Saturday, November 19, 2011

Get Your Medieval On! Welcome to the Party Melanie Dickerson!

Photo Credit
Woooo-hooooooo!!!! Another day to PARTY (with chocolate of course)!!

I don't know about you, but one of the reasons I LOVE doing these last two celebrations (blog parties) is because I am reminded how MUCH God has blessed me! I've met so many people: blog readers, authors, friends. Devoloped relationships that will last me a lifetime.

I went from a girl who knew NOBODY, to someone who's jaw drops when she walks by Colleen Coble. ;-)

So to you, dear blog reader, I can see your names scrolling across my internal "screen" right now, you mean SO much to me! I DON'T say that lightly. If I could meet you all, I would so jump at the chance. You're something special to me--I hope you know that!

Alrighty, I've got a fun guest today! Have you seen her covers??? And her book videos?? Those aren't trailers, those are VIDEOS. Wow. Sooo happy to have Melanie Dickerson with us today! :D

(and don't forget to check out the other party links at the top of the blog screen AND be watching the trivia question for a chance to gain two extra entries to win this prize and an extra special prize just for my correct trivia friends. :-)

Heeeerrrreee's Melanie!

Do you like to dress up or go casual for parties?

To be honest, I don’t go to a lot of parties! I’m a stay-at-home mom and I have a boring life, what can I say? But a dress up party sounds fun! 

Your favorite party munchies?

How much time do you have? I love food, and junk food is my favorite. Potato chips are my preferred food, next to chocolate. Anything with chocolate on it is cool with me. I make some wonderful pecan chocolate bars that are to die for, and that is probably what I will take to my mother’s for her Thanksgiving family get-together. I love salty things of all descriptions—cheddar flavored Chex Mix and every kind of chips. I also love raw veggies and Ranch dip. Just about any kind of party food is good!

What’s the perfect party gift? 
Photo credit
Hmmm. Maybe scented candles? I personally love scented candles. And flowers. So, for inviting me to this party, Casey, here are some coconut-lime scented candles to remind you of summer, and a huge bunch of red and white flowers of several types, including roses and giant mums, with lots of greenery. Enjoy! 

Complete this thought:

The perfect party isn’t perfect without: good friends who love us, who rejoice when we rejoice and mourn with us when we mourn (which hopefully isn’t very often!) and give us big hugs every time they see us! BIG HUGS to you, Casey! Thanks again for letting me participate in your birthday celebration!

Yummmy! Got the candles flickering and the chocolate warming our senses, throw in some flower petals and you've got a vision for the senses. Hmmm. *licking fingers* Help me eat this chocolate would you?? I'll get sick if I try to do it all by myself...though it's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make. ;-)

Want to know what today's prize is??

Yeah, if that doesn't make you want to salivate....

And your trivia question for today:

How many times have I blogged in my two years?

So glad you are here to join in the fun!!

I'm smiling big!!

DON'T FORGET to check out the party again today at NOON Pacific time for ANOTHER party post with Cara Putman!!

**Friday's note: The winner of Avery's Crossroad by Deanna Klingel is...RubynReba. Congrats!**


  1. Wow! First to comment! :) I think the answer is 658!

    I loved 'The Healer's Apprentice'!

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  2. Here's my email address

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  3. Would LOVE to read Melanie's books! Thanks for the chance to win one!

    You've posted 658 times!!! :D

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  4. OK, I've already had the pleasure of reviewing this book through NetGalley...but if it's alright, I wouldn't mind having my name thrown in the hat for a copy for keeps! Gotta love those Beauty and the Beast stories! :)

    Another fun interview - keep up the awesome work, Casey! And, ummm, no need to sacrifice for us, girl - just pass the chocolate!! ;)



  5. Wow, so glad you interviewed Melanie Dickerson and all the fun you're having :) You're doing such a great job!
    Answer to trivia: 658 posts, well done!!!

  6. Oh Miss Casey! Chocolate so early on a Saturday morning? You think like me! Happy happy day! I'm loving your party girl!

    You have posted a total of 658 times counting today and I believe I have read every one. :D I've been so impressed over the years watching your blog grow and mature! Well done!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  7. I forgot to thank you for bringing us Melanie Dickerson. I've heard great things about her books and I love the Beauty & the Beast story (have loved it even before Disney's version). I'm going to have to get me a copy of The Merchant's Daughter.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  8. I'm pretty sure I got my maths right for this one : 658.

    That's a lot of fun.


  9. Wow what a beautiful book cover!
    I LOVE it!! I just want to pick it up and read it right now.
    I'm not sure how many times your blogged but I know it was a lot!!:)

  10. Melanie, your books, your covers, your trailers are to die for! You have such an inspired imagination. I've downloaded The Merchant's Daughter onto my Kindle and plan to read it over this holiday week...what better way to spend vacation time when not baking, decorating, shopping and EATING!

    You are such a doll, may the Lord continue to bless writing!

  11. Casey! Your party just keeps getting better and better! Love the chocolates greeting us at the door. Homemade?

    I can feel the jeans growing tighter...

  12. I just loved her last book so thanks for bringing Melanie Dickerson to the party.
    I believe you've posted 658 times including this post.
    Thanks for the awesome opportunity.


  13. *waves wildly* Hey Melanie!!!!!! So awesome to see you here today on Casey super-amazing blog party!!

    Don't count me in for this giveaway, as I own The Healer's Apprentice and soon will have The Merchant's Daughter. But I just wanted to stop by and say high, and do the trivia question, for fun! :-)

    And the answer to the trivia, btw, is -- 658 posts!!

