Welcome back to Writing for Christ
Cathy West, I am excited to have you here for a second time. :-)
What has changed in your writing life
since you were last here?
Well, let’s see.
The biggest news is that we celebrated our daughter’s engagement in May! She is
marrying the man of her dreams, handpicked by God, and we couldn’t be happier!
A May 2013 wedding is planned. In other news, which you’ll probably find more
interesting…J…I’m also celebrating the release of
my second novel, Hidden in the Heart!
This story is very special to me, as it is about a young woman’s search for her
birth family, and is loosely based on my own experiences as I searched and
found my birth family over ten years ago.
What recent read stood out to you as
truly spectacular?
Wow. Toughie. I’d
have to say Julie Cantrell’s Into The
Free. It was pretty outstanding and I’m not at all surprised it did so
well. I really enjoyed her writing and can’t wait to read the next book. She’s
also a pretty awesome person!
Do you have favorite authors?
I do. All my
friends!! Well, okay…seriously, I love Susan Meissner and I’ll read any book of
hers any time. Same with Susan May Warren. I blame her for my recent conversion
to joining the Historical Romance fan club! I enjoy Rosslyn Elliott, Olivia
Newport, Jody Hedlund to name a few. Of course there’s Lynn Austin, Dan Walsh,
Deborah Raney, Julie Lessman…I could go on for hours really!
What do you find the most enjoyable
part of writing or connecting with readers?
When I’m ‘in the
zone’ without distractions, totally into the story and the characters, that’s
when the magic happens. I find my characters suddenly take on a life of their
own and off they go, sometimes surprising me with what they say or do.
Unfortunately this doesn’t happen every day, but when it does, I bask in it.
I LOVE to hear
from my readers. It’s so important to me to know that I’ve made a connection
with someone through the words I’ve written. All my stories deal with
forgiveness, healing, restoration and hope. If I hear that a reader has
experienced even one of these as a result of my book, I’m so blessed. It’s why
I do what I do.
What do you find the most ideal
atmosphere for writing? Do you ever get those surroundings? :-)
I’m definitely
NOT a coffee shop writer. I’m way too distracted for that kind of atmosphere. I
prefer the quiet of my study, sometimes with music playing, most often not. I’m
fortunate to have a spectacular view of the ocean, which I enjoy when I need to
just stop and think about what I’m doing. I am spoiled by my surroundings,
that’s for sure!
Okay, something fun for those writers
out there: In what point of your writing career did you surprise yourself by
writing the most words ever in the shortest amount of time?
Oh, wow. I’m not
sure I’ve ever done that!! I’m a pretty fast writer though, so I can pop out a
book in a few months, but then I take a long time with the editing process. As
much as I’d like that first draft to be perfect, it never is. :-)
Thanks for being here again! It has
been a joy and we wish the very best with your novels.
Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Cathy's latest book!
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Isn't this little girl ADORABLE??? I want to sit and stare at her. ;-) |
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Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on October 5th.
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