Friday, November 18, 2011

It's a DEBUT AUTHOR Blog Party!!! (You'll Want to Stop Here ;-)

I'm dancing. Yes, I am. BECAUSE not only is it day FOUR of the blog party, but I get FOUR awesome debut authors to interview today. These authors hold a special place in my heart and I'm SO excited for their debut novels. And I hope once you get to know them, you will be excited too.

REMEMBER! There have been SIX other posts that have gone up this week. The links are all at the top of the blog for easy access, so DON'T forget to check them out!!  And I've got fun prizes at the end of the post, so read through to find out what they are!! :D

You have a novel releasing in 2012! What are you planning to do to celebrate? 

Krista Phillips ~ Sandwich, With a Side of Romance
Abingdon, Fall 2012
Krista: To be honest, haven’t planned that far ahead yet. Ask me after edits!

Katie: I’m in the very, very beginning stages of planning a launch party. I’m envisioning a book store and lots and lots of chocolate. Perhaps truffles.

Beth: Because of an extended illness, I didn't celebrate when Baby Changes Everything, my nonfiction book released in 2007. So, believe me, I've told my family we're celebrating the debut of Wish You Were Here in May 2012! I've already brainstormed the book launch party a bit, and let's just say that there's been talk of wedding cake and wedding gowns (yes, plural!) and even  . . . a llama or two! 

Streamers or confetti? 

Katie Ganshert ~ Wildflowers from Winter
Waterbrook/Multnomah May 2012
Krista: BOTH. And the streamers have to be double, two colors, twirled in that cool curly way that I can never do right.

Katie: Hands down, confetti. And how about some silly string, too?

Beth: Confetti -- More fun to toss up when you're celebrating and "whoo-hooing!" although not so much fun to vacuum off the floor.

Beth Vogt ~ Wish You Were Here
Howard Books May 2012
Cake, ice cream or multi-colored pretzel M&M’s? 

Krista: Chocolate cake, white icing, leave off the M&M’s.

Katie: Ice cream! (I'm like that dog in Up, only ice cream is my squirrel)

Beth: The standing joke in my house is that the only reason you have the cake is to hold up the icing. So, I'll say cake, but you understand I'll be the one snitching finger swipes of the icing, right?

Keli Gwyn ~ A Bride Shop Opens in El Dorado, California
Barbour July 2012
Big crowd madly crushing forward to get your hot-off-the-press book or small, intimate celebration? 

Krista: I’d LOVE the first option, expecting something more like the second!

Katie: Can I say both? I’d love a big crowd crushing forward to get my book (I don’t think it’ll happen, but hey, a girl can dream!). But I also love small, intimate gatherings.

Beth: While the crowd rushes out to buy my hot-off-the-presses book (every writer's dream, right?)  I'll be celebrating with family and friends. But the Vogt Family motto is "There's always room for one more!" 

Complete this thought: The perfect party isn’t perfect without...

Katie: ….smiling faces and great conversation. 

Beth: The perfect party isn't perfect without lots of laughter. And without me running around with my camera taking lots of pictures so I can savor the memories later.

Keli: The perfect party isn't perfect without friends and loved ones joining in the fun. My launch party will take place on a sun-drenched Sunday afternoon in the heart of the Gold Country where A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California is set. On July 15th I'll throw open the doors of my home church to friends, family, and anyone else who is interested in my book as we enjoy an old-fashioned ice cream social. I'll wear the stunning Victorian gown my talented seamstress created and will invite my guests to dress in period clothing or Western wear to add to the festive atmosphere. Old-time fiddle music, such as the hero of my story loves to play, will fill the air as I visit with those who join in the celebration. Halfway through the event I'll present an entertaining talk on "Courtship Victorian-style." And I'm sure I'll smile so much that day my cheeks will grow sore. =)

Woo-hooo! If only I didn't live so far away from these authors--I would be at every single one of those parties! But I will have to settle for a great cyber one. ;-)
And today's prize is....I'm going to send one winner these two books--such FUN stories by Janice Thompson!

