Friday, April 20, 2012

Dancing, Dating and Waiting Part 1

Fact: I love to dance.

Truth: I pretty much murder the dance floor.

Confession: I don't know how in the world to dance. Natta. Zip. Zilch. (anyone want to teach me??)

But the other night I had the chance to go with a couple gals to a country dance. Think old ranch families. Loud music. Smooth moves. 

And plenty of cuteness.

Now all the mama bears that have watched me "grow up" on my blog and pretty much make sure I stay in line (you know who you are), don't bug out yet. I've got more to post. ;-)
Photo Credit Courtesy of Microsoft Office

I wasn't sure what to expect at the dance. I really didn't know if anyone would ask me and truth be told, I am actually pretty insecure about sitting through entire dances and never being asked. Probably because this has happened to me before.

But the other side of my insecurity? I'd rather hide in the back corner, nibbling my lip and disappear behind the tall old man, then put myself on the edge, waiting for Mr. Cute and Eager to ask me to dance.

What can I say? I have an insecurity complex. Or as one guy told me that night, I live "in a bubble." Yeah, dude, what's your point?

So I stood on the edge of that dance floor, trying not to look obvious. Trying to not cross my arms and appear stiff and unapproachable. All the while hoping with 70% that I would get to dance. And 30% begging for a good excuse to run off and hide.

Did I dance? Yes, I did. And it was so fun. And even learned a simple step... and experienced something I've never had before: the glimpse of hope.

Before you old married folk scoff at me, let me explain. I may be only of an age that doesn't lend a great deal of experience in the "dating" department, but let me just say that  our community holds very little to be desired in the way of possible prospects. At least not of my standards. What little social events I attend, I've never been given a great deal of a second glance. Does this make me vain? I don't let it. Is it discouraging? You betcha.

I know I haven't lived long enough to meet everyone there is to meet. I know I might wait years more. But Saturday night, after dancing four dances, two with different partners, I can say I have a bit more hope now. So often in our world, guys don't seem interested in young women like me. Can anyone else relate? ((♪♫All the single ladies, all the single ladies, put your hands up!♫♪)) So when I got the chance to dance with someone from my own generation, my heart lifted just a little.

Does this mean I have unrealistic expectations now? That in 6 months I'll be married? Um no. Trust me Mama Bears, I've got my head screwed on straight. I speak here to the hearts of the young women waiting on the side lines, scared to put a bit of their desires out there.

There is no harm in wanting to dance. To join the fun and desire a good time. But don't let your swift emotions in that moment of partnership on the dance floor give you unrealistic dreams or expectations. Don't be afraid to allow your heart the freedom to dream. God gives those to us, those desires for a divine purpose. Follow His plan, claim His dreams as your dreams and let yourself dance. You'll be glad you did. Trust me, from this insecure earthly shell... you'll be glad.

**Side note: why the part 1? Because part 2 is my response to the guy who asked for my number. ;-)**


  1. Ooooo, someone asked for your number! My, my, my....our sweet Casey is growing up. I loved this post, girl, and the wisdom you shared. What a great role model you are for others!

    p.s. I love that song by Beyonce! There is a picture of me doing "the dance" at my son's wedding reception! lol

    1. Someone did! My first time. I might be just a *little* bit star struck. ;-)

      LOL, Sherrinda...dear, you are very much married. Can you even afford do that dance? ;-)

    2. The REALLY funny thing is that nobody was dancing and when that song broke out I just started doing the dance! lol...all my nieces were dying laughing and started dancing too. Lots of fun. I look back and think I probably totally embarrassed my kids, but my goodness...I was letting loose after a busy day!

    3. LOL! Sherrinda, you crack me up.

  2. Stay strong, Casey! You will be more disappointed if you drop your standards just to get on the dance floor than if you wait for the right partner.

    1. Yep. Yup.

      How many more ways can I say yes? Believe, my standards are not dropping. I've seen too many standards drop in those I know and how they have suffered.

  3. I'm so glad you had fun, Casey! Can't wait to read part #2. ;)

    1. It WAS fun! Who'd a thought it? Bookie and writer, can let her hair down...within limits. LOL! :)

  4. Ooh, your number! Lol

    I feel your pain at horrible prospects, my cOmmunity is filled with idiot guys, married and unmarried. I'm pretty much hopeless.

    1. Trust me, nothing is impossible in Christ! I've seen it. More times than one. It's is SO possible. But I can relate. I can relate.

  5. Hey Casey, I loved reading this blog post. I was reading it and kept nodding my head in agreement. I can't wait to read part 2. :) Katey

    1. Hopefully you get a giggle out of part 2. ;-)

  6. Casey, you are so fun. Excited for part two. :)

    And I'm glad you danced!

