Friday, December 23, 2011

Re-Discovering One of My Favorite Series!

A Fleeing Woman and a Man Battling a Sordid Past
are Brought Together
on the Tempest Caribbean Sea
Click to Order
MaryLu Tyndall (also known as M.L.) was one of the first Christian authors I read. Aside from Janette Oke, I really did not have a great depth of knowledge of the current Christian market.

When I discovered that first book on my library's shelves and read it in a weekend, I was hooked. More than hooked, I had just discovered the greatest addiction of my life!

The titles didn't last long in my hands and not long after, I emailed MaryLu, started following her blog and grabbed the next Tyndall book.


A Marriage and a Ship Threatened to be
Split Apart by Villainous Caribbean Pirates
Click to Order 

Oh then, I found out that this series was going. out. of. print.


I bought one of the last sets on the market and mourned (I'm not exaggerating) for the readers who wouldn't get to read these books.


(fast forward a couple years)

An Intricate Plot of Vengeance Weaves
Together the Lives of a Scorned Woman,
an Obsessed Pirate, and a Twisted Nobleman
Click to Order an Obsessed Pirate anaaaaa
Oh then! I found out MaryLu herself was re-releasing the titles and they will once again be available in ebook and paperback form!

Woot! I was so excited I had to let you know here.

This series is one of my favorites of my fiction time. My favorites of MaryLu's writing and just a wonderful collection of adventure and romance perfectly packaged. The author's passion for the sea, romance, adventure and God are so clearly displayed.

Travel the pages of these novels and find out just why these three books are among my favorites. Especially if you have discoverd MaryLu's fiction before, you're going to want to check this series out. It's not to be missed!

(the trailer for The Redemption-- a great video with stirring music. :-)

I love this series so much, I want to help you discover it too!

SO! If you have never read a book by MaryLu Tyndall, leave a comment and I'll draw one name to pick their choice of one of the above featured books (ebook or print edition). This giveaway is for readers who have just heard of or always wanted to read a M.L. Tyndall book. Happy Friday!!

Friday News:
The winner of her choice from my impromptu interview two weeks ago is...

God's Jewel!
Congratulations, you've been emailed, so go check your messages. ;-)


  1. Ohh, I know! I was so excited when I discovered MaryLu and her writing. Sadly, I haven't read this series yet, but I have the first two sitting on my bookshelf right now. I didn't want to begin the books until I had the whole series, and with them outta print it was hard to get a hold of them for a decent price. But now that they are in print hope is rekindled! :-)

    Don't enter me in the giveaway--I've read several of MaryLu's other books. Just wanted to celebrate with you! :-)

  2. I have never had the pleasure of reading anything by MaryLu....would love to!!

  3. I have the first in this series sitting on my shelf just begging to be read! I'll have to get started!

  4. This is a whole series I've missed out on! Please enter me. Thank you!

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  5. I've been interested in these for awhile now!


    qwho10 AT gmail DOT com.

  6. I have not read any of MaryLu's books, but would love too.


  7. YAY, so glad these books are back!!! What good news to have at Christmas, these books are available for us to enjoy :) Please do not enter me Casey, just wanted to express my excitement with you and the others that this series is back on the bookshelves where it belongs :)

    Congrats also to God's jewel for winning the impromptu book, what a great posting that was! Enjoy your book God's jewel!
    blessings, kara

  8. I love these books. It has exciting adventure, romance, and a good helping of God's word. I already have these series (Legacy of the King's Pirates), but I had to comment anyways. :)

  9. I discovered MaryLu recently through her blog, which I love to read! I haven't read one of her books yet, but I would love to. Thanks for the offer! :)

  10. They look like wonderful books with wonderful adventures. Please enter me in the drawing.
    Linda Cacaci

  11. This is the first I've heard of MaryLu Tyndall, but I have to say your enthusiasm is contagious. They sound like books I would really enjoy reading!


  12. I've NEVER read M.L Tyndall and I would really enjoy trying her out. At one time, one of her books was being offered as a free ebook, however by the time I went to the site it was no longer available:-( Anyway, I really want to try her out, so please enter me in this giveaway!

  13. I haven't. Interest in print book!

    Merry Christmas!!

    P.S. Guess what book I finished today? Hmmm... "A Heart Revealed"

  14. Wow these books look interesting. I've never had the privilege to read one of her books but would enjoy if I win;)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)