Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Last Minute Giveaway!! The Captive Heart by Dale Cramer

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
The Captive Heart
Bethany House (January 1, 2012)
Dale Cramer
Dale Cramer spent his formative years traveling the world as an Army brat, then settled in Georgia at the age of fifteen when his father retired.

After high school he became an electrician, a job that took him to places as diverse as power plants, stadia, airports, high-rise office buildings and a hard-rock mining operation.

Twenty-five years of experiences in the trades provided him with the wealth of characters, stories and insights that populate his novels.

When he married his childhood friend, Pam, in 1975 he had no way of knowing they would not have children until fifteen years later.

In his early forties, when Dale left his job to become a stay-at-home dad, he suddenly found himself with time on his hands, so he pursued a lifelong dream and taught himself to write.

Using an online writer’s forum as a training ground, he wrote his first short stories in 1996. As his writing skills improved he turned to novels, publishing his first book, Sutter’s Cross, in 2003.


Since then, Dale has published four more novels and garnered a measure of critical acclaim with two Christy Awards, a listing among Publisher’s Weekly’s Best Books of 2004 and numerous other Best lists. Dale and his wife Pam live in Georgia with their two sons.  

Bandit troubles intensify as Caleb Bender's family tries to settle into their new life in 1920s Paradise Valley. When El Pantera kidnaps Rachel and leaves her brother, Aaron, for dead, Jake Weaver and the Mexican native Domingo pursue the bandit leader to his mountain stronghold in a hopeless rescue attempt. Jake and Domingo manage to escape with Rachel, with the bandits hot on their trail. In a desperate attempt to avoid recapture, Domingo puts himself squarely in harm's way, giving Jake and Rachel time to get away. This is not the quiet life Caleb Bender envisioned when he led his family out of Ohio. What is a father to make of his daughter's obvious affection for a man outside the fold? And how will a pacifist Amishman like Caleb respond to the events that threaten his family and their way of life?


If you would like to read the first chapter of The Captive Heart, go HERE


I actually was not supposed to get this book, but it arrived in my mailbox by accident. Not having time to review it, I requested permission to give the book away instead. is your chance to have The Captive Heart land in YOUR mailbox. (on purpose! ;-)

Leave a comment on why YOU think "bonnet fiction" is so popular and one winner (from the U.S. please) will win the novel.

Have fun!


  1. I love reading different types of generes with a good story line. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good.

  2. I love reading anything Amish. I think "bonnet fiction" is popular because people know the book will be a clean book to read. Also because of the simple and slow paced lifestyle the Amish live. I know reading a "bonnet fiction" seems to calm me down as I reading it.


  3. I think "bonnet fiction" has become so popular because it represents a simpler time and a simpler life style. These days life is so complicated and busy. Most readers want to "escape" when they are reading and reading "bonnet fiction" seems like a great way to do so. I also think it gives people a "peek" into other ways of living.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  4. I love reading Amish, Mennonite and Hutterite fiction. I haven't read anything by this author yet so I would really welcome the chance to read this book. I would be delighted to review it if I win this book.


  5. I like reading 'bonnet fiction' because the stories are good, clean and have a lot of love and faith in them. I just can't imagine living the way they do, especially today, you have got to admire them. I can't imagine living without all the conveniences that I have.


  6. I think "bonnet fiction" has become so popular because it shows a simpler way of life, with lots of love and faith, something we long for in our busy and complicated world. I read to "escape" as I am sure many others do too, and this genre helps us do that. It gives us a look into how others in our world live. Also I lived in Indiana for awhile where there were lots of Amish so a story about them always interests me.

    I also like "Bonnet" fiction because I know it will be a clean read, with no question about bad language or etc.

    I really hope I win this book - and will definately share it with others when I finish it!

  7. Oh, what a happy mistake :) I think Amish is popular because as busy people in a rushing world we tend to admire the Amish who have a slower more relaxed pace of life. Also with today's world trying to get our attention with advertisments that are hard to ignore, and ever so hard to escape, we see the quieter way of life as an ideal of sorts.
    I'm not sure if any of what I said makes sense, but I sure did go on!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win :)

    I"m a follower

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  8. I guess "Bonnet Fiction" is so popular because we are fascinated with their life style. I'm not saying we agree with it but it just makes for some good reading. Amish live very plain lives and love God, Family, and their community. They are very hard workers. I think we can take some lessons on how to forgive others from them. As for me, I just love reading Amish fiction.

    Judy B

  9. The reason I think bonnet fiction is popular well first because it is a clean read and there is a happy ending to the majority of the bonnet books. I was introduced about a year ago and now I can't read enough. Thanks for the opportunity to be able to win this book. I would love to read this as I have not read anything by this author and always like to find a new author. Please enter my name in the hat for the drawing.

    Angelsofmyeye (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. I think "bonnet fiction" is so popular because it's fascinating to learn about a group of people who lived- and still live- so simply. It is like a pleasant escape from our run-run world.

    Thank you for the chance to win this book! Please enter me!

  11. i think the simplicity of the 'bonnet fiction' shines in all of these stories...

    i'm a follower & email subscriber, too :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com


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