by someone else at anywhere but my home! (I love a good party, but I get very stressed out trying to give it myself.)

What would your party look like? 

My perfect party would involve good food, good friends, music that livens the atmosphere but isn't too loud to talk over, and starts early enough that I could stay as long as I wanted without my husband (an early to bed, early to rise guy) getting tired and being ready to leave. 

1, 2, or 3 tier cake? (What’s the filling??)

3 tiers, each a different flavor, covered in fondant and decorated with whimsy! (Think Ace of Cakes!)

Complete this thought: 

The perfect party isn’t perfect without: at least one conversation that moves beyond small talk.

Wanna know what you are entering for?? Well first, let me get your Trivia Question. Hmm...

What was the date of my FIFTH (5th) post?

*wink* Have fun! ;-)

And your prize for today....

TRUST ME you don't want to "almost" pass this book up like I almost did. It is SO worth it. :-))

DON'T FORGET YOUR TRIVIA and to enter the other contests. I've got LOTS to choose from!! :D


  1. Good Morning Casey! What a fun week you have provided for us all.

    Your fifth post was on Thanksgiving, November 26, 2009.

    Thank you for hosting such an awesome party Casey!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  2. I make it to be Thursday, November 26, 2009.


  3. Anne!!! I've heard such wonderful things about your book, girl, and Casey's endorsement seals the deal!! I'm really looking forward to reading it.

    Case -- it's been a great party week, and I'm going to be sad to see it come to an end!


  4. hmmm, can't say I'm a big fan of fondant, but the book looks great! Thanks for the interview Casey and Anne!

    Julie @My Only Vice

  5. Hey y'all! So happy that Casey invited me to the party! :)

    Julie Lessman--hope you enjoy the book, but be warned, it doesn't have the heat that yours do!

    Julie--I didn't used to be big on fondant, but my daughter is in culinary school and I've learned that while some is terrible, there is some fondant that tastes AMAZING!

    Casey--Love the picture so the cake! It's perfect! Thanks for inviting me--and for your humbling words about Wings of a Dream. You are a sweetie!

  6. Anne is a super sweet lady and I can't wait to read Wings of a Dream. Your 5th post was November 26, 2009. The one year anniversary of my bilateral mastectomy and my mom's 81st birthday. Looking forward to Saturday so we can celebrate my 4 years cancerversay cancer free and Mom turning 83. What a great day you chose for the trivia question.

  7. Research tells me your 5th post was Thursday, November 26, 2009 titled "What Are You Thankful For?"


  8. Ooh, thanks for this opportunity to win Anne Mateer's book!

    Trivia question: Thursday, November 26, 2009


  9. With all the books I've requested, I did end up not requesting this one... So I would love another opportunity to read it! From your endorsement, it sounds like it's quite wonderful! :)

    Congratulations, Anne, are your debut novel!! And congratulations, Casey, on your awesome, never-ending (in a good way!!) blogoversary! ;D Loving it!



  10. Oops, I meant *on* your debut novel, not *are*!


  11. I do believe the answer to your trivia question is, Thursday, November 26, 2009.

    Thanks Casey and Anne!


  12. Thursday, November 26, 2009
    This book looks great!

  13. Ever since I read your review for Anne's book I've been on the hunt for it! Thanks for the chance to win it!


    God Bless

  14. I hope other readers all in love with this book and author like I did. Anne, I can't wait for your next book! Is it in first person too? Here's to hoping. ;-)

    AMBER, we will have to get you a copy then! I think you would most likely really love this one. :)

    I LOVE seeing old and new faces around the party scene! Thanks so much for spending a bit of your Sunday with me!

    I've got only one more party post and then the GRAND FINALE tomorrow where I will post SIX times!!

    Also, an editing note: the winners will all be announced on SATURDAY of this week. Not tomorrow. I want to give you all a chance to enter away!!

    Oh! The next post goes up in 8 minutes!! Exciting. :D

  15. Yes, Casey! First person for the second and third books, at least! :)

    Thanks, to all who have visited! Love your support of sweet Casey!

  16. Thursday, November 26, 2009
    What are you thankful for?
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    That was easy! I wrote down the dates when I was counting to post 10!

    Happy Thanks-Giving to you, too!!


    I would love to win Anne's book!

  17. Wow! So many posts. The answer is Thursday, November 26, 2009. You are making this fun! Thanks.

  18. I can't believe it's coming on Thanksgiving week already. I think it's fun that you are making the winners announcement on this Nov 26 as it aligns with your trivia question to which I believe the answer you're looking for is Nov 26, 2009.

    Fun party.


  19. Your fifth post was Thursday, Nov. 26, 2009.
    I haven't yet read "Wings of a Dream" but it is on my "want to read" list.


  20. Well, I don't usually read blogs on Sunday, but I'm glad I did today and got to hear about Anne's debut novel. Sounds like a must-read if it's your "greatest newest find of the year."

  21. This book looks so good! I remember your earlier post about it :)

    Your 5th post was on Thursday, November 26, 2009.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  22. Well well well it looks like this is a must read! I definitely need to see about getting my hands on a copy...after the party of course because I'm having too much fun socializing to read! ;-)

    Date of 5th post: Nov. 26, 2009

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  23. I have your book, D'Ann!!! I bought it in Sept, and I will get around to reading it very soon!!! Especially with such a high recommendation from Casey! :-) God bless you, girl!

  24. Oh YAY, Anne! You do 1st person so good, I'm excited!! :D

    MELANIE, I hope you love the book as much as I!

    RENEE, goodness girl, you and everyone else! I wish I had a copy for all of you!! :D

  25. So happy to get the chance to win this one!! If I don't win, I'm number 31 on the wishlist. : )

    The trivia answer is November 26, 2009.

    Thanks Casey and Ann!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  26. Thursday, November 26, 2009!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. I believe the answer to this is November 26, 2009. I love the cover of this book and it is one that I have been wanting to read.


  28. Now I want to eat that pretty cake. Probably not a good idea at 7:30am.
    Your 5th post was on November 26, 2009.


  29. Y'all are such fun people! Thanks to Casey for throwing such a great party!

    And Melanie--so good to see you! I've missed you! Can't wait to read The Merchant's Daughter. :)

  30. I 3 tiered cake with a different flavor in each tier...hmm..sounds fun! I'm thinking that 3 different chocolate flavors would be my dream, Devil's, Milk, and dark. Oh, I need some cake now!


  31. No need to enter me for "Wings of a Dream" --I have it on my "to be read" shelf --hopefully I can get to it once the semester is over since I loved the book's summary.

    Your 5th post was "What are you thankful for?" --very appropriate-- on Nov. 26, 2009.


  32. Oh! I have been wanting to read this book. I would be overjoyed to win this! Please enter me in this giveaway! Your fifth post was on Thursday, November 26, 2009.

  33. Thursday, November 26, 2009---Thanksgiving of 2009!

    My wedding cake was three tier with fondant! I love the fun cake in the picture and the book looks great!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  34. Yes, I read your lovely review and it definitely made me want to read it!

    I think the 5th blog post was on 11-26-09.

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

    Sorry, I showed up late. I got a kindle today and I couldn't help but play with it!

  35. I'm hearing rave reviews for Wings of a Dream, it has to go on my wish list.

    I love the idea of a 3 tier cake with each layer a different flavor. Oh, and please decorate with whimsey, so cute!

    5th post- November 26, 2009

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  36. I would love to win this book! Your 5th post was November 26th, 2009.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)