Saturday, June 9, 2012

Special Giveaway! Worship Music CD!!

Hey everyone!! Happy Saturday to you. :-) Do you like worship music? I LOVE to sing my praises to my Creator. Preferably in the car. Loud. ;-)

I got this CD to review and wanted to share it with one of my readers! If you like contemplative worship then I'll bet you love this collection of songs from Lisa Troyer. Also, the winner will get to choose a book from my swap list on my Bookstore Page

So...leave a comment telling me why you love worship music, or what kind of music you love and I'll enter you! Contest will run until next Friday, 6/15.

Happy Saturday!!!


Inspirational music & message from
Circle of Friends President Lisa Troyer
Every woman needs acceptance, love and a place to belong. That’s the underlying theme of the new music CD, A Place to Belong (Lifeway Worship) from singer/songwriter Lisa Troyer, president of Circle of Friends Ministries. Refreshingly authentic and dynamic, the companion worship CD to Troyer’s recently released book, A Place to Belong: Out of Our Comfort Zone and into God’sAdventure (Barbour Publishing), tenderly draws women into a place of true freedom and belonging in the very heart of God.

In her book,Troyer shares her own journey to acceptance as well as the story of a group of dynamic “women helping women” who call themselves the Circle of Friends. Troyer encourages readers to form their own circle of friends, a safe place of truth and love where women can develop lasting relationships and discover together the purposes of God for their lives.
Obviously noticeable in both the book and CD is Troyer’s passion to lead others into the bottomless love of God. This fierce desire compelled her to plunge deeply into the heart of the issues all women face, but most keep to themselves. With tendencies toward depression, anxiety attacks and an eating disorder, Troyer knows firsthand the bondage of secrecy and shame. “Living with a secret,” Troyer admits, “doesn’t make it go away. It doesn’t change your heart. As well hidden as your secret is, that is how deeply lonely you will be. I’ve been there. I know it’s true.”

The newly released companion CD reinforces her book’s admonition that there is complete freedom and acceptance to be found in the Father. “This CD was birthed out of the knowledge that music is so often used by God to solidify a written and/or spoken message,” says Troyer. “Dawn Yoder and I have been blessed by the friendship and songwriting partnership God’s given us, and songs like ‘Let Us Bow Down,’ ‘Lifting My Praise Up’ and ‘I Found Grace’ (Circle of Friends theme song) are reflective of how, by finding a place to belong, we are inspired to share encouragement, while keeping our focusing on worshipping in ‘Spirit and in truth.’”

A Place to Belong has the potential of changing the way women think about themselves, about others and about doing God’s work in this world. In both her book and worship CD, Troyer challenges women to connect to one another, comfort each other and affirm each other in using the gifts God has given them. Ultimately, A Place to Belong offers a healing dose of real hope that life can be rich, life can have purpose and no woman need ever be alone.

The new Circle of Friends CD is available online at and iTunes. It can also be purchased through your local Christian retailer.

Lisa Troyer is available for speaking opportunities. For more information,


  1. I'm the one! Go no further! Just say the word, and I'll send my address to you!!

    To be brought into His Presence lifting our hearts and hands before Him. Everything we are because He is everything we will ever need forever.

    I'm a cranker~*~up in the car person too! I put the speakers on only in the back seat so they drift forward! Thank you for the opportunity to win Lisa Troyer's A Place to Belong CD. I would like "Smitten" from your bookswap list. I sent "The Wedding Kiss" with our daughter driving back to Dallas this morning after our wonderful week with her! <3 Kathleen

  2. I love worship music because it calms me down and eases my stress. I think about my loved ones that are watching over me and when I hear their favorite songs I can sense them watching over me.


  3. WOW where do you begin when saying why you love worship music.
    Well I LOVE worship music because..well I get to worship my King, my God and Savior, I mean what more reason do you need.
    the kind of music I like, well anything that has words that truly worship God and not someones circumstances or feelings or they're lives (because there is that kind of music out there, and yes it's christian)
    I LOVE music that have words straight from the bible or words that glorify My Lord and Savior (did I already mention that? haha, thats just like me)

  4. I would like Julia's Last Hope by Janette Oke

  5. WOW where do you begin when describing why you like worship music.
    well I LOVE worship music because I get to worship my King, my Lord, and my Savior!!! what more do you need!!!haha

    I LOVE any type of worship music, as long as it has words from the bible or that truly worship God, and not someones circumstance, or they're life, or they're feelings (because there is christian music out there like that)

    OOO yeah I love listening to music in the car, and I like it LOUD!!!!yeah!!!!

    I would like Julia's Last Hope by Janette Oke


  6. I love praise music. To me it is a mini-vacation from the stress of this world. It reminds me of whose I am and where I am going. It gives me the strength to keep on and to face what it ahead. It takes me to my Father's lap for a warm hug when I feel down and discouraged.

    Smitten would be my choice from your swap list. Thanks


  7. I love worship music because it first gets me into a joyful mindset. Second it gives me the peace that I am in the presence of the mighty God, that I am singing and raising my hands to Him. Also gives me the everlasting peace that only you can get from the Lord. It doesn't have to be loud, in fact the softer music gets me to the restful place in the Almighty's arms.When I am in that place, then the music can build and then I feel like David dancing before the Lord.
    Pat Hines -

  8. Rosie, "Julia's Last Hope" is my favorite of Janette Oke's stand alone. On my keeper shelf! A message of standing with Christ. It is a beautiful story. Kathleen

  9. I love worship music because it makes me feel closer to God. I don't have any worship music CD's and I'd love to have one so I could listen to it anytime I wanted to! Thanks for the chance.

  10. I would love to win this cd. I love worship music. It is very calming and helps relieve stress when you need it the most. It lets you know God is always there and is watching over you. Please enter me in contest.

  11. i love worship music, makes me feel spiritual...and free.

    thanks for the chance to listen to this cd ;)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  12. I love worship music because that is what it is all about. Worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have several contemporary Praise and Worship CD's that I love. I most often sing at the top of my lungs with tears streaming down my face! By the way...I'm not a youngster, I'm a Senior Citizen and believe it or not young people we have moments where we like to rock out too!

    I would love to win this CD and one of your books from your swap list.


  13. I love Christian music because it brings me closer to God. Listening to Christian music has me me thru a lot of tough times. I listen to it every day! Thanks for the giveaway.

    nancyhecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  14. I often find myself, waving my hand at the stop light, and 'pumping' up the praise while in the car. It is when I am at home (sometimes church), that I dance like David! Music like discipleship is joy. Great idea to have a cd with a book. I'm more of a Kirk Franklin and Candy Staton listener. Music is just one of the many ways we can praise Him. I can't wait to read the book. Great connection that Tryon has. I just signed up for a huge women's Bible Study in my area for the fall. Thank you Casey for keeping me in the cup runneth over.

  15. love to be entered thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  16. I love Christian Music, because it is my way of giving due worth to my Creator. Worship is giving WORTHship to the Living God! Amen!

  17. Christian Music makes me feel the presence and touch of my God. I would love to win this! Thanks :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)