    1. I know. That's the first thing my mom said, "now you can never say you've never been asked to dance." I love firsts! ;)

  7. How fun Casey! And then to leave us hanging about phone number guy! Ack! Can't wait to read what happened. Glad you had fun! It's good to "let your hair down" now and then. Also good to get out of our comfort zone and shake things up a bit. Fun!
    Julie@ My Favorite Pastime

    1. Well, what did you expect? I'm not going to tell ALL the details. Got to get you coming back to my blog, ya know. It was fun to kind of step out there and just have fun for the sake of fun. Haven't done that for a long time!

  8. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone asked for your number and you're part-2-ing it??? That would be like me not wrapping up the romances at the end of my books, you little brat!! :)

    Okay, okay, I'll wait, but I have NEVER been patient when it comes to romance, you know! ;)


    1. Hehe. How else do I get people to keep coming back and leaving comments? It's called good marketing.

      And a-hem, my dear favorite author, you've had stories and NOT tied up the romance, so don't "brat" me. ; -)

  9. I remember feeling like that, Casey. I read some incredible books that helped me to wait in the Lord and for my perfect love story...the one HE would write for me.

    I once heard this awesome analogy. As you wait for your future husband, focus on running the race God has set before you. Focus on becoming the woman God made you to be. Run toward Him. Then, if you glance to the side and notice some amazing guy running the same race at the same pace...well, then. You know you've got the perfect match. Don't settle for anything less than God's best, because let me tell's out there. :)


    1. I flat-out LOVE that analogy, Lindsay. Thank you so much for sharing that! I love reading books like that who encourage and motivate in such a way.

  10. This mama bear loved your post, Casey. You are a gem, and I look forward to the day a great godly guy worthy of you takes notice. Can't wait to read part 2. =)

    1. I'm looking forward to the day I can introduce him to this big crazy world I "live" in! If that doesn't scare him away, I've got a pretty great catch. :)

  11. Too bad moms can't play matchmakers. I'd soooo have a young man I'd like you to meet. ;)

    Stay strong, sweet Casey!

  12. You go, Girl!! Love love love this post. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sheri! You'll have to come back next week. ; -)

  13. Another mama bear piping up! Someday your real life romance will make a great book!

    I can't believe somebody as cute and smart as you hasn't attracted a hundred guys! Just remember the Law of Attraction - like attracts like. He will show up!

    In the meantime, glad you're having fun!


    1. I knew this post would have all my mama's coming out of their caves. ; -)

      Yep, believe it. Someday though, I'm holding out on faith for that one!

  14. I love your perspective and that you're waiting for the best. And part about a cliff hanger ;)

    1. I wouldn't settle for anything less. I really won't. Hehe, I had fun with these two posts!

  15. God is keeping you safe for the right guy. I was 26 before the right one came into my life. So, there were many lonely days prior to that! As another Mama Bear who has two sons it is a blessing to know that I can tell them that there are wonderful, adorable and pretty girls like you -out there for them- if they seek God's will.

    1. And I have to say on MY end Susan, it's with gratitude that I thank moms like you who are raising your boys to be Godly men. There aren't a lot of them left anymore!

  16. LOVE this!! You are such a wise young lady, Miss Casey. Whoever ends up getting to be your husband is one BLESSED dude.

    And you probably don't want to know what I said to my husband when he asked for my number...

    "Do you even know my name?" wasn't one of my finer moments.

    1. I hope so Katie!

      That would probably be something I would say!

      I had one gal tell me she gave a number to a guy...and didn't tell him it was her dads' cell phone.

      O_o! ;D

  17. Oh, country dances are the best! I love square dancing mostly because the caller tells me what to do and I don't have to remember how to dance! I don't get asked to dance much either. But it's great because my dad is always there to dance with :)
    Well either way it sure sounds like you've had an adventure, and I'm excited to hear the rest of it. That special man is out there, and he'll come around in God's time :)

    1. I want to go to more of them! It was sooo much fun, I think our community needs to do more. You're so blessed, my dad doesn't like to dance. ; -)

      And he will, it's only a matter of trust!

  18. Can't wait for part 2! Oh my goodness, you're young and cute and you have nothing to worry about in the romance department. When you're over 30 and not dancing, then you can start to sweat. ;-)

    Wait, you're under 30, right? :-)

    1. LOLOLOL! Oh goodness, you have my howling! I am very much under 30. ; -)

      I'm excited to share part 2 with you all next week!

  19. How fun, Casey! I love this post, and can't wait for part two! Hope we don't have to wait long! ;-)

    1. Next Friday! Gotta have something to keep you guys coming back. ; -)

  20. Hi Casey! I know it's been a long time, my friend, but I'm so happy I caught this great post! I know just how you feel and I must say you are WAY braver than me! Looking forward to finding out what you said to that guy on Friday! :-)


    1. AMANDA!!! Oh I'm missed you so much, girl! I've been thinking about you a LOT lately and have meant and meant to email you and never did. Soooo glad you haven't disappeared off the face of the earth! :D

      LOL, at a certain point I just get tired of hiding and want to join the fun. So I did. And I'm glad I did too. ; D

      Email me sometime! I'd love to catch up with you!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)