Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's An Ice Cream Party Day with Audra Harders and Lisa Jordan!!!

Photo Credit
It's an ice cream social day! It's after lunch, come on, I didn't post it this morning at the midnight post. ;-)

Hang on...going to go get myself a couple scoops...

Okay, I'm back. Yummmm. Isn't that word so wonderful??

I love it.


Could say that a hundred more times.

But I think you want to get the party going! And I've got TWO guests in ONE post this afternoon! And did you catch the post from Jessica Nelson this morning? Be sure and check out ALL the party links from the top of the page. I'm having so. much. fun!!!!

I hope you are too!! :D

And today...I've got Audra Harders and Lisa Jordan. So fun! Enjoy! :D

Audra Harders ~ Author of, Rocky Mountain Hero
Big party or small personal circle for celebration?

Am I a party pooper if I love a small circle of friends? I love interacting one-on-one and lots of people talking and laughing make me feel like I never finish a sentence!! Now, my small circle of friends includes all the Seekers (and friends)... so 15 - 20 still qualifies as a small gathering, right? 

Cake, ice cream or chips and salsa? 

Yes, LOL!! 

Balloons, streamers, confetti or all of the above? 

Oooo, I love balloons! I don't even mind blowing them up if there aren't enough : ) 

Complete this thought:

The perfect party isn’t perfect without: friends, family, and all those I love...and all their friends, of course!!
Two guests on one post!! How much more fun is that?!?!? AND it's the second party post of the day. You guys are in for some extra surprises today. :-))
Lisa Jordan ~ Author of, Lakeside Reunion
How would you celebrate something special?
Depends on the situation, but I've celebrated with dinners and parties. And cake. :)
Who would help you celebrate?
A celebration isn't complete without my family and close friends. 
Would you throw confetti at this party?
Of course! Especially if I don't have to vacuum it up. 
Complete this thought: 
The perfect party isn’t perfect without: family, friends, and a great party dress!

Photo credit

Love celebrating with these two ladies! Thanks for being here, Audra and Lisa! New authors, fantastic ladies, a great honor!!
Do you want to see today's prizes?? I thought so. 
Today one winner will receive one of these books. TWO winners for this party post!!

Woot! Don't these books look awesome!!
And here is your trivia question! Get it right and get two extra entries to win one of these books AND be entered to win a special prize package. So the question is...
On which day did I post my TENTH post?


  1. Welcome Audra and Lisa!

    Both of your books are on my "to buy" list, so if I'm not a winner, I'm still good!

    Audra, you're not a party pooper! An on-line party is so much for when there are tons of people, but for face-to-face, I'd rather have a dozen or less. Gives me a better chance to get a word in edgewise...

  2. Forgot the trivia question -

    Casey, your 10th blog post was on 12/7/09, right?

  3. Both these books good. I would love to read either one.

    And if my calculations are correct...your 10th post was on 12/7/09


  4. Loving the party, Casey! :)

    Audra, chips and salsa, AND ice cream. My kinda party!

    Lisa, I'm with you. Love confetti, not so much the cleaning it up.

  5. 12/07/09

    I would love to win either of those books - I have never had the chance to read any of hers - but they sound really good!

  6. Would like both of these books, but I think Rocky Mountain Hero might be a little bit better, love the cowboys, lol.

    12-7-09 was the day you did your tenth post.


  7. Yes, Casey, but you did post about chocolate at midnight... Just saying'! ;)

    Yay for ice cream! I'll take some mint chocolate chip please! Or maybe some plain old chocolate with chocolate sprinkles, chocolate chips, and chocolate sauce on top!

    Yummy! ;D

    Another fun interview! Thanks, Audra and Lisa, for a chance to win one of your books! :)



  8. Hi Audra and Lisa! Fun party huh? I'm all for an ice cream social as long as there's cotton candy flavored for me. ;-) Ice cream is a serious weakness of mine LOL!

    Date of Tenth post: December 7, 2009

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  9. Casey, you're making me think the only kind of celebration is a week-long celebration! Loving all these author interviews!

  10. Renee, cotton candy flavored ice cream? Now THAT sounds like an adventure!

    Casey, I'm tickled to be part of your celebration! My goodness, girlfriend, do you ever sleep?

  11. Erica! You're talking my favorite combo -- chips, salsa, ice cream and CHOCOLATE!

    And balloons...lots of balloons!

  12. both those books look yummy so does the ice cream

    Monday, Dec. 7, 2009

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  13. Oh, I would love me some ice creeeeeeam! It's below 30 degrees outside but I love a good scoop of ice cream! Thank you for the fun party Casey!

