Committed to Purity

Committed to Purity
Over the years I have been blogging I have posted on topics that have been near and dear my heart. 

Topics I have incredible passion for. Topics I believe should not be shied away from and should be shared with all of our young (and even not so young) people.

To visit each of these series and find out what other voices are saying in the fight for purity in our amoral society, click on the links below. If you are inspired, copy and paste the images here and spread the word on YOUR blog!

Copy and paste this picture
to your blog if you believe your
 Prince Charming is worth waiting for!

Wherever you are, whoever you are...
you are worth waiting for.
No matter how hard,
no matter how the world defeats me.
You are worth waiting for...
Modesty: A Matter of the Heart
A Matter of the Heart Part 2: Interview with Josh Regan
A Matter of the Heart Part 3: Interview with Adam and Closing Thoughts

Purity before Marriage:
Purity of Heart, Body, Mind and Soul: The Beginning
Purity of Heart Interview with Good Friends Joel and Debbie Penfold
Purity? Why Bother? Guest Post from Cara Putman
Be Inspired on Your Journey to Purity. Guest post with Julie Lessman
Purity of Heart Series Conclusion...But by No Means the End

Not Settling:
Not Settling ~ Standing Strong ~ The Introduction
Not Settling ~ Go for Lavish, Not Less ~ Guest Post from Beth K. Vogt
Not Settling ~ Waiting for God's Best ~ Guest Post by Gracy Howard
Not Settling ~ The Other Side of the Aisle ~ Guest Post by Ashley Clark
Not Settling ~Standing Pure ~ Guest post by Laura Frantz
Not Settling ~ Series Conclusion

Listen to the podcast I did with Lori Clapper from Wonderfully Woven about purity, modesty and waiting on God's timing in every area of our lives. 

Guest Posting/Speaking Opportunities:
I recently wrote a letter geared toward 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls on the topic of purity for a children's pastor to read to her group of girls. If you would like to share this letter with your youth group, or request something similar, please feel free to email me at: caseym(.)writer(@)gmail(.)com 

Standing Strong in Purity Videos:

Preach it Jamie Grace!! Take a few minutes, watch the video from a young woman standing pure...and waiting for God's perfect plan.

**If you wish to repost any of these posts, PLEASE give a direct link back to my blog: ALSO, please do NOT take any interviews or guest posts by other authors. Only the posts I have personally written. Permission must be granted from the authors to release the other posts from this blog. Thank you!**

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Herringshaw,

    From what you have written about yourself I believe you are a born-again Christian, I have great respect for your testimony.
    I want to ask you for some advice. What is your review of "Fabelhaven'by Brandon Mull. Have you read the book and what is your evaluation of it?
    I am a retired missionary and was with my wife 39 years in Africa and am pastor of a church at the moment. I do not want that you publish my e-mail. Thank you. Jaap Kanis


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)

FTC Rules

According to new FTC rules I must let you, the reader know, that all views shared on this blog are strictly my own. Books to review are either provided for me by the author, publisher or ones I have purchased and I am under no obligation whatsoever to present anything, but my true opinion on any product. I receive no monetary compensation for anything written on this blog. Any giveaways on this blog are provided by the author/ publisher and I am not responsible for any views they express in their work or on this site. Giveaways are void were prohibited and chances of winnng are based on the number of applicants. A random winner is draw when a book is given away.

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