Saturday, November 19, 2011

What a FUN Saturday!! Cara Putman is Joining the Celebration!

Photo Credit
Ooooh, these things make me drool...

*licking fingers*

Oh, you're looking at me??

*hides fingers behind back*

Are you wanting to meet my guest this afternoon?


I thought so.

Well, stop looking at the frosting on my face and find a cupcake for yourself! These are too good to let sit for very long...


Have you seen the earlier party post from Melanie Dickerson and the debut author party yesterday and Candace and Ronie on the day before that and the party post before THAT??

What are you waiting for?? We're just getting started--I got two party days left to go after this. ;-) So if the link is live at the top of the screen, go check it out! The prizes are worth your time.

AND don't forget to answer the trivia question at the end of the post--all correct answers get two extra entries to win today's prize AND entered to win a special prize just for you.

Now...let's meet today's extra special guest. I got to meet this lovely lady in person this fall and I LOVE her. Seriously, she is something special. Excited to introduce to you...Cara Putman!!

What would be the perfect, party setting?
 I love Washington, D.C. As a political town, organizations throw great parties there. My favorite was George W Bush’s first inauguration — my husband and I attended one of the inaugural balls. It was so fun to dress up and dance the night away.
Historical or contemporary dress? 
Photo Credit
I would pick a classic 1940s or 1950s Audrey Hepburn style dress. Something like this although I’d chose a bold color like red or navy

What would you serve? 

I love tea. So I would probably make it a tea party. Cucumber sandwiches, little fruit tarts, chicken salad, and tiny cheesecakes. Maybe some brownies and a fresh fruit salad. And outdoors would be fun if the weather agreed and we could be surrounded by spring flowers like azaleas and dogwoods.

Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn’t perfect without: my best friends. The girls who know me and laugh with me. So it would be Joy Lange, Stephanie Wetli, Sabrina Butcher, Crystal Miller, Ashley Clark, Jenny Jones, Colleen Coble, Sue Lyzenga, Janna Ryan, and you! It would be so fun to make sure each of you knew each other. And you are all a riot!

I think that would be perfect party! From the food to the setting and the guests...yep. You throw a good party, Cara and I'm SO glad you can be here today.

My extra-special blog visitor guests, I hope you've channeled your inner Audrey Hepburn and are ready to see what the prize is today....

Isn't that a great cover?? And I've gotten to read (some of it) and it's a delight. ;-)

Don't forget the trivia contest! And today's questions has to do with Cara.

What was the last post Cara wrote for this blog?

Oh happy party day!! So happy you are here to celebrate with me. :D


  1. Oooh, that IS a lovely cover! I got to visit Washington D.C. a couple of summers ago, and I loved it! It would be great to go back someday and stay a bit longer than a couple of days...

    Thanks for another great interview! And as for the cupcakes...don't mind if I do! ;) Just point me to the one with the most frosting!



  2. mmmm, cupcakes! But I think I need some chocolate ones! Never been to DC, but jealous that Cara got to attend an inauguration ball! WOW! Fun! Another great interview Casey!

    I've forgotten to put my email address on the other posts...ooops!

  3. Wednesday, December 9, 2009 is my answer.
    Cupcakes on top of the chocolate earlier. !!!! I love it. Thank you for your fun posts. I have subscribed here and on FB sent friend request. Wanted to be sure to get new posts!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. me, too! I forgot to add my email:

  6. LOL AMBER! You seem like a frosting kind of girl--like myself. ;-)

    JULIE, no worries, I've got it now. :)

    Welcome to the party Lane! All the party links are at the top of the blog, so go check them out! They don't close until Saturday when all the winners are announced. :D

  7. wow, your pictures are so well done; love the cupcakes and great shot of you and cara putman! cherry blossom capers looks great, thanks for these book giveaways!

  8. Hey, Cara! Welcome to the party! God bless you, girl.

  9. please enter me in this wonderful book giveaway

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  10. Sorry, this trivia question is too much for me, lol, I'm too tired after a day of shopping and counting for this mornings answer. This has been fun though.


  11. thanks for having me and what a fun trivia question. I don't remember...uhm :-)

  12. Oh! My last post was the one on purity :-) See, I do remember!

  13. I love to read and eat cupcakes too! I would love to read Cherry Blossems Capers!


  14. Oh, CARA, are you funny. ;-)

    And not too many people are taking on this trivia! Hope I didn't get *too* hard with this one.

    Hint: it was within 2011 that Cara posted. ;-)

    That's all you're going to get from me.

    My lips are sealed. :)

  15. :-) And how did you know I love cupcakes :-)

  16. Saturday, November 19, 2011 was the last post Cara Putman wrote for this blog.


  17. Please enter me in the giveaway! I'd love to read 'Cherry Blossom Capers'!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  18. The cupcakes are gorgeous! What a lovely party :)
    Oh, this trivia is interesting. I searched the archives and just came up with today. Does today count? Either that or I wasn't looking hard enough :) Well my answer is today. Final answer.
    Happy Blogoversary :) And may you have many more!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  19. Okay, I Googled for this... haha.

    The last post Cara wrote for this blog is The Audience of One: You Don't Have to Settle!.


  20. Thank you for another great fun day!

    The last post I found for Cara was on April 6, 2011 - You Don't Have to Settle.

    Have a beautiful day!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  21. CARA!!! Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorite movie stars and EVERYTHING she wore looked good on that woman, didn't it??? Faves of hers are My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffany's and Charade -- I'll bet I've seen each of them at least 10-15 times each, if not more.

    And attending an inaugural ball??? WOW, I'll bet that's a memory you will never forget!!

    Cherry Blossom Capers looks realllly good, so count me in!!


  22. thanks, Julie. our oldest was about three months old when we went to the ball. A sweet neighbor agreed to watch her for us, and our daughter screamed at her the entire time. Oops!

  23. I was able to visit DC for one day this summer and I loved it --I wish I had more time there. I can only imagine how pretty everything must look when the cherry blossoms bloom. How exciting to attend a Presidential Inaugural ball!

    Wow, this was kind of a hard trivia question --but using the clues "2011" and "purity" I found it on el miercoles in your "Purity of Heart" series --I loved that week and it was great re-reading them all to find Mrs. Putman's post, "You Don't Have to Settle!"


  24. Oh, those cupcakes look so yummy! The cover of this book sounds so delightful!


  25. Well, I finally found the last post...before I saw the hint about purity :)

    April 6, 2011...Don't Settle

    And I love the classic Hepburn look!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  26. I love Audrey Hepburn, so classy and elegant. I loved her in How to Steal a Million with Peter O'Toole.

    Cara's post- April 6, 2011

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)