    Your tenth post was on December 7, 2009. Congratulation on your Blogiversary!!!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  14. Oh my gosh Audra I am in love with it! The local ice cream shop makes their own ice cream and they have a cotton candy that's to die for! You should try it sometime if you ever see it. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  15. What a great party I'm really enjoying it :) So much fun!
    Demcember 7th, 2009, I believe is the answer you seek :) Thanks!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  16. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2009

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. I absolutely love coming home to all these oh-so-fun party comments. They make my day!!

    BETH, LOL! I just love a good party. You wouldn't think to look at me, but I love to socialize, and this is the best way I know on the web!

    AUDRA, YAY! One of my uber-special guests!! Yes, I do sleep and not often enough! Got to go write my daily word count and then I really can turn in with a good book. ;-)

    THANK YOU for taking the time for the trivia questions, everyone! I hope you enjoy the special prize I have for the winner!!

  18. thanks for making this one easier, i loved when you said:
    Write for Christ and you will never go wrong
    SOOOOO true :)
    the 10the post was on Dec.7, 2009
    another great interview today, keep up the fun!

  19. If I counted correctly, your 10th post was Dec. 7, 2009.
    After that picture of ice cream, now I want some!
    I'm enjoying your party; thanks for giving away so many books.


  20. This is cooking up to be such an awesome party, Casey, I can't wait to see who is going to show up on here next!!

    And for the trivia - your 10th post was on December 7th.


  21. CASEY, you little stinker, you!!! You pulled a fast one, girlfriend -- I came by a number of times this morning to check out Audra, Lisa and Jessica's posts, but only saw Jessica's. But SOOOOO glad to see my bestest bud Audra and good Seeker friend Lisa here as well. It's a triple-dip-cone party for sure!! Uh ... not that Jess, Audra and Lisa are "dips," mind you ... that would be more my M.O., I'm afraid!!

    Audra, sure am glad I'm on the invite list, my friend, 'cause I would definitely crash it if I wasn't it!!

    And, Lisa, told you before, but it bears repeating -- LOVE the cover of your book and cannot wait to "dive" in!!



  22. LOL! JULIE, I didn't post my second blog posting time?? Sorry! That wasn't good. Glad you made it though!! :D

    And you are NOT a dip. Don't even think that. I might never forgive you if you call yourself that. ;))

    KATIE, I'm excited to show you!!

    Excited to show ALL of you!! :D

  23. Wow! Audra and Lisa in one post. That's a great two-fer that's every bit as delightful as a double-dip ice cream cone.

  24. Casey, thanks so much for hosting me during your blogaversary party! "I'll write for ice cream" should become my motto, LOL!

    Wonderful day spent with wonderful friends. THAT'S the kind of party I love.

    Can't wait to see how the good Lord blesses your blog in the upcoming year!

  25. More fun! Love that you feature new authors! And chocolate ice cream! You are such a great party host!

  26. Thank you for the opprotunity to win these books, Casey. Please enter me in these giveaways! Also, your "party feel" is rubbing off on me. I feel that I have attended a party and ask, "When did I have time to do that?":-)

    P.S. Your tenth post was on Monday December 7, 2009

  27. I worked out 7 December 2009. I hope I got it right.


  28. December 7, 2009, And I looked before reading other comments LOL :-)

  29. Ice cream! If there's cookies 'n' cream, I'm so there. ^_^

    Ms. Casey's tenth post was on a Monday (Dec. 7, 2009)


  30. Is it too late for ice cream? *grin*

    Congrats on your books, ladies! (don't enter me, Casey, I've read both!)

  31. The perfect party isn’t perfect without: cake and ice cream, great conversation, family, friends, (cake and ice cream; oh, did I mention that...) and a great party dress!

    cake and ice cream

  32. I keep forgetting my e-mail! sorry...


    cake and ice cream answer!

  33. The day of your tenth post was Monday, the 7th of December, 2009.
    Write what you...?
    the story on your heart


  34. Oooh, ice-cream! Another must-have at parties! :)

    Casey, you posted your tenth post on Monday December 7, 2009.


  35. Would love to have either of these for my library. Thanks for offering this chance to readers.


  36. I am having so much fun at these parties and learning about new authors and new books to me. Thank you for offering these books.


  37. ok i know i already posted this somewhere! so please excuse my mismatched comments. Can't believe you're doing a double giveaway in the midst of the whole slew of giveaways!

    10th post Monday, December 7, 2009

    inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

  38. The ice cream looks so good, almost as yummy as the books! December 7, 2009 was the 10th post.

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)