Thursday, October 18, 2012

Perfect Escapism! ~ A Bride's Dilemma in Friendship, Tennessee by Diana Lesire Brandmeyer ~ Review

I do think this novel might be my latest “cute novel find”. A sweet romance with characters that had me chuckling and loving their antics upon the page, was the perfect end to my restful Sunday, while also completely entertaining me.

            I have to give a bit of attention to the most unique character names I think I’ve ever read. Heaven and Angel threw me once in a while, thinking I was reading a cliché instead of a name, but I loved the little twists given their names for the enjoyment of the reader.

            I loved the light-hearted side of this novel. Yes, there were serious issues the characters tackled; it’s not comedy by any means, but some of the character’s thought processes and their excellent dialogue had me chuckling.

            Angel just might be my favorite character in the story. What the little girl lacks in sight, she more than makes up for in wit. What a pistol. 

            Heaven and Travis have great chemistry on the page and their dialogue was great. Their story is a quick read, but one that took me out of the everyday stress of my life and gave me welcome, pleasure-filled time amongst the pages. A good score for this newest Barbour line!

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Journey to Tennessee at the end of the Civil War. Heaven Wharton has been left in charge of her father’s farm, but weeks of facing marauders has finally taken its toll. Meaning to fire into the air, she accidently shoots a man charging the house. Shocked, she and her sister Angel drag the semi-conscious man into the house and nurse him back to health. As Travis recovers he finds his heart turning to the possibilities of love. But can he and Heaven learn to accept God’s plan, however it unfolds?



  1. CASE!!! LOVED this book and LOVE Diana, so I'm thrilled you loved it too!!


    1. I haven't met Diana yet, but I think she must be a true sweetheart!

  2. Believe it or not, I've been eyeing this book,Casey! I know, I know that's a bit cliché, but it's true!

    You pick your books well :-)

    Great review. Thank you for sharing!

    1. LOL, great minds think alike. ;-) I thought it was sweet!

  3. I love getting your reviews in my mailbox. This sounds like my favorite kind of no stress read, Casey. :)

  4. I thought so Aritha! Great to "meet" you here, thanks for commenting!


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