AND there is another prize for today!
One winner will win their choice of one the above authors debut novels! When that book becomes available, it will be put on preorder for you.


Hope you are smiling with me.

And DON'T FORGET about the trivia question for today's post. Since this one is longer than the others, I will only be posting once today. :-)

The Trivia question:
On which book, did I do my very first review?

Remember, answer the trivia right and get TWO extra entries to win these prizes and be entered into a special giveaway just for the trivia winners! :D

Oh Happy Day!!!


  1. Oh my! I'm first today! :)

    Your first review was of Love Finds You in Hollywood, Florida by Sandra D. Bricker. Your first book you 'presented' before reading it was The Raven Saint by M.L. Tyndall.

    Enjoyed the post today. Congratulations ladies on your debut novels. I ABSOLUTELY love reading debut novels and discovering new voices.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  2. Wow, so much fun, Casey!! I love reading the interview questions and answers--you're so creative!

    It's great to meet these debut authors! I've seen a few names around the blogging world, and to know that they are expecting their first release is just AWESOME!! :-) Congrats, ladies!!

    As for the trivia question - the first book review was Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida (My home state!).


  3. Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (Dot) com

  4. Wednesday, November 25, 2009
    Book Review: Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida


  5. Oh wow! What a party! Such a great idea, Casey. You are such a cheerleader!

    ~ Wendy

  6. How fun!
    Casey I love your blog party's!!

    To answer the question your first book review was: Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida.

    Would love to get these books!

  7. I love parties. You pull off the most fun parties. I don't know if I could do that.

    trivia answer:Love Finds you in Holiday, FL

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  8. Thanks for inviting me to your party, Casey! What a fun week it's been celebrating with you.

  9. I love a good party!!! I brought the cake... DIG IN!

  10. Lovin' your party Bug, you make life fun! Enjoy everyday! Keep up the great work. I love you.

  11. I've been the MOST excited for this day!! So many great books and up and coming authors this year and *I* KNOW THEM! Pretty exciting to think about. :-))

    CINDY has it so right--it is a joy to discover new voices--always a great excitement for a new investment.

    So glad you all are here for the start of another party day!

    And KRISTA and KELI!! Yay, so glad to see you stop by!! The winner is in for a treat in your coming book!! (lets hope to add an 's' to that soon!!!!)

  12. WOW, Casey, what an awesome line-up today! These are four very talented ladies - can't wait to read their books! Thanks for letting us get to know them better.

  13. FUN!! Wow, I wish my book hadn't come out already now...!! I love all these wonderful ladies and can't wait to read their books! Thanks for highlighting them, Casey!

  14. What an exciting group of authors!

    Pass the ice cream - chocolate, please :)

    I'll be looking for these books to hit the shelves...

    And Casey, Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida was your first book review!

  15. LFY in Holiday, Florida. Didn't look at the other answers first. Can you tell I'm an attorney :-) I got all excited when I saw that Trial by Fire was one of those first reviews!

  16. Your first review was on 11-25-2009 for the book, "Love finds you in - Holiday, FL"


  17. Woohoo! What a fun party! You done good, Casey. You done good. :) Thanks for inviting me! I'm honored to be here with all these other fabulous debut authors!

  18. Thanks for the invitation to the party, Casey. It's so fun to be a part of the celebration with Keli and Kristi and Katie!

  19. This has been the 'funnest' week! I love these debut authors, and how cool that they all have the same SuperAgent!?!?! I love that they are all friends of mine and of each other.

    You're throwing one SA-WEET birthday party, Casey!

  20. Congratulations to all of you lovely debut authors!!! I can't imagine (at least not yet, anyway!) how excited you must be! :D Your books all sound wonderful, and since I already had the pleasure of reading both of those Janice Thompson books, I would very much appreciate a chance to win one of those debut novels!

    Keli, I am all for the old-time fiddle music!! Wish I could join in on that party. :)



    P.S. This has been an awesome party so far, Casey!

  21. *Waving at Casey's Mom!* It was so much fun to see you and have that mother-daughter sleepover back in October!! :) Hope to see you and Casey again sometime in the not-too-distant future!


