Friday, October 19, 2012

Joys and Fears

Joy: finishing the final round of edits on my manuscripts!

Fear: knowing it has to go off to my agent request in a little over a week.

Joy: only three more scenes, a proposal and a couple critter's eagle eyes before I'm gulp...done.

Fear: hoping to rock these scenes and blow them out of the water!

Joy: a little over a week I can start a NEW STORY

Fear: do I really want to write 50,000 words or more in the same month as the Thanksgiving holiday?

Joy: I have a fabulous opportunity to send my novel to a great agent who wants to see it no matter what.

Fear: it has to go through her assistant first...and what if the assistant hates my characters like 50% of the population has been inclined to behave?

Joy: (and completely random) Downton Abbey season 3 is available from this Facebook page in the U.S. :D

Fear: that the season won't last nearly long enough to erase the sorrow of episode #5.

Joy: cheering a great accountability partner to a smashing success this week!

Fear: that she'll let overwhelming tasks discourage her success (you know who I'm talking about, AP...;-)

Joy: picking out new glasses--the first pair I've ever been really excited about getting. ;-)

Fear: that people will think the Nine West brand is snobbish.

Joy: while there is frost on the ground every morning, I have a box of Lipton Blackberry Vanilla to sip.

Fear: that the frost will turn into snow.

Joy: I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday. (four more days to play with my novel!!)

Fear: I have to go back to work on Tuesday.

Joy: my brother turns nine on Tuesday.

Fear: that he'll let this go to this head. (not that it hasn't already... ;-)

Joy: said brother has also made friends with our adopted-us-not-us-adopting-them kittens

Fear: we're not cat people. ((don't hate me!))

Joy: my blog hit over 700 hundred followers this week! (THANK YOU!!)

Fear: that you'll eventually catch on to what's really going on around here... ;-)

Joy: planning a Skype date with a super-sweet writer friend next week

Joy: talking to an awesome and dear writer Alley Cat this afternoon. :D

Joy: Tamera Alexander's latest novel is headed for my doorstep!!

Joy: November is almost here. One of my favorite months. 

Joy: it's Friday! 'nuff said.

Joy: that the 'joy' side of this post HEAVILY outweighs the fear side. :D

What are your week's joys and fears?

Have a great Friday, friends!!


  1. Always enjoy your refreshing posts!
    My favorite??
    Sitting on the gym bleachers giving your new friend your dad's phone number. Love it, absolutely love it. Kathleen

    1. LOL, Kathleen, MANY people loved that series of post, I think. I still get questions about it. I should do a follow up post on that... :)

  2. Oh, Casey - you have an agent request??!! That is so awesome!! Congratulations!! :)

    Keep on keeping on - and thank you for sharing all the joys and fears that you're experiencing right now, and sharing your positive attitude. :)


    1. I did. We'll see what comes of it. As I get closer to sending it in, I get scared stiff! How's it going with you, my sweet friend?

  3. I hope the agent loves your story, Casey.

    I look forward to seeing a pic of you in your snazzy new specs.

    1. Ohhh, is it self centered to say I hope she does too? But I'm realistic in that wish. ;-)

      I'll have to do that. I'm SUPER excited to get them.

  4. I love this blog because it is so familiar to all authors. I'd say hold on and start every day with prayer for your priorities. Our God is a Helper.

  5. Joy: Talking to Casey on the phone!

    Love you, friend!

    1. Sweet, sweet part of my day laughing with you!

  6. You need a "love" reaction on this blog because this is the post that I really....LOOOOVED! Such a simple title, but so well expressed! Also really enjoyed photos of you adorable bro, what a CUTE kitten :) I hope and pray you all have a fantastic birthday celebration with him next week, be a kid with him for as long as you can.

    Congrats on over 700 followers (wow, what a GREAT blogging feat) AND submitting your novel/finding an you feel like an actual writer yet because that's what they do!!! Soooo happy for you, Case, and I know God will continue opening doors for you both personally and professionally :)

    You're on the way, but the awesome news is that Christ has already gone before you and He's making the path in your favor and to bless you more than you imagine. What really goes on in your blog is that your readers are constantly inspired by you and happy you don't have to be in this journey you girl, blessings!

    1. Kara, I love you! You are such a big encouragement and a sweet spirit! I don't know about feeling like a "real" writer yet, I'll probably feel a bit more validated once I've signed with an agent, Lord willing.

      THANK YOU for that blessed reminder that, YES He has gone before me and perfectly prepared the way. I don't have to fear, but simply release in trust.

      Have a wonderful day, my friend!!

  7. Casey, I love the new look of your blog and congratulations on the agent request! You go girl! :)

    I really enjoy reading your blog.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  8. I meant to post a comment when you first published your Joys and Fears post Casey. I really liked it! Congrats on the Agent request!!

    Julie@My Favorite Pastime

  9. You make me smile, you funny girl! Your joy is contagious and I am so happy for you about your manuscript!!! And yes, Ep 5 was terribly sad :(

  10. Love this post! It's you :) Blessings, Casey!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)