    ~ K

  14. Ohhhh, I've wanted to read this and Melanie's other one The Healer's Apprentice. Love the covers. And showing chocolate every day is so unfair! I can feel a zit coming up just by looking at it! ha! I loooovvvveeeee chocolate, and those treats looks yummylicious! Another great post Casey!

  15. MEL!!!! Simply canNOT wait to read your next book, girlfriend!! The Beauty and the Beast scenario has always been a fave of mine, and then, of course, it goes without saying -- so are YOU!!

    CANDLES, YES!!!! Candles are a must for ambiance and romance, right??


  16. I really enjoyed The Healer's Apprentice, and this one sounds great! :)

    You've blogged 658 times (if my calculations are correct, ha!)

    Thank you for the opportunity to win!


  17. Yay! Melanie's here. I love the aroma of coconut lime. And chocolate and chips. I'm in! :)

  18. yay!!! So excited for you, Mellie.
    And you know - the only big parties I go to are at ACFW, but boring life?
    Come on -
    You get to be a mom to lovely girls AND you get to create wonderful and exciting stories. Is that ever boring?

    Great party, Case. You had me at 'chocolate'

  19. Count me in on this one! Melanie's book looks good! Awesome party, Casey!


  20. Drum roll dah dah cymbals! 658 is the answer!
    What a gorgeous cover!!! Want to read The Merchant's Daughter! Melanie Dickerson, yes please.

    Chocolate sampling on a Saturday! Thank you for the neat post today.


  21. I have GOT to win this one!!!

  22. Oooohhh, I'm downloading The Healer's Apprentice onto my kindle this very minute so I'll be ready to start the Merchant's Daughter! I'd love to win this one!


    God Bless

  23. I'm not a *huge* chocolate girl, but that picture at the top of this post totally makes me drool!

    HEY ALL! Thanks for joining the party! Don't you just LOVE Melanie's book cover?? SO pretty and I'm excited to have her join the celebration.

    A great party isn't complete without your great comments, keep 'em coming!!

    Have a great Saturday, there is more planned for tomorrow!!

  24. Yikes! I feel like I'm late!!! So sorry! Thanks so much to everyone who came to the party! I'm loving it! Love the photo of the chocolate ... I think I hear my stash of truffles calling me!!!

    Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Casey!!! The Merchant's Daughter is finally available for your Kindle, Nook, etc. and should be in stores VERY SOON!

    Love to you all! Fun party!

  25. Oh, I can't wait to read this book, just got it in the mail from Ms. Dickerson :) Great a party!
    I believe that you have blogged a whopping 658 times since you started! But by the time I got here the number was 659. Thanks :)

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  26. thanks for a wonderful party

    answer: I guess 658 times

  27. Your questions are getting harder, especially for the math challenged! If I added correctly, you have blogged 659 times, including the two times today (Saturday). You are a busy girl!
    I really enjoyed reading "The Healer's Apprentice" so it was fun to read the interview with Melanie.


  28. I'm late getting here today, been busy, you've blogged 658 times, if I didn't lose track while trying to count quickly.


  29. 658 posts. You are amazing. And these party posts have been so FUN to read!

  30. Hi, Melanie and Casey. Great party raging over here. :)

  31. Oh squee!!! I loved The Healer's Apprentice and this is on my "must read" list!!! I counted 659 posts including the two today so hopefully I got that right for a few extra entries. ;-)

    Thanks so much ladies!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  32. Ah, please enter me! I LOVE her books!!! :) So amazing! :)

    I think you have posted 658 times???

    God bless!

    Katie G.

    katiegalyean (at) yahoo (dot) com

  33. 658 posts, including this post. Wow! I've been blogging for over a year, and I have not reached 300 posts yet! :)


  34. I am lost on the posts, lol, as I'm not sure if you're counting today. But I'm happy with one entry for this book. I also loved the author's other book, Healers Apprentice.


  35. I loved "The Healer's Apprentice"! Melanie Dickerson always has such gorgeous covers for her books as well. =)

    If I added all the posts correctly, it's 658 --wow!

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  36. What a fun time I am having! There are so many new books that I have added to my must read books. You have blogged 658 posts.


  37. I love Melanie's writing and I am dying to read the Merchant's Daughter!!! You have blogged 658 posts! Thanks for the chance to win!!

    kcmelone at yahoo dot com

  38. Thanks for the chance to win Melanie's book!!!

    I'm going to guess 658 posts.


  39. is it 658?

    congratulations, casey...

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  40. I just got The Healer's Apprentice last week and am excited to read it!

    As of today, you posted 667 posts; however and I have to admit seeing everyone had posted 658, I went back and subtracted what you posted after this one, which was 9 more as of this post it is 658, as of my comment 667!

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  41. Malanie is a new author to me and I would enjoy trying her out! Please enter me in this giveaway! That cover is absolutely lovely:-) Also, I checked out one of her book trailers and your right, Casey. Their like mini movies!

    P.S. As of today you have posted 667 times. As of the day of this post 658. May you have many more days to post:-) I'm enjoying the party!!!

  42. I am really enjoying all of the wonderful posts...and the awesome authors.....
    And I think 658 post is the answer....
    And I would love this book too!

  43. Fun posts, all this food is doing me in! I love Melanie's fresh take on fairy tales and look forward to reading The Merchant's Daughter.
    You've blogged 658 post, as of this post.

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  44. Great book! I think you've blogged 658 times!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)