Monday, November 19, 2012

Giveaway! Devotion by Marianne Evans!

Welcome to Writing for Christ Marianne Evans, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

 Well, I can name two right off the top of my head. First, I’m a collector of antique salt cellars. These are the small, bowl-shaped containers that held salt cubes before pourable salt came into existence. They’re so beautiful, and often times
come with the tiny spoons that were used to chip and scoop salt onto food. Second, I’m a bread baker. Love the process of prepping, kneading and baking!!

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

Oh, yes. In fact, it’s my passion: Christian fiction and

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

Yes, and it comes through my former agent, now retired. Persevere through adversity and the
temptation to quit. Don’t ever, ever give up on the call God places on your heart and the passion
he’s given you to write! The stories are His, and you are His messenger. Don’t let anyone deter
you from that vocation!

5 things you love?

(God, along with my family and friends come first and foremost…so, let’s assume those facts are a given – LOL!!) 1) Uninterrupted, productive writing time. 2) Hot, buttered popcorn from the stovetop. 3) Guilt-free reading time. 4) Traveling. 5) Restful, uninterrupted sleep.

What novel have you recently read that has stood out to you that both teens and adults will
find enjoyment in?

Without question the “Bailey Flanigan Series” by Karen Kingsbury. Leaving, Learning, Longing and Loving are amazing reads that show a college-aged, devoutly Christian woman, coming into her own as life, and love unfold. This series shows anyone, no matter their age, the power of faith and putting their faith into action.

Places for readers to learn more about you?!/pages/Marianne-Evans/308711716744?fref=ts

Thank you for being with us today!

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Marianne's book!

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on November 30th
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. I would love to read this book!

  2. Hi, Nancy!! So glad to hear you'd like to give Devotion a try!! Be sure to leave your e-mail so we can contact you should you win!! Devotion was quite a journey for me. The idea unfolded in my heart and I prayed continuously, asking God, "God, are you sure this is the story You need and want me to tell? Two good Christian people and the sin of temptation/adultary?" His answer was a pretty strong yes, and the glory goes to Him. I pray the book touches hearts and acts as a roadmap to marital reclamation (and perhaps as a warning to those who might think, 'This could never happen to me.' That's exactly what Kellen & Juliet believed, too.) God bless, and thanks so much for your visit!!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. I am a follower and email subscriber.

  4. Hi, Marianne. Isn't it great--we love the same thing! :-) Nice post.

  5. Hi, Tore - so glad you visited! Blessings, and good luck in the drawing. I'm glad you like the sound of Devotion!

  6. LOL, Liz!! :-) Thanks so much for the visit - blessings to you!!

  7. Thanks for the chance to win Marianne's book.

    +gfc follower
    +email subscriber

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  8. Wow. What a beautiful cover and tagline. And it's always interesting to peek into an author's life.

    I'd love to read Devotion. Thank you for the opportunity to win it. :)

    I'm a follower and subscriber nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  9. Hi, Apple Blossom & CE!! Good luck with the drawing, and I appreciate the compliments, CE. I think this book cover is one of my all-time favorites. Stunning in its simplicity and very evocative when coupled with the tagline. God bless, and thanks so much for the visit!!!

  10. Dear Casey,
    Thanks for entering me in the contest. Even if I don't win I'm still looking forward to buying and reading this book.
    Janet Estridge

  11. Please enter me in this giveaway! Thank you.

  12. I'm a follower.

  13. Great interview ladies! I'm with Marianne with the hot buttered popcorn and guilt-free reading - preferably together, lol! ;-)

    Would love to read this book! Thank you so much for the chance :-)

    -I'm a follower
    -I'm a subscriber


  14. Hi, Janet! Thank you so much for your visit and your encouragement! I appreciate you! Good luck with the drawing, and please let me know what you think of Devotion once you've had the chance to read it - I'd love to kow your thoughts! Blessings!

    Aizess - I'm so glad you paid a visit! Good luck in the drawing!

  15. This sounds really good! I'm a follower and subscriber. shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com

  16. That was a nice interview.

    I follow via email.



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)