Friday, November 16, 2012

When You're Two Feet Tall

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Sometimes you walk out on a day feeling two feet tall.

You know those moments? No, it's not like going to the principal's office. And no, it's not like you've been scolded.

It's more like you've been beat.

Hammered down and then given a pat on the head like you're...two feet tall.

I have no wise words of wisdom, no witty remarks, because to be honest, I still, in some regards, feel much that same height. (hey, no short jokes about not having far to go, even though I know you're thinkin' them. ;-)

I'm still in the prayer stage. Still begging God for direction, where HE wants me to be. And if He wants me moved, then He'll move me. 

It's about letting go and giving over...and boy I struggle with that. It's SO much easier to rant and complain and spew to family and friends. It's easier to verbally vomit then it is to release the situation over. 

But all verbal vomit does is get messy. And smelly. And sticky when left to dry in the place it fell. God wants to come along side, lift our burdens and carry them in our stead.

One thing I've come to determine this week: man's opinions (while important to me, I hate making people unhappy!) aren't what's the big deal. The big DEAL is that God has me where He wants me. I made a "bargain" with God this week...yes a bargain. Asking that He move me, separate me from frustration and discontent.

BUT if He didn't, that if He had something bigger in mind for me, then I would accept the reason to keep me here as something to teach me. Something that would grow me. I might not like it. I might down-right hate it. But that's the deal. 

When we hand God our life and ask Him to take care of us, we accept this bargain...or we  don't. If I don't, I'm just going to live my life in verbal vomit and that's not a very pretty place I like to hang out.

Since I AM accepting this bargain, it doesn't mean life will be free of challenges, that's not the nature of life, what it does mean is that through valley or mountain peak, He's right there beside me. 

Verbal vomit and all. ;-)


  1. It's about letting go and giving over--Amen! Well said!

    I've found that (sometimes) when I'm made to feel small it forces me to see how much I still have to grow. In a sense it's a blessing to be given that 'room' to flourish.

    1. Oh I felt the "growing pains" this week, let me tell you! Not very proud of my attitude in these sqeezed-tight times. That's why I'm trusting God's got a bigger purpose than me. :)

  2. We've all been there, Case. I admire you for sticking it out and being determined to go where He leads.

    1. Determined might not have been word this week, but I'm getting there. I won't walk away. I won't give in. Because that gives into the enemy, but I will fight for God's best, and this is where He's got me right now.

  3. You know what, Casey? You didn't make a bargain with God this week.
    You submitted to His will for your life, whatever it is for you. Stay where you are ... or move.
    That's not bargaining.
    That's obedience.
    Faith lived out loud.
    And sometimes that comes with tears and, yeah, some whining and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
    And verbal vomit.
    But God loves us in our messes.

    1. It didn't feel like submission, that's for sure! It felt like a bargain at the time. Yes, so thank for God who DOES love us through our messes and friends too. :O)

  4. I've been there many times - am there now. That place where we feel the discontent or frustration or anxiety, and God is using it to teach us. Last week I fell pretty hard after the vote in Minnesota concerning marriage, and at the bottom of that pit of grime, the only place I could look for Light was up - and He spoke to me. He placed a seal over my heart and He gave me His peace that surpasses understanding - because I choose not to be anxious, but in all things, with thanksgiving, I've made my requests known to him. I'm climbing out of that pit and I'm holding fast to His hand.

    1. Yes. I'm definitely with you when it comes to 'making our requests known to God' and trust that He's got our BEST desires at heart. Doesn't mean that lines up with MY desires (especially not this week), but He's got my best desires at heart. Hugs!

  5. I'm sorry you've been feeling hammered down, Casey, but I'm excited to see that you surrendered. I anticipate great things coming your way as a result of your obedience to follow the Lord's leading. My greatest growth and biggest blessing have often come as a result of reaching bottom, letting go, and letting God. May you experience peace as you anticipate seeing what He does in your life.

    1. Thank you, Keli. Letting God has been a challenge this week, but when I do, I'm so much more at peace and able to tackle my situations. Hugs to you. :)

  6. When you're feeling two feet tall, that's when God lifts you up onto His shoulders so you can see over the crowd. :)

    God is good. All the time. And the wait will be worth it, because even though it might feel like it at times, you're not standing still. You're growing in the wisdom and knowledge and favor of God.

    1. Ah, I love that! And YES He is good, ALL the time, that is definitely something I never doubt. Ever. Accepting His plan when it doesn't line up with my "happiness" isn't always as easy, but hopefully when I'm standing two feet tall is when I crash to my knees. Hopefully I've hit them long before. :)

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