Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wordless (Kinda) Saturday

Yeah, yeah, I know it doesn't have the same cadence that a "Wordless Wednesday" does, but hey it's Friday night (as I'm writing this) and I've just edited 14 pages. Cut me a wee bit of slack. ;-))

I had such a fun time last weekend. My sister and I hit the road and traveled about 6 hours to spend time with friends and family. Such a great time! Waving to Charity, Uncle Steve and Aunt Cheryl (who talked me into reading The Hunger Games *eyeroll* ;-),and Nanny!

AND I'm so thrilled to say that almost all my family lives in the Pacific Northwest now. Pretty awesome.

AND I got to see Amber!! Love this girl, bunches! I pulled her away from her studies on Sunday afternoon for a few hours of visiting and playing around. We took a few pictures of course...

I took Amber to the Salem Riverfront Carousel, a place where all the horses are handmade and everyone is a volunteer. 

Such a fun place!

Amber, I'm sooo glad we were able to get together! Let's plan again for this summer. ;-)

And one last sister was one of five people asked to perform in our local Arts in Education Concert. A pretty big deal, especially since she was the youngest, most of the performers were seniors in highschool!

Hope you enjoy and hey, while you're watching, I'm going to be playing at the park in the sunshine. Be jealous. Very. :D

(for some reason the video didn't come through yesterday, my apologies!)

Happy Saturday!


  1. Hope you have a wonderful blessed day! I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you for semi-finaling in the Genesis Contest! Woo! Hoo! You go girl!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


    1. Oh, thank you Cindy! And I did, it was a blessed weekend from beginning to end!

  2. Awww, look at you and Amber together! So cute! And how fun that two of my favorite bloggers get to meet up with each other and share a fun day! Uh oh, you finally read The Hunger Games? What did you think? And next is it going to be Twilight? ;0 LOL! Congrats to your sister!

    Julie@ My Favorite Pastime

    1. I LOVE Amber! Such a sweetheart. You wouldn't believe the things we have in common. We shake our heads every time we get together. ;-)

      I haven't finished the novel yet, so will spare sharing my thoughts at this point. But no, I can pretty much say I will never read Twilight. Vampires are not my thing. :)

  3. I'm glad you had such great visits with your relatives and with Amber. She sounds like a real sweetheart--like someone else I know who happens to be the hostess of this lovely blog. =)

    1. She is! I hope she can someday attend ACFW, they would completely fall in love with her!

  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to come and visit me! :D It was a wonderful Sunday afternoon, and it would be awesome to get together again this summer! :)

    Congratulations to your sister!! Definitely impressive!

    And have fun in the sun today! ;)


    P.S. Thank you for your sweet comments, Julie and Keli! :) It was lots of fun seeing Casey again!

    1. SUCH a nice day. Cranky Oregon weather decided to play nice over here too. ;-)

      I am so glad we were able to work it out considering all the circumstances. I had a great time!

  5. Such fun getting a glimpse of your non-writing life. And I love carousels. :O)

    1. This one is absolutely delightful. Come to Oregon, Beth and I'll take you. My treat. ;)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)