  22. Love all these ladies! And chocolate...and cake...and ice cream. :) Fun interview, Casey!

  23. Congrats to all the soon-to-be-published authors! I love the titles, I think the "Sandwich, with a Side of Romance" is especially cute. =)

    Your first book review was on "Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida".


  24. I'm so glad God has given me the chance to get to know you! You guys are going to take the writing and Christian fiction world by storm!!

    Beth, Krista, Keli, Katie, thank you so much for joining in this fun!!

    LOL CARA!Yes, your novel was one of my very first reviews and I still have the book. :-))

    Smiles ERICA--thanks in part to you too!

    You ALL have made this party so much time, I just have the blog to host it. I'm so honored and thrilled to get to know you better and can't wait to fall in love with each of your stories.

    Keep the party rolling, everyone! I'll see you in a little bit. :)

  25. Great party, and how lovely to have more so may debut authors with you today :) I think your first review was on Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida. Though you did, talk about the Raven Saint :) I'm actually plan on reading that one soon!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  26. These are lovely ladies. And the pitures are wonderful.

    Oh, Your first review was of Love Finds You in Hollywood, Florida by Sandra D. Bricker.


  27. Congratulations to all the debut authors! It was fun to "meet" them.
    Your first book review on your blog was "Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida" by Sandra D. Bricker on Nov. 25, 2009.


  28. Sheesh I'm worn out from all the partying...guess that means I need some more Mountain Dew. ;-) Hehehe!
    This has been SUCH a fun week. I'm going to have you plan my next blog party girl!

    Anywho I have to say that I already have Beth and Katie's books on my wishlist and I knew about Keli's book (it's not available to add to the WL yet :-()but I did not know about Krista's book but I'm totally going to add it to the WL for 2012!!! In a way I hope I don't win this giveaway because I don't think I'd be able to choose between the 4. Haha decisions, decisions.

    First review: Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida by Sandra Bricker

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  29. Are we wearing you out, Renee? :-)) And still so much more to come!

    Isn't it going to be FUN to request these books to review?? I can't wait. :D

  30. love the interview questions! And once again featuring brand new author's. Great post!

  31. Sorry I'm late to the party, but it looks like everyone had a good time, Case!!


    I have never had the pleasure of meeting Beth (online OR in person), but I do know and/or have met the three K's -- Krista, Katie and Keli -- so I couldn't be happier for you guys. That first book is SO very special, and what a fun year you have ahead -- ENJOY!!


  32. Fun, fun, party!!

    By the way:
    Wednesday, November 25, 2009
    Book Review: Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida by Sandie Bricker.

    Congrats debut authors!!



  33. What a fun party! I know I missed most of it; it's been one of those weeks. I've enjoyed reading a couple of the posts, though. :)Loved reading about these debut authors, and I can hardly wait to read their books! I know one personally (Beth), and I'll be celebrating in the cyber-world for you other three.

    Casey, you throw a great party!

  34. Your first book review was on "Love finds you in Holiday, Florida." I would be so excited if I won one of the books from these first-time authors!

  35. Gee this looks like great party and am I hungry, skipped lunch today so watch out..Love your questions for the authors and cant wait to read some of them, thanks for sharing and sure hope I am not too late to get in on the drawing.
    Paula O(

  36. As you said, two years!!
    November 25, 2009, Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida

    Fun party!


  37. Tried to put a copy of the book cover but wouldn't let me post it here!

    Fun, fun, fun


  38. The first book you reviewed is Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida by Sandra D. Bricker.


  39. This has been such a fun week and fun morning for me. "Love Finds You in Hollywood, Florida" by Sandra Bricker.


  40. 2 more! WOW!
    I'm an icing person myself...when I was pregnant, I actually made homemade chocolate icing (like on texas sheet cake!) and put it in my fridge to eat--without the cake!

    first review: Love finds you in Holiday Florida

  41. Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida.

    Please enter me for one of these women's debut books...I'm excited to read all of them after seeing their names around the web for a while.


  42. Looks like another great giveaway!! Your first